
177 wiersze
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2021-10-26 17:53:31 +00:00
## ================================================================================
## Legal Notice: Copyright (C) 1991-2021 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved.
## Any megafunction design, and related net list (encrypted or decrypted),
## support information, device programming or simulation file, and any other
## associated documentation or information provided by Altera or a partner
## under Altera's Megafunction Partnership Program may be used only to
## program PLD devices (but not masked PLD devices) from Altera. Any other
## use of such megafunction design, net list, support information, device
## programming or simulation file, or any other related documentation or
## information is prohibited for any other purpose, including, but not
## limited