
1.8 KiB

3. Download Funkwhale

Once you've created your funkwhale user you can download the Funkwhale software itself.


Create the directory layout

  1. Log in to your funkwhale account. This user works in the /srv/funkwhale directory.

    su funkwhale
  2. Create the directories for Funkwhale.

    mkdir -p config api data/static data/media data/music front

That's it! Your directory structure should look like this:

├── config      # config / environment files
├── api         # the Funkwhale API
├── data        # files served by the API
   └── static   # storage location for persistent data
   └── media    # storage location for media files
   └── music    # storage location for audio files   
└── front       # frontend files for the user interface

Download the Funkwhale release

Once you've created the directory structure you can download Funkwhale. Funkwhale comes in two parts: the API and the Frontend. You need both to run the application.

  1. Download the API.

    curl -L -o "api-$" "$FUNKWHALE_VERSION/download?job=build_api"
    unzip "api-$" -d extracted 
    mv extracted/api/* api/ 
    rm -rf extracted rm api-$
  2. Download the frontend

    curl -L -o "front-$" "$FUNKWHALE_VERSION/download?job=build_front" 
    unzip "front-$" -d extracted 
    mv extracted/front . 
    rm -rf extracted
    rm front-$

You're done! These commands put the software in the correct location for Funkwhale to serve them.