
2.1 KiB

Purge domain data

Purging a domain's data removes all objects and caches associated to that domain. This impacts users who have objects from these domains in their libraries.

When users follow content from another domain that content is visible on your {term}pod. If a domain hosts illegal or offensive content you can purge the content associated with it.

:::{dropdown} Required permissions :icon: key

  • {guilabel}Moderation – provides access to the administration and moderation menus.


To purge content from a domain:


:::{tab-item} Desktop :sync: desktop

  1. Log in to your {term}pod.
  2. Select the wrench icon ({fa}wrench) at the top of the sidebar to open the {guilabel}Administration menu.
  3. Select {guilabel}Moderation. The {guilabel}Reports page opens.
  4. Select {guilabel}Domains at the top of the page. The {guilabel}Domains page opens. You can see a list of known domains on this page.
  5. Select the checkbox ({fa}square) next to the domain(s) you want to purge. Selected domains show a tick ({fa}check-square).
  6. Select {guilabel}Purge in the {guilabel}Actions dropdown.
  7. Select {guilabel}Go. A {guilabel}Do you want to launch purge on {count} items warning appears.
  8. Select {guilabel}Launch.


:::{tab-item} Mobile :sync: mobile

  1. Log in to your {term}pod.
  2. Select the wrench icon ({fa}wrench) at the top of the screen to open the {guilabel}Administration menu.
  3. Select {guilabel}Moderation. The {guilabel}Reports page opens.
  4. Select {guilabel}Domains at the top of the page. The {guilabel}Domains page opens. You can see a list of known domains on this page.
  5. Select the checkbox ({fa}square) next to the domain(s) you want to purge. Selected domains show a tick ({fa}check-square).
  6. Select {guilabel}Purge in the {guilabel}Actions dropdown.
  7. Select {guilabel}Go. A {guilabel}Do you want to launch purge on {count} items warning appears.
  8. Select {guilabel}Launch.

::: ::::

You're done! Your pod clears all the content associated with the selected domains.