Merge branch 'refactor/usb_fsls_phy_hal' into 'master'

refactor(hal/usb): Update USB PHY related HAL/LL API

See merge request espressif/esp-idf!29659
Darian 2024-03-20 06:07:29 +08:00
commit 53e3833f44
23 zmienionych plików z 1036 dodań i 581 usunięć

Wyświetl plik

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include "sdkconfig.h"
#include "bootloader_console.h"
#include "soc/soc_caps.h"
#include "soc/uart_periph.h"
#include "soc/uart_channel.h"
#include "soc/io_mux_reg.h"
@ -18,8 +19,8 @@
#include "esp32s2/rom/usb/cdc_acm.h"
#include "esp32s2/rom/usb/usb_common.h"
#include "hal/usb_fsls_phy_ll.h"
#include "hal/usb_wrap_ll.h"
#include "esp_rom_gpio.h"
#include "esp_rom_uart.h"
@ -115,10 +116,9 @@ void bootloader_console_init(void)
esp_rom_output_usb_acm_init(s_usb_cdc_buf, sizeof(s_usb_cdc_buf));
esp_rom_install_channel_putc(1, bootloader_console_write_char_usb);
usb_fsls_phy_ll_usb_wrap_pad_enable(&USB_WRAP, true);
// Ensure that the USB FSLS PHY is mapped to the USB WRAP
usb_wrap_ll_phy_enable_pad(&USB_WRAP, true);
usb_wrap_ll_phy_enable_external(&USB_WRAP, false);

Wyświetl plik

@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
#include <stdatomic.h>
#include "esp_log.h"
#include "hal/usb_serial_jtag_ll.h"
#include "hal/usb_fsls_phy_ll.h"
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/semphr.h"
#include "freertos/ringbuf.h"
@ -187,7 +186,8 @@ esp_err_t usb_serial_jtag_driver_install(usb_serial_jtag_driver_config_t *usb_se
atomic_store(&p_usb_serial_jtag_obj->fifo_status, FIFO_IDLE);
// Configure PHY
usb_serial_jtag_ll_phy_enable_external(false); // Use internal PHY
usb_serial_jtag_ll_phy_enable_pad(true); // Enable USB PHY pads
usb_serial_jtag_ll_clr_intsts_mask(USB_SERIAL_JTAG_INTR_SERIAL_IN_EMPTY |

Wyświetl plik

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015-2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015-2024 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ void sleep_console_usj_pad_backup_and_disable(void)
s_usj_state.usj_pad_enabled = usb_serial_jtag_ll_pad_backup_and_disable();
s_usj_state.usj_pad_enabled = usb_serial_jtag_ll_phy_is_pad_enabled();
// Disable USJ clock
@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ void sleep_console_usj_pad_restore(void)
int __DECLARE_RCC_ATOMIC_ENV __attribute__ ((unused));
if (!s_usj_state.usj_clock_enabled) {

Wyświetl plik

@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
#include "soc/i2s_reg.h"
#include "hal/wdt_hal.h"
#include "hal/usb_serial_jtag_ll.h"
#include "hal/usb_fsls_phy_ll.h"
#include "esp_private/periph_ctrl.h"
#include "esp_private/esp_clk.h"
#include "soc/syscon_reg.h"
@ -246,7 +245,7 @@ __attribute__((weak)) void esp_perip_clk_init(void)
// Disable USB-Serial-JTAG clock and it's pad if not used

Wyświetl plik

@ -40,7 +40,6 @@
#include "hal/lp_core_ll.h"
#include "hal/temperature_sensor_ll.h"
#include "hal/usb_serial_jtag_ll.h"
#include "hal/usb_fsls_phy_ll.h"
#include "esp_private/esp_modem_clock.h"
#include "esp_private/periph_ctrl.h"
#include "esp_private/esp_clk.h"
@ -282,7 +281,7 @@ __attribute__((weak)) void esp_perip_clk_init(void)
// Disable USB-Serial-JTAG clock and it's pad if not used

Wyświetl plik

@ -41,7 +41,6 @@
#include "hal/clk_gate_ll.h"
#include "hal/temperature_sensor_ll.h"
#include "hal/usb_serial_jtag_ll.h"
#include "hal/usb_fsls_phy_ll.h"
#include "esp_private/periph_ctrl.h"
#include "esp_private/esp_clk.h"
#include "esp_private/esp_pmu.h"
@ -273,7 +272,7 @@ __attribute__((weak)) void esp_perip_clk_init(void)
// Disable USB-Serial-JTAG clock and it's pad if not used

Wyświetl plik

@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
#include "soc/i2s_reg.h"
#include "hal/wdt_hal.h"
#include "hal/usb_serial_jtag_ll.h"
#include "hal/usb_fsls_phy_ll.h"
#include "esp_private/periph_ctrl.h"
#include "esp_private/esp_clk.h"
#include "bootloader_clock.h"
@ -265,7 +264,7 @@ __attribute__((weak)) void esp_perip_clk_init(void)
// Disable USB-Serial-JTAG clock and it's pad if not used

Wyświetl plik

@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ if(NOT BOOTLOADER_BUILD)
list(APPEND srcs "usb_dwc_hal.c")
if(NOT ${target} STREQUAL "esp32p4")
list(APPEND srcs "usb_fsls_phy_hal.c")
list(APPEND srcs "usb_wrap_hal.c")

Wyświetl plik

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015-2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#pragma once
#include "soc/usb_serial_jtag_struct.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* @brief Configures the internal PHY for USB_Serial_JTAG
* @param hw Start address of the USB Serial_JTAG registers
static inline void usb_fsls_phy_ll_int_jtag_enable(usb_serial_jtag_dev_t *hw)
// USB_Serial_JTAG use internal PHY
hw->conf0.phy_sel = 0;
// Disable software control USB D+ D- pullup pulldown (Device FS: dp_pullup = 1)
hw->conf0.pad_pull_override = 0;
// Enable USB D+ pullup
hw->conf0.dp_pullup = 1;
// Enable USB pad function
hw->conf0.usb_pad_enable = 1;
* @brief Disable the internal PHY for USB_Serial_JTAG
* @param hw Start address of the USB Serial_JTAG registers
static inline void usb_fsls_phy_ll_int_jtag_disable(usb_serial_jtag_dev_t *hw)
// Disable USB D+ pullup
hw->conf0.dp_pullup = 0;
// Disable USB pad function
hw->conf0.usb_pad_enable = 0;
#ifdef __cplusplus

