
1.6 KiB

Regenerate thumbnails

We increased the quality of thumbnails from 70px to 95px in Funkwhale 1.0. This action removes visual artifacts that affect lower quality thumbnails. You can run the script to generate new thumbnails. If you want to keep thumbnails at their original quality, add THUMBNAIL_JPEG_RESIZE_QUALITY=70 to your .env file.

If you're using S3 storage, the `__sized__` folder is located in your S3 bucket.

To generate new thumbnails:


:::{tab-item} Debian :sync: debian

  1. SSH into your Funkwhale server.

  2. Navigate to your Funkwhale directory.

    cd  /srv/funkwhale
  3. Delete the __sized__ directory inside your MEDIA_ROOT directory. By default this is /srv/funkwhale/data/media. This directory contains the current thumbnails.

    rm -r __sized__/
  4. Run the script to regenerate the thumbnails.

    poetry run python fw media generate-thumbnails


:::{tab-item} Docker :sync: docker

  1. SSH into your Funkwhale server.

  2. Navigate to your Funkwhale directory.

    cd  /srv/funkwhale/
  3. Delete the __sized__ directory inside your MEDIA_ROOT directory. By default this is /srv/funkwhale/data/media. This directory contains the current thumbnails.

    rm -r data/media/__sized__/
  4. Run the script to regenerate the thumbnails.

    docker-compose run --rm api python fw media generate-thumbnails

::: ::::

The script generates new thumbnails for all album and artist art on your pod.