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Search for reports

The {guilabel}Reports page contains filters that enable you to search for reports. Use these filters to find reports by category, status, or key words.

- {guilabel}`Moderation` – provides access to the administration and moderation menus.

1. Log in to your {term}`pod`.
2. Select the wrench icon ({fa}`wrench`) at the top of the sidebar to open the {guilabel}`Administration` menu.
3. Select {guilabel}`Moderation`. The {guilabel}`Reports` page opens.
4. Use the filters to find the report you want:
   - Enter key words in the {guilabel}`Search` field. This enables you to search for content in the report's {guilabel}`Message` section. Hit {kbd}`⏎ Return` to update your search.
   - Filter reports by {guilabel}`Status`.
   - Filter reports by {guilabel}`Category`.
   - Select the criteria for {guilabel}`Ordering` of your search results.
   - Select which {guilabel}`Order` you want to see your search results in.

1. Log in to your {term}`pod`.
2. Select the wrench icon ({fa}`wrench`) at the top of the screen to open the {guilabel}`Administration` menu.
3. Select {guilabel}`Moderation`. The {guilabel}`Reports` page opens.
4. Use the filters to find the report you want:
   - Enter key words in the {guilabel}`Search` field. This enables you to search for content in the report's {guilabel}`Message` section. Hit {kbd}`⏎ Return` to update your search.
   - Filter reports by {guilabel}`Status`.
   - Filter reports by {guilabel}`Category`.
   - Select the criteria for {guilabel}`Ordering` of your search results.
   - Select which {guilabel}`Order` you want to see your search results in.

Once you have found the required report, you can handle the reported user or content. You can also update the internal notes on the report.