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6. Set up your database

Funkwhale uses a PostgreSQL database to store information. Follow these steps to set up your database.

  1. Install PostgreSQL and the postgresql-contrib package. This package contains extra features that Funkwhale uses.

    sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib
  2. Once you've installed PostgreSQL, launch a psql shell as the postgres user to set up your database.

    sudo -u postgres psql
  3. Create your Funkwhale database.

  4. Create a user for Funkwhale. This user needs all privileges so it can manage the database.

    CREATE USER funkwhale;
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE funkwhale TO funkwhale;
  5. Once you're finished, exit the shell

  6. Run the following commands to create extra extensions for the funkwhale database.

    sudo -u postgres psql funkwhale -c 'CREATE EXTENSION "unaccent";'
    sudo -u postgres psql funkwhale -c 'CREATE EXTENSION "citext";'
  7. Your database is ready to be populated! Use the script to create the database structure.

    cd /srv/funkwhale/api
    poetry run python migrate
You may see the following warning when applying migrations:

"Your models have changes that are not yet reflected in a migration, and so won't be applied."

You can safely ignore this warning.

That's it! You've finished setting up your database.