Wyświetl plik

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2024 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ typedef enum {
} usb_serial_jtag_ll_intr_t;
/* ----------------------------- USJ Peripheral ----------------------------- */
* @brief Enable the USB_SERIAL_JTAG interrupt based on the given mask.
@ -177,31 +179,112 @@ static inline void usb_serial_jtag_ll_txfifo_flush(void)
/* ---------------------------- USB PHY Control ---------------------------- */
* @brief Disable usb serial jtag pad during light sleep to avoid current leakage
* @brief Sets whether the USJ's FSLS PHY interface routes to an internal or external PHY
* @return Initial configuration of usb serial jtag pad enable before light sleep
* @param enable Enables external PHY, internal otherwise
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR bool usb_serial_jtag_ll_pad_backup_and_disable(void)
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_serial_jtag_ll_phy_enable_external(bool enable)
bool pad_enabled = USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.usb_pad_enable;
// Disable USB pad function
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.usb_pad_enable = 0;
return pad_enabled;
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.phy_sel = enable;
* @brief Enable the internal USJ PHY control to D+/D- pad
* @brief Enables/disables exchanging of the D+/D- pins USB PHY
* @param enable_pad Enable the USJ PHY control to D+/D- pad
* @param enable Enables pin exchange, disabled otherwise
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_serial_jtag_ll_enable_pad(bool enable_pad)
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_serial_jtag_ll_phy_enable_pin_exchg(bool enable)
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.usb_pad_enable = enable_pad;
if (enable) {
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.exchg_pins = 1;
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.exchg_pins_override = 1;
} else {
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.exchg_pins_override = 0;
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.exchg_pins = 0;
* @brief Enables and sets voltage threshold overrides for USB FSLS PHY single-ended inputs
* @param vrefh_step High voltage threshold. 0 to 3 indicating 80mV steps from 1.76V to 2V.
* @param vrefl_step Low voltage threshold. 0 to 3 indicating 80mV steps from 0.8V to 1.04V.
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_serial_jtag_ll_phy_enable_vref_override(unsigned int vrefh_step, unsigned int vrefl_step)
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.vrefh = vrefh_step;
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.vrefl = vrefl_step;
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.vref_override = 1;
* @brief Disables voltage threshold overrides for USB FSLS PHY single-ended inputs
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_serial_jtag_ll_phy_disable_vref_override(void)
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.vref_override = 0;
* @brief Enable override of USB FSLS PHY's pull up/down resistors
* @param dp_pu Enable D+ pullup
* @param dm_pu Enable D- pullup
* @param dp_pd Enable D+ pulldown
* @param dm_pd Enable D- pulldown
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_serial_jtag_ll_phy_enable_pull_override(bool dp_pu, bool dm_pu, bool dp_pd, bool dm_pd)
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.dp_pullup = dp_pu;
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.dp_pulldown = dp_pd;
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.dm_pullup = dm_pu;
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.dm_pulldown = dm_pd;
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.pad_pull_override = 1;
* @brief Disable override of USB FSLS PHY pull up/down resistors
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_serial_jtag_ll_phy_disable_pull_override(void)
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.pad_pull_override = 0;
* @brief Sets the strength of the pullup resistor
* @param strong True is a ~1.4K pullup, false is a ~2.4K pullup
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_serial_jtag_ll_phy_set_pullup_strength(bool strong)
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.pullup_value = strong;
* @brief Check if USB FSLS PHY pads are enabled
* @return True if enabled, false otherwise
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR bool usb_serial_jtag_ll_phy_is_pad_enabled(void)
return USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.usb_pad_enable;
* @brief Enable the USB FSLS PHY pads
* @param enable Whether to enable the USB FSLS PHY pads
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_serial_jtag_ll_phy_enable_pad(bool enable)
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.usb_pad_enable = enable;
/* ----------------------------- RCC Functions ----------------------------- */
* @brief Enable the bus clock for USB Serial_JTAG module
* @param clk_en True if enable the clock of USB Serial_JTAG module

Wyświetl plik

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#pragma once
#include "soc/usb_serial_jtag_struct.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* @brief Configures the internal PHY for USB_Serial_JTAG
* @param hw Start address of the USB Serial_JTAG registers
static inline void usb_fsls_phy_ll_int_jtag_enable(usb_serial_jtag_dev_t *hw)
// USB_Serial_JTAG use internal PHY
hw->conf0.phy_sel = 0;
// Disable software control USB D+ D- pullup pulldown (Device FS: dp_pullup = 1)
hw->conf0.pad_pull_override = 0;
// Enable USB D+ pullup
hw->conf0.dp_pullup = 1;
// Enable USB pad function
hw->conf0.usb_pad_enable = 1;
* @brief Disable the internal PHY for USB_Serial_JTAG
* @param hw Start address of the USB Serial_JTAG registers
static inline void usb_fsls_phy_ll_int_jtag_disable(usb_serial_jtag_dev_t *hw)
// Disable USB D+ pullup
hw->conf0.dp_pullup = 0;
// Disable USB pad function
hw->conf0.usb_pad_enable = 0;
#ifdef __cplusplus

Wyświetl plik

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-2024 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ typedef enum {
} usb_serial_jtag_ll_intr_t;
/* ----------------------------- USJ Peripheral ----------------------------- */
* @brief Enable the USB_SERIAL_JTAG interrupt based on the given mask.
@ -177,32 +179,125 @@ static inline void usb_serial_jtag_ll_txfifo_flush(void)
* @brief Enable USJ JTAG bridge
* If enabled, USJ is disconnected from internal JTAG interface. JTAG interface
* is routed through GPIO matrix instead.
* @param enable Enable USJ JTAG bridge
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_serial_jtag_ll_phy_set_jtag_bridge(bool enable)
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.usb_jtag_bridge_en = enable;
/* ---------------------------- USB PHY Control ---------------------------- */
* @brief Disable usb serial jtag pad during light sleep to avoid current leakage
* @brief Sets whether the USJ's FSLS PHY interface routes to an internal or external PHY
* @return Initial configuration of usb serial jtag pad enable before light sleep
* @param enable Enables external PHY, internal otherwise
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR bool usb_serial_jtag_ll_pad_backup_and_disable(void)
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_serial_jtag_ll_phy_enable_external(bool enable)
bool pad_enabled = USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.usb_pad_enable;
// Disable USB pad function
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.usb_pad_enable = 0;
return pad_enabled;
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.phy_sel = enable;
* @brief Enable the internal USJ PHY control to D+/D- pad
* @brief Enables/disables exchanging of the D+/D- pins USB PHY
* @param enable_pad Enable the USJ PHY control to D+/D- pad
* @param enable Enables pin exchange, disabled otherwise
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_serial_jtag_ll_enable_pad(bool enable_pad)
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_serial_jtag_ll_phy_enable_pin_exchg(bool enable)
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.usb_pad_enable = enable_pad;
if (enable) {
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.exchg_pins = 1;
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.exchg_pins_override = 1;
} else {
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.exchg_pins_override = 0;
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.exchg_pins = 0;
* @brief Enables and sets voltage threshold overrides for USB FSLS PHY single-ended inputs
* @param vrefh_step High voltage threshold. 0 to 3 indicating 80mV steps from 1.76V to 2V.
* @param vrefl_step Low voltage threshold. 0 to 3 indicating 80mV steps from 0.8V to 1.04V.
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_serial_jtag_ll_phy_enable_vref_override(unsigned int vrefh_step, unsigned int vrefl_step)
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.vrefh = vrefh_step;
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.vrefl = vrefl_step;
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.vref_override = 1;
* @brief Disables voltage threshold overrides for USB FSLS PHY single-ended inputs
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_serial_jtag_ll_phy_disable_vref_override(void)
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.vref_override = 0;
* @brief Enable override of USB FSLS PHY's pull up/down resistors
* @param dp_pu Enable D+ pullup
* @param dm_pu Enable D- pullup
* @param dp_pd Enable D+ pulldown
* @param dm_pd Enable D- pulldown
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_serial_jtag_ll_phy_enable_pull_override(bool dp_pu, bool dm_pu, bool dp_pd, bool dm_pd)
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.dp_pullup = dp_pu;
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.dp_pulldown = dp_pd;
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.dm_pullup = dm_pu;
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.dm_pulldown = dm_pd;
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.pad_pull_override = 1;
* @brief Disable override of USB FSLS PHY pull up/down resistors
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_serial_jtag_ll_phy_disable_pull_override(void)
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.pad_pull_override = 0;
* @brief Sets the strength of the pullup resistor
* @param strong True is a ~1.4K pullup, false is a ~2.4K pullup
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_serial_jtag_ll_phy_set_pullup_strength(bool strong)
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.pullup_value = strong;
* @brief Check if USB FSLS PHY pads are enabled
* @return True if enabled, false otherwise
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR bool usb_serial_jtag_ll_phy_is_pad_enabled(void)
return USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.usb_pad_enable;
* @brief Enable the USB FSLS PHY pads
* @param enable Whether to enable the USB FSLS PHY pads
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_serial_jtag_ll_phy_enable_pad(bool enable)
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.usb_pad_enable = enable;
/* ----------------------------- RCC Functions ----------------------------- */
* @brief Enable the bus clock for USB Serial_JTAG module
* @param clk_en True if enable the clock of USB Serial_JTAG module

Wyświetl plik

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#pragma once
#include "soc/usb_serial_jtag_struct.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* @brief Configures the internal PHY for USB_Serial_JTAG
* @param hw Start address of the USB Serial_JTAG registers
static inline void usb_fsls_phy_ll_int_jtag_enable(usb_serial_jtag_dev_t *hw)
// USB_Serial_JTAG use internal PHY
hw->conf0.phy_sel = 0;
// Disable software control USB D+ D- pullup pulldown (Device FS: dp_pullup = 1)
hw->conf0.pad_pull_override = 0;
// Enable USB D+ pullup
hw->conf0.dp_pullup = 1;
// Enable USB pad function
hw->conf0.usb_pad_enable = 1;
* @brief Disable the internal PHY for USB_Serial_JTAG
* @param hw Start address of the USB Serial_JTAG registers
static inline void usb_fsls_phy_ll_int_jtag_disable(usb_serial_jtag_dev_t *hw)
// Disable USB D+ pullup
hw->conf0.dp_pullup = 0;
// Disable USB pad function
hw->conf0.usb_pad_enable = 0;
#ifdef __cplusplus

Wyświetl plik

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023-2024 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ typedef enum {
} usb_serial_jtag_ll_intr_t;
/* ----------------------------- USJ Peripheral ----------------------------- */
* @brief Enable the USB_SERIAL_JTAG interrupt based on the given mask.
@ -178,30 +180,124 @@ static inline void usb_serial_jtag_ll_txfifo_flush(void)
* @brief Disable usb serial jtag pad during light sleep to avoid current leakage
* @brief Enable USJ JTAG bridge
* @return Initial configuration of usb serial jtag pad enable before light sleep
* If enabled, USJ is disconnected from internal JTAG interface. JTAG interface
* is routed through GPIO matrix instead.
* @param enable Enable USJ JTAG bridge
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR bool usb_serial_jtag_ll_pad_backup_and_disable(void)
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_serial_jtag_ll_phy_set_jtag_bridge(bool enable)
bool pad_enabled = USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.usb_pad_enable;
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.usb_jtag_bridge_en = enable;
// Disable USB pad function
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.usb_pad_enable = 0;
/* ---------------------------- USB PHY Control ---------------------------- */
return pad_enabled;
* @brief Sets whether the USJ's FSLS PHY interface routes to an internal or external PHY
* @param enable Enables external PHY, internal otherwise
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_serial_jtag_ll_phy_enable_external(bool enable)
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.phy_sel = enable;
* @brief Enable the internal USJ PHY control to D+/D- pad
* @brief Enables/disables exchanging of the D+/D- pins USB PHY
* @param enable_pad Enable the USJ PHY control to D+/D- pad
* @param enable Enables pin exchange, disabled otherwise
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_serial_jtag_ll_enable_pad(bool enable_pad)
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_serial_jtag_ll_phy_enable_pin_exchg(bool enable)
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.usb_pad_enable = enable_pad;
if (enable) {
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.exchg_pins = 1;
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.exchg_pins_override = 1;
} else {
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.exchg_pins_override = 0;
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.exchg_pins = 0;
* @brief Enables and sets voltage threshold overrides for USB FSLS PHY single-ended inputs
* @param vrefh_step High voltage threshold. 0 to 3 indicating 80mV steps from 1.76V to 2V.
* @param vrefl_step Low voltage threshold. 0 to 3 indicating 80mV steps from 0.8V to 1.04V.
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_serial_jtag_ll_phy_enable_vref_override(unsigned int vrefh_step, unsigned int vrefl_step)
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.vrefh = vrefh_step;
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.vrefl = vrefl_step;
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.vref_override = 1;
* @brief Disables voltage threshold overrides for USB FSLS PHY single-ended inputs
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_serial_jtag_ll_phy_disable_vref_override(void)
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.vref_override = 0;
* @brief Enable override of USB FSLS PHY's pull up/down resistors
* @param dp_pu Enable D+ pullup
* @param dm_pu Enable D- pullup
* @param dp_pd Enable D+ pulldown
* @param dm_pd Enable D- pulldown
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_serial_jtag_ll_phy_enable_pull_override(bool dp_pu, bool dm_pu, bool dp_pd, bool dm_pd)
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.dp_pullup = dp_pu;
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.dp_pulldown = dp_pd;
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.dm_pullup = dm_pu;
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.dm_pulldown = dm_pd;
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.pad_pull_override = 1;
* @brief Disable override of USB FSLS PHY pull up/down resistors
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_serial_jtag_ll_phy_disable_pull_override(void)
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.pad_pull_override = 0;
* @brief Sets the strength of the pullup resistor
* @param strong True is a ~1.4K pullup, false is a ~2.4K pullup
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_serial_jtag_ll_phy_set_pullup_strength(bool strong)
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.pullup_value = strong;
* @brief Check if USB FSLS PHY pads are enabled
* @return True if enabled, false otherwise
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR bool usb_serial_jtag_ll_phy_is_pad_enabled(void)
return USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.usb_pad_enable;
* @brief Enable the USB FSLS PHY pads
* @param enable Whether to enable the USB FSLS PHY pads
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_serial_jtag_ll_phy_enable_pad(bool enable)
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.usb_pad_enable = enable;
/* ----------------------------- RCC Functions ----------------------------- */
* @brief Enable the bus clock for USB Serial_JTAG module
* @param clk_en True if enable the clock of USB Serial_JTAG module

Wyświetl plik

@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015-2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#pragma once
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "esp_attr.h"
#include "soc/soc.h"
#include "soc/system_reg.h"
#include "soc/usb_wrap_struct.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* @brief Configures the internal PHY for USB_OTG
* @param hw Start address of the USB Wrap registers
static inline void usb_fsls_phy_ll_int_otg_enable(usb_wrap_dev_t *hw)
hw->otg_conf.phy_sel = 0;
* @brief Configures the external PHY for USB_OTG
* @param hw Start address of the USB Wrap registers
static inline void usb_fsls_phy_ll_ext_otg_enable(usb_wrap_dev_t *hw)
//Enable external PHY
hw->otg_conf.phy_sel = 1;
* @brief Configures port loads for the internal PHY
* @param hw Start address of the USB Wrap registers
* @param dp_pu D+ pullup load
* @param dp_pd D+ pulldown load
* @param dm_pu D- pullup load
* @param dm_pd D- pulldown load
static inline void usb_fsls_phy_ll_int_load_conf(usb_wrap_dev_t *hw, bool dp_pu, bool dp_pd, bool dm_pu, bool dm_pd)
usb_wrap_otg_conf_reg_t conf;
conf.val = hw->otg_conf.val;
conf.pad_pull_override = 1;
conf.dp_pullup = dp_pu;
conf.dp_pulldown = dp_pd;
conf.dm_pullup = dm_pu;
conf.dm_pulldown = dm_pd;
hw->otg_conf.val = conf.val;
* @brief Enable the internal PHY control to D+/D- pad
* @param hw Start address of the USB Wrap registers
* @param pad_en Enable the PHY control to D+/D- pad
static inline void usb_fsls_phy_ll_usb_wrap_pad_enable(usb_wrap_dev_t *hw, bool pad_en)
hw->otg_conf.pad_enable = pad_en;
* @brief Enable the internal PHY's test mode
* @param hw Start address of the USB Wrap registers
* @param en Whether to enable the internal PHY's test mode
static inline void usb_fsls_phy_ll_int_enable_test_mode(usb_wrap_dev_t *hw, bool en)
if (en) {
hw->test_conf.val = 0;
// Set USB test pad oen
hw->test_conf.test_usb_wrap_oe = 1;
// Enable USB test mode
hw->test_conf.test_enable = 1;
} else {
hw->test_conf.test_enable = 0;
* Enable the bus clock for USB Wrap module
* @param clk_en True if enable the clock of USB Wrap module
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_fsls_phy_ll_usb_wrap_enable_bus_clock(bool clk_en)
// SYSTEM.perip_clk_enx are shared registers, so this function must be used in an atomic way
#define usb_fsls_phy_ll_usb_wrap_enable_bus_clock(...) (void)__DECLARE_RCC_ATOMIC_ENV; usb_fsls_phy_ll_usb_wrap_enable_bus_clock(__VA_ARGS__)
* @brief Reset the USB Wrap module
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_fsls_phy_ll_usb_wrap_reset_register(void)
// SYSTEM.perip_clk_enx are shared registers, so this function must be used in an atomic way
#define usb_fsls_phy_ll_usb_wrap_reset_register(...) (void)__DECLARE_RCC_ATOMIC_ENV; usb_fsls_phy_ll_usb_wrap_reset_register(__VA_ARGS__)
#ifdef __cplusplus

Wyświetl plik

@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015-2024 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#pragma once
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "esp_attr.h"
#include "soc/soc.h"
#include "soc/system_reg.h"
#include "soc/usb_wrap_struct.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* ---------------------------- USB PHY Control ---------------------------- */
* @brief Enables and sets the override value for the session end signal
* @param hw Start address of the USB Wrap registers
* @param sessend Session end override value. True means VBus < 0.2V, false means VBus > 0.8V
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_wrap_ll_phy_enable_srp_sessend_override(usb_wrap_dev_t *hw, bool sessend)
hw->otg_conf.srp_sessend_value = sessend;
hw->otg_conf.srp_sessend_override = 1;
* @brief Disable session end override
* @param hw Start address of the USB Wrap registers
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_wrap_ll_phy_disable_srp_sessend_override(usb_wrap_dev_t *hw)
hw->otg_conf.srp_sessend_override = 0;
* @brief Sets whether the USB Wrap's FSLS PHY interface routes to an internal or external PHY
* @param hw Start address of the USB Wrap registers
* @param enable Enables external PHY, internal otherwise
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_wrap_ll_phy_enable_external(usb_wrap_dev_t *hw, bool enable)
hw->otg_conf.phy_sel = enable;
* @brief Enables/disables exchanging of the D+/D- pins USB PHY
* @param hw Start address of the USB Wrap registers
* @param enable Enables pin exchange, disabled otherwise
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_wrap_ll_phy_enable_pin_exchg(usb_wrap_dev_t *hw, bool enable)
if (enable) {
hw->otg_conf.exchg_pins = 1;
hw->otg_conf.exchg_pins_override = 1;
} else {
hw->otg_conf.exchg_pins_override = 0;
hw->otg_conf.exchg_pins = 0;
* @brief Enables and sets voltage threshold overrides for USB FSLS PHY single-ended inputs
* @param hw Start address of the USB Wrap registers
* @param vrefh_step High voltage threshold. 0 to 3 indicating 80mV steps from 1.76V to 2V.
* @param vrefl_step Low voltage threshold. 0 to 3 indicating 80mV steps from 0.8V to 1.04V.
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_wrap_ll_phy_enable_vref_override(usb_wrap_dev_t *hw, unsigned int vrefh_step, unsigned int vrefl_step)
hw->otg_conf.vrefh = vrefh_step;
hw->otg_conf.vrefl = vrefl_step;
hw->otg_conf.vref_override = 1;
* @brief Disables voltage threshold overrides for USB FSLS PHY single-ended inputs
* @param hw Start address of the USB Wrap registers
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_wrap_ll_phy_disable_vref_override(usb_wrap_dev_t *hw)
hw->otg_conf.vref_override = 0;
* @brief Enable override of USB FSLS PHY's pull up/down resistors
* @param hw Start address of the USB Wrap registers
* @param dp_pu Enable D+ pullup
* @param dm_pu Enable D- pullup
* @param dp_pd Enable D+ pulldown
* @param dm_pd Enable D- pulldown
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_wrap_ll_phy_enable_pull_override(usb_wrap_dev_t *hw, bool dp_pu, bool dm_pu, bool dp_pd, bool dm_pd)
hw->otg_conf.dp_pullup = dp_pu;
hw->otg_conf.dp_pulldown = dp_pd;
hw->otg_conf.dm_pullup = dm_pu;
hw->otg_conf.dm_pulldown = dm_pd;
hw->otg_conf.pad_pull_override = 1;
* @brief Disable override of USB FSLS PHY pull up/down resistors
* @param hw Start address of the USB Wrap registers
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_wrap_ll_phy_disable_pull_override(usb_wrap_dev_t *hw)
hw->otg_conf.pad_pull_override = 0;
* @brief Sets the strength of the pullup resistor
* @param hw Start address of the USB Wrap registers
* @param strong True is a ~1.4K pullup, false is a ~2.4K pullup
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_wrap_ll_phy_set_pullup_strength(usb_wrap_dev_t *hw, bool strong)
hw->otg_conf.pullup_value = strong;
* @brief Check if USB FSLS PHY pads are enabled
* @param hw Start address of the USB Wrap registers
* @return True if enabled, false otherwise
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR bool usb_wrap_ll_phy_is_pad_enabled(usb_wrap_dev_t *hw)
return hw->otg_conf.pad_enable;
* @brief Enable the USB FSLS PHY pads
* @param hw Start address of the USB Wrap registers
* @param enable Whether to enable the USB FSLS PHY pads
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_wrap_ll_phy_enable_pad(usb_wrap_dev_t *hw, bool enable)
hw->otg_conf.pad_enable = enable;
* @brief Set USB FSLS PHY TX output clock edge
* @param hw Start address of the USB Wrap registers
* @param clk_neg_edge True if TX output at negedge, posedge otherwise
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_wrap_ll_phy_set_tx_edge(usb_wrap_dev_t *hw, bool clk_neg_edge)
hw->otg_conf.phy_tx_edge_sel = clk_neg_edge;
/* ------------------------------ USB PHY Test ------------------------------ */
* @brief Enable the USB FSLS PHY's test mode
* @param hw Start address of the USB Wrap registers
* @param enable Whether to enable the USB FSLS PHY's test mode
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_wrap_ll_phy_enable_test_mode(usb_wrap_dev_t *hw, bool enable)
hw->test_conf.test_enable = enable;
* @brief Set the USB FSLS PHY's signal test values
* @param hw Start address of the USB Wrap registers
* @param oen Output Enable (active low) signal
* @param tx_dp TX D+
* @param tx_dm TX D-
* @param rx_dp RX D+
* @param rx_dm RX D-
* @param rx_rcv RX RCV
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_wrap_ll_phy_test_mode_set_signals(usb_wrap_dev_t *hw,
bool oen,
bool tx_dp,
bool tx_dm,
bool rx_dp,
bool rx_dm,
bool rx_rcv)
usb_wrap_test_conf_reg_t test_conf;
test_conf.val = hw->test_conf.val;
test_conf.test_usb_wrap_oe = oen;
test_conf.test_tx_dp = tx_dp;
test_conf.test_tx_dm = tx_dm;
test_conf.test_rx_rcv = rx_rcv;
test_conf.test_rx_dp = rx_dp;
test_conf.test_rx_dm = rx_dm;
hw->test_conf.val = test_conf.val;
/* ----------------------------- RCC Functions ----------------------------- */
* Enable the bus clock for USB Wrap module
* @param clk_en True if enable the clock of USB Wrap module
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_wrap_ll_enable_bus_clock(bool clk_en)
// SYSTEM.perip_clk_enx are shared registers, so this function must be used in an atomic way
#define usb_wrap_ll_enable_bus_clock(...) (void)__DECLARE_RCC_ATOMIC_ENV; usb_wrap_ll_enable_bus_clock(__VA_ARGS__)
* @brief Reset the USB Wrap module
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_wrap_ll_reset_register(void)
// SYSTEM.perip_clk_enx are shared registers, so this function must be used in an atomic way
#define usb_wrap_ll_reset_register(...) (void)__DECLARE_RCC_ATOMIC_ENV; usb_wrap_ll_reset_register(__VA_ARGS__)
#ifdef __cplusplus

Wyświetl plik

@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015-2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#pragma once
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "esp_attr.h"
#include "soc/soc.h"
#include "soc/system_struct.h"
#include "soc/usb_wrap_struct.h"
#include "soc/rtc_cntl_struct.h"
#include "soc/usb_serial_jtag_struct.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* @brief Configures the internal PHY for USB_OTG
* @param hw Start address of the USB Wrap registers
static inline void usb_fsls_phy_ll_int_otg_enable(usb_wrap_dev_t *hw)
// USB_OTG use internal PHY
hw->otg_conf.phy_sel = 0;
// phy_sel is controlled by the following register value
RTCCNTL.usb_conf.sw_hw_usb_phy_sel = 1;
// phy_sel=sw_usb_phy_sel=1, USB_OTG is connected with internal PHY
RTCCNTL.usb_conf.sw_usb_phy_sel = 1;
* @brief Configures the external PHY for USB_OTG
* @param hw Start address of the USB Wrap registers
static inline void usb_fsls_phy_ll_ext_otg_enable(usb_wrap_dev_t *hw)
// USB_OTG use external PHY
hw->otg_conf.phy_sel = 1;
// phy_sel is controlled by the following register value
RTCCNTL.usb_conf.sw_hw_usb_phy_sel = 1;
// phy_sel=sw_usb_phy_sel=0, USB_OTG is connected with external PHY through GPIO Matrix
RTCCNTL.usb_conf.sw_usb_phy_sel = 0;
* @brief Configures the internal PHY for USB_Serial_JTAG
* @param hw Start address of the USB Serial_JTAG registers
static inline void usb_fsls_phy_ll_int_jtag_enable(usb_serial_jtag_dev_t *hw)
// USB_Serial_JTAG use internal PHY
hw->conf0.phy_sel = 0;
// Disable software control USB D+ D- pullup pulldown (Device FS: dp_pullup = 1)
hw->conf0.pad_pull_override = 0;
// Enable USB D+ pullup
hw->conf0.dp_pullup = 1;
// Enable USB pad function
hw->conf0.usb_pad_enable = 1;
// phy_sel is controlled by the following register value
RTCCNTL.usb_conf.sw_hw_usb_phy_sel = 1;
// phy_sel=sw_usb_phy_sel=0, USB_Serial_JTAG is connected with internal PHY
RTCCNTL.usb_conf.sw_usb_phy_sel = 0;
* @brief Disable the internal PHY for USB_Serial_JTAG
* @param hw Start address of the USB Serial_JTAG registers
static inline void usb_fsls_phy_ll_int_jtag_disable(usb_serial_jtag_dev_t *hw)
// Disable USB D+ pullup
hw->conf0.dp_pullup = 0;
// Disable USB pad function
hw->conf0.usb_pad_enable = 0;
* @brief Configures the external PHY for USB_Serial_JTAG
* @param hw Start address of the USB Serial_JTAG registers
static inline void usb_fsls_phy_ll_ext_jtag_enable(usb_serial_jtag_dev_t *hw)
// USB_Serial_JTAG use external PHY
hw->conf0.phy_sel = 1;
// phy_sel is controlled by the following register value
RTCCNTL.usb_conf.sw_hw_usb_phy_sel = 1;
// phy_sel=sw_usb_phy_sel=1, USB_Serial_JTAG is connected with external PHY
RTCCNTL.usb_conf.sw_usb_phy_sel = 1;
* @brief Configures port loads for the internal PHY
* @param hw Start address of the USB Wrap registers
* @param dp_pu D+ pullup load
* @param dp_pd D+ pulldown load
* @param dm_pu D- pullup load
* @param dm_pd D- pulldown load
static inline void usb_fsls_phy_ll_int_load_conf(usb_wrap_dev_t *hw, bool dp_pu, bool dp_pd, bool dm_pu, bool dm_pd)
usb_wrap_otg_conf_reg_t conf;
conf.val = hw->otg_conf.val;
conf.pad_pull_override = 1;
conf.dp_pullup = dp_pu;
conf.dp_pulldown = dp_pd;
conf.dm_pullup = dm_pu;
conf.dm_pulldown = dm_pd;
hw->otg_conf.val = conf.val;
* @brief Enable the internal PHY control to D+/D- pad
* @param hw Start address of the USB Wrap registers
* @param pad_en Enable the PHY control to D+/D- pad
static inline void usb_fsls_phy_ll_usb_wrap_pad_enable(usb_wrap_dev_t *hw, bool pad_en)
hw->otg_conf.pad_enable = pad_en;
* @brief Enable the internal PHY's test mode
* @param hw Start address of the USB Wrap registers
* @param en Whether to enable the internal PHY's test mode
static inline void usb_fsls_phy_ll_int_enable_test_mode(usb_wrap_dev_t *hw, bool en)
if (en) {
hw->test_conf.val = 0;
// Set USB test pad oen
hw->test_conf.test_usb_wrap_oe = 1;
// Enable USB test mode
hw->test_conf.test_enable = 1;
} else {
hw->test_conf.test_enable = 0;
* Enable the bus clock for USB Wrap module
* @param clk_en True if enable the clock of USB Wrap module
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_fsls_phy_ll_usb_wrap_enable_bus_clock(bool clk_en)
SYSTEM.perip_clk_en0.usb_clk_en = clk_en;
// SYSTEM.perip_clk_enx are shared registers, so this function must be used in an atomic way
#define usb_fsls_phy_ll_usb_wrap_enable_bus_clock(...) (void)__DECLARE_RCC_ATOMIC_ENV; usb_fsls_phy_ll_usb_wrap_enable_bus_clock(__VA_ARGS__)
* @brief Reset the USB Wrap module
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_fsls_phy_ll_usb_wrap_reset_register(void)
SYSTEM.perip_rst_en0.usb_rst = 1;
SYSTEM.perip_rst_en0.usb_rst = 0;
// SYSTEM.perip_clk_enx are shared registers, so this function must be used in an atomic way
#define usb_fsls_phy_ll_usb_wrap_reset_register(...) (void)__DECLARE_RCC_ATOMIC_ENV; usb_fsls_phy_ll_usb_wrap_reset_register(__VA_ARGS__)
#ifdef __cplusplus

Wyświetl plik

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2024 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "esp_attr.h"
#include "soc/system_struct.h"
#include "soc/rtc_cntl_struct.h"
#include "soc/usb_serial_jtag_reg.h"
#include "soc/usb_serial_jtag_struct.h"
@ -34,6 +35,8 @@ typedef enum {
} usb_serial_jtag_intr_t;
/* ----------------------------- USJ Peripheral ----------------------------- */
* @brief Enable the USB_SERIAL_JTAG interrupt based on the given mask.
@ -178,30 +181,142 @@ static inline void usb_serial_jtag_ll_txfifo_flush(void)
* @brief Disable usb serial jtag pad during light sleep to avoid current leakage
* @brief Enable USJ JTAG bridge
* @return Initial configuration of usb serial jtag pad enable before light sleep
* If enabled, USJ is disconnected from internal JTAG interface. JTAG interface
* is routed through GPIO matrix instead.
* @param enable Enable USJ JTAG bridge
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR bool usb_serial_jtag_ll_pad_backup_and_disable(void)
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_serial_jtag_ll_phy_set_jtag_bridge(bool enable)
bool pad_enabled = USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.usb_pad_enable;
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.usb_jtag_bridge_en = enable;
// Disable USB pad function
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.usb_pad_enable = 0;
/* ---------------------------- USB PHY Control ---------------------------- */
return pad_enabled;
* @brief Sets whether the USJ's FSLS PHY interface routes to an internal or external PHY
* @param enable Enables external PHY, internal otherwise
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_serial_jtag_ll_phy_enable_external(bool enable)
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.phy_sel = enable;
// Enable SW control of muxing USB OTG vs USJ to the internal USB FSLS PHY
RTCCNTL.usb_conf.sw_hw_usb_phy_sel = 1;
For 'sw_usb_phy_sel':
0 - Internal USB FSLS PHY is mapped to the USJ. USB Wrap mapped to external PHY
1 - Internal USB FSLS PHY is mapped to the USB Wrap. USJ mapped to external PHY
RTCCNTL.usb_conf.sw_usb_phy_sel = enable;
* @brief Enable the internal USJ PHY control to D+/D- pad
* @brief Enables/disables exchanging of the D+/D- pins USB PHY
* @param enable_pad Enable the USJ PHY control to D+/D- pad
* @param enable Enables pin exchange, disabled otherwise
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_serial_jtag_ll_enable_pad(bool enable_pad)
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_serial_jtag_ll_phy_enable_pin_exchg(bool enable)
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.usb_pad_enable = enable_pad;
if (enable) {
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.exchg_pins = 1;
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.exchg_pins_override = 1;
} else {
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.exchg_pins_override = 0;
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.exchg_pins = 0;
* @brief Enables and sets voltage threshold overrides for USB FSLS PHY single-ended inputs
* @param vrefh_step High voltage threshold. 0 to 3 indicating 80mV steps from 1.76V to 2V.
* @param vrefl_step Low voltage threshold. 0 to 3 indicating 80mV steps from 0.8V to 1.04V.
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_serial_jtag_ll_phy_enable_vref_override(unsigned int vrefh_step, unsigned int vrefl_step)
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.vrefh = vrefh_step;
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.vrefl = vrefl_step;
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.vref_override = 1;
* @brief Disables voltage threshold overrides for USB FSLS PHY single-ended inputs
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_serial_jtag_ll_phy_disable_vref_override(void)
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.vref_override = 0;
* @brief Enable override of USB FSLS PHY's pull up/down resistors
* @param dp_pu Enable D+ pullup
* @param dm_pu Enable D- pullup
* @param dp_pd Enable D+ pulldown
* @param dm_pd Enable D- pulldown
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_serial_jtag_ll_phy_enable_pull_override(bool dp_pu, bool dm_pu, bool dp_pd, bool dm_pd)
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.dp_pullup = dp_pu;
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.dp_pulldown = dp_pd;
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.dm_pullup = dm_pu;
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.dm_pulldown = dm_pd;
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.pad_pull_override = 1;
* @brief Disable override of USB FSLS PHY pull up/down resistors
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_serial_jtag_ll_phy_disable_pull_override(void)
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.pad_pull_override = 0;
* @brief Sets the strength of the pullup resistor
* @param strong True is a ~1.4K pullup, false is a ~2.4K pullup
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_serial_jtag_ll_phy_set_pullup_strength(bool strong)
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.pullup_value = strong;
* @brief Check if USB FSLS PHY pads are enabled
* @return True if enabled, false otherwise
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR bool usb_serial_jtag_ll_phy_is_pad_enabled(void)
return USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.usb_pad_enable;
* @brief Enable the USB FSLS PHY pads
* @param enable Whether to enable the USB FSLS PHY pads
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_serial_jtag_ll_phy_enable_pad(bool enable)
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.usb_pad_enable = enable;
* @brief Set USB FSLS PHY TX output clock edge
* @param clk_neg_edge True if TX output at negedge, posedge otherwise
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_serial_jtag_ll_phy_set_tx_edge(bool clk_neg_edge)
USB_SERIAL_JTAG.conf0.phy_tx_edge_sel = clk_neg_edge;
/* ----------------------------- RCC Functions ----------------------------- */
* @brief Enable the bus clock for USB Serial_JTAG module
* @param clk_en True if enable the clock of USB Serial_JTAG module

Wyświetl plik

@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015-2024 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#pragma once
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "esp_attr.h"
#include "soc/soc.h"
#include "soc/system_struct.h"
#include "soc/usb_wrap_struct.h"
#include "soc/rtc_cntl_struct.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* ---------------------------- USB PHY Control ---------------------------- */
* @brief Enables and sets the override value for the session end signal
* @param hw Start address of the USB Wrap registers
* @param sessend Session end override value. True means VBus < 0.2V, false means VBus > 0.8V
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_wrap_ll_phy_enable_srp_sessend_override(usb_wrap_dev_t *hw, bool sessend)
hw->otg_conf.srp_sessend_value = sessend;
hw->otg_conf.srp_sessend_override = 1;
* @brief Disable session end override
* @param hw Start address of the USB Wrap registers
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_wrap_ll_phy_disable_srp_sessend_override(usb_wrap_dev_t *hw)
hw->otg_conf.srp_sessend_override = 0;
* @brief Sets whether the USB Wrap's FSLS PHY interface routes to an internal or external PHY
* @param hw Start address of the USB Wrap registers
* @param enable Enables external PHY, internal otherwise
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_wrap_ll_phy_enable_external(usb_wrap_dev_t *hw, bool enable)
hw->otg_conf.phy_sel = enable;
// Enable SW control of muxing USB OTG vs USJ to the internal USB FSLS PHY
RTCCNTL.usb_conf.sw_hw_usb_phy_sel = 1;
For 'sw_usb_phy_sel':
0 - Internal USB FSLS PHY is mapped to the USJ. USB Wrap mapped to external PHY
1 - Internal USB FSLS PHY is mapped to the USB Wrap. USJ mapped to external PHY
RTCCNTL.usb_conf.sw_usb_phy_sel = !enable;
* @brief Enables/disables exchanging of the D+/D- pins USB PHY
* @param hw Start address of the USB Wrap registers
* @param enable Enables pin exchange, disabled otherwise
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_wrap_ll_phy_enable_pin_exchg(usb_wrap_dev_t *hw, bool enable)
if (enable) {
hw->otg_conf.exchg_pins = 1;
hw->otg_conf.exchg_pins_override = 1;
} else {
hw->otg_conf.exchg_pins_override = 0;
hw->otg_conf.exchg_pins = 0;
* @brief Enables and sets voltage threshold overrides for USB FSLS PHY single-ended inputs
* @param hw Start address of the USB Wrap registers
* @param vrefh_step High voltage threshold. 0 to 3 indicating 80mV steps from 1.76V to 2V.
* @param vrefl_step Low voltage threshold. 0 to 3 indicating 80mV steps from 0.8V to 1.04V.
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_wrap_ll_phy_enable_vref_override(usb_wrap_dev_t *hw, unsigned int vrefh_step, unsigned int vrefl_step)
hw->otg_conf.vrefh = vrefh_step;
hw->otg_conf.vrefl = vrefl_step;
hw->otg_conf.vref_override = 1;
* @brief Disables voltage threshold overrides for USB FSLS PHY single-ended inputs
* @param hw Start address of the USB Wrap registers
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_wrap_ll_phy_disable_vref_override(usb_wrap_dev_t *hw)
hw->otg_conf.vref_override = 0;
* @brief Enable override of USB FSLS PHY's pull up/down resistors
* @param hw Start address of the USB Wrap registers
* @param dp_pu Enable D+ pullup
* @param dm_pu Enable D- pullup
* @param dp_pd Enable D+ pulldown
* @param dm_pd Enable D- pulldown
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_wrap_ll_phy_enable_pull_override(usb_wrap_dev_t *hw, bool dp_pu, bool dm_pu, bool dp_pd, bool dm_pd)
hw->otg_conf.dp_pullup = dp_pu;
hw->otg_conf.dp_pulldown = dp_pd;
hw->otg_conf.dm_pullup = dm_pu;
hw->otg_conf.dm_pulldown = dm_pd;
hw->otg_conf.pad_pull_override = 1;
* @brief Disable override of USB FSLS PHY pull up/down resistors
* @param hw Start address of the USB Wrap registers
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_wrap_ll_phy_disable_pull_override(usb_wrap_dev_t *hw)
hw->otg_conf.pad_pull_override = 0;
* @brief Sets the strength of the pullup resistor
* @param hw Start address of the USB Wrap registers
* @param strong True is a ~1.4K pullup, false is a ~2.4K pullup
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_wrap_ll_phy_set_pullup_strength(usb_wrap_dev_t *hw, bool strong)
hw->otg_conf.pullup_value = strong;
* @brief Check if USB FSLS PHY pads are enabled
* @param hw Start address of the USB Wrap registers
* @return True if enabled, false otherwise
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR bool usb_wrap_ll_phy_is_pad_enabled(usb_wrap_dev_t *hw)
return hw->otg_conf.pad_enable;
* @brief Enable the USB FSLS PHY pads
* @param hw Start address of the USB Wrap registers
* @param enable Whether to enable the USB FSLS PHY pads
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_wrap_ll_phy_enable_pad(usb_wrap_dev_t *hw, bool enable)
hw->otg_conf.pad_enable = enable;
* @brief Set USB FSLS PHY TX output clock edge
* @param hw Start address of the USB Wrap registers
* @param clk_neg_edge True if TX output at negedge, posedge otherwise
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_wrap_ll_phy_set_tx_edge(usb_wrap_dev_t *hw, bool clk_neg_edge)
hw->otg_conf.phy_tx_edge_sel = clk_neg_edge;
/* ------------------------------ USB PHY Test ------------------------------ */
* @brief Enable the USB FSLS PHY's test mode
* @param hw Start address of the USB Wrap registers
* @param enable Whether to enable the USB FSLS PHY's test mode
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_wrap_ll_phy_enable_test_mode(usb_wrap_dev_t *hw, bool enable)
hw->test_conf.test_enable = enable;
* @brief Set the USB FSLS PHY's signal test values
* @param hw Start address of the USB Wrap registers
* @param oen Output Enable (active low) signal
* @param tx_dp TX D+
* @param tx_dm TX D-
* @param rx_dp RX D+
* @param rx_dm RX D-
* @param rx_rcv RX RCV
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_wrap_ll_phy_test_mode_set_signals(usb_wrap_dev_t *hw,
bool oen,
bool tx_dp,
bool tx_dm,
bool rx_dp,
bool rx_dm,
bool rx_rcv)
usb_wrap_test_conf_reg_t test_conf;
test_conf.val = hw->test_conf.val;
test_conf.test_usb_wrap_oe = oen;
test_conf.test_tx_dp = tx_dp;
test_conf.test_tx_dm = tx_dm;
test_conf.test_rx_rcv = rx_rcv;
test_conf.test_rx_dp = rx_dp;
test_conf.test_rx_dm = rx_dm;
hw->test_conf.val = test_conf.val;
/* ----------------------------- RCC Functions ----------------------------- */
* Enable the bus clock for USB Wrap module
* @param clk_en True if enable the clock of USB Wrap module
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_wrap_ll_enable_bus_clock(bool clk_en)
SYSTEM.perip_clk_en0.usb_clk_en = clk_en;
// SYSTEM.perip_clk_enx are shared registers, so this function must be used in an atomic way
#define usb_wrap_ll_enable_bus_clock(...) (void)__DECLARE_RCC_ATOMIC_ENV; usb_wrap_ll_enable_bus_clock(__VA_ARGS__)
* @brief Reset the USB Wrap module
FORCE_INLINE_ATTR void usb_wrap_ll_reset_register(void)
SYSTEM.perip_rst_en0.usb_rst = 1;
SYSTEM.perip_rst_en0.usb_rst = 0;
// SYSTEM.perip_clk_enx are shared registers, so this function must be used in an atomic way
#define usb_wrap_ll_reset_register(...) (void)__DECLARE_RCC_ATOMIC_ENV; usb_wrap_ll_reset_register(__VA_ARGS__)
#ifdef __cplusplus

Wyświetl plik

@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015-2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include "hal/usb_fsls_phy_ll.h"
#include "hal/usb_fsls_phy_hal.h"
void usb_fsls_phy_hal_init(usb_fsls_phy_hal_context_t *hal)
hal->wrap_dev = &USB_WRAP;
hal->jtag_dev = &USB_SERIAL_JTAG;
void usb_fsls_phy_hal_otg_conf(usb_fsls_phy_hal_context_t *hal, usb_phy_target_t phy_target)
if (phy_target == USB_PHY_TARGET_EXT) {
} else if (phy_target == USB_PHY_TARGET_INT) {
usb_fsls_phy_ll_usb_wrap_pad_enable(hal->wrap_dev, true);
void usb_fsls_phy_hal_jtag_conf(usb_fsls_phy_hal_context_t *hal, usb_phy_target_t phy_target)
if (phy_target == USB_PHY_TARGET_EXT) {
} else if (phy_target == USB_PHY_TARGET_INT) {
void usb_fsls_phy_hal_int_load_conf_host(usb_fsls_phy_hal_context_t *hal)
// HOST - upstream: dp_pd = 1, dm_pd = 1
usb_fsls_phy_ll_int_load_conf(hal->wrap_dev, false, true, false, true);
void usb_fsls_phy_hal_int_load_conf_dev(usb_fsls_phy_hal_context_t *hal, usb_phy_speed_t speed)
// DEVICE - downstream
if (speed == USB_PHY_SPEED_LOW) {
// LS: dm_pu = 1
usb_fsls_phy_ll_int_load_conf(hal->wrap_dev, false, false, true, false);
} else {
// FS: dp_pu = 1
usb_fsls_phy_ll_int_load_conf(hal->wrap_dev, true, false, false, false);
void usb_fsls_phy_hal_int_mimick_disconn(usb_fsls_phy_hal_context_t *hal, bool disconn)
We mimick a disconnect by enabling the internal PHY's test mode, then forcing the output_enable to HIGH. This will:
A HIGH output_enable will cause the received VP and VM to be zero, thus mimicking a disconnection.
usb_fsls_phy_ll_int_enable_test_mode(hal->wrap_dev, disconn);

Wyświetl plik

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015-2024 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include "soc/soc_caps.h"
#include "soc/rtc_cntl_struct.h"
#include "hal/usb_serial_jtag_ll.h"
#include "hal/usb_wrap_ll.h"
#include "hal/usb_wrap_hal.h"
void usb_fsls_phy_hal_init(usb_fsls_phy_hal_context_t *hal)
hal->wrap_dev = &USB_WRAP;
hal->jtag_dev = &USB_SERIAL_JTAG;
void usb_fsls_phy_hal_otg_conf(usb_fsls_phy_hal_context_t *hal, usb_phy_target_t phy_target)
if (phy_target == USB_PHY_TARGET_EXT) {
usb_wrap_ll_phy_enable_external(hal->wrap_dev, true);
} else if (phy_target == USB_PHY_TARGET_INT) {
usb_wrap_ll_phy_enable_external(hal->wrap_dev, false);
usb_wrap_ll_phy_enable_pad(hal->wrap_dev, true);
void usb_fsls_phy_hal_jtag_conf(usb_fsls_phy_hal_context_t *hal, usb_phy_target_t phy_target)
if (phy_target == USB_PHY_TARGET_EXT) {
usb_serial_jtag_ll_phy_enable_external(true); // USJ uses external PHY
} else if (phy_target == USB_PHY_TARGET_INT) {
usb_serial_jtag_ll_phy_enable_external(false); // USJ uses internal PHY
usb_serial_jtag_ll_phy_enable_pad(true); // Enable USB PHY pads
void usb_fsls_phy_hal_int_load_conf_host(usb_fsls_phy_hal_context_t *hal)
// HOST - upstream: dp_pd = 1, dm_pd = 1
usb_wrap_ll_phy_enable_pull_override(hal->wrap_dev, false, false, true, true);
void usb_fsls_phy_hal_int_load_conf_dev(usb_fsls_phy_hal_context_t *hal, usb_phy_speed_t speed)
// DEVICE - downstream
if (speed == USB_PHY_SPEED_LOW) {
// LS: dm_pu = 1
usb_wrap_ll_phy_enable_pull_override(hal->wrap_dev, false, true, false, false);
} else {
// FS: dp_pu = 1
usb_wrap_ll_phy_enable_pull_override(hal->wrap_dev, true, false, false, false);
void usb_fsls_phy_hal_int_mimick_disconn(usb_fsls_phy_hal_context_t *hal, bool disconn)
if (disconn) {
We mimick a disconnect by enabling the internal PHY's test mode, then forcing the output_enable to HIGH. This will:
A HIGH output_enable will cause the received VP and VM to be zero, thus mimicking a disconnection.
true, // OEN
false, // TX D+
false, // TX D-
false, // RX D+
false, // RX D-
false); // RX RCv
usb_wrap_ll_phy_enable_test_mode(hal->wrap_dev, true);
} else {
usb_wrap_ll_phy_enable_test_mode(hal->wrap_dev, false);

Wyświetl plik

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015-2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015-2024 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
#include "esp_private/periph_ctrl.h"
#include "esp_private/usb_phy.h"
#include "soc/usb_dwc_periph.h"
#include "hal/usb_fsls_phy_hal.h"
#include "hal/usb_fsls_phy_ll.h"
#include "hal/usb_wrap_hal.h"
#include "hal/usb_wrap_ll.h"
#include "esp_rom_gpio.h"
#include "driver/gpio.h"
#include "hal/gpio_ll.h"
@ -223,8 +223,8 @@ static esp_err_t usb_phy_install(void)
// Enable USB peripheral and reset the register
return ESP_OK;
@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ static void phy_uninstall(void)
p_phy_ctrl_obj = NULL;
// Disable USB peripheral without reset the module
@ -334,8 +334,8 @@ esp_err_t usb_del_phy(usb_phy_handle_t handle)
p_phy_ctrl_obj->external_phy = NULL;
} else {
// Clear pullup and pulldown loads on D+ / D-, and disable the pads
usb_fsls_phy_ll_int_load_conf(handle->hal_context.wrap_dev, false, false, false, false);
usb_fsls_phy_ll_usb_wrap_pad_enable(handle->hal_context.wrap_dev, false);
usb_wrap_ll_phy_enable_pull_override(handle->hal_context.wrap_dev, false, false, false, false);
usb_wrap_ll_phy_enable_pad(handle->hal_context.wrap_dev, false);
p_phy_ctrl_obj->internal_phy = NULL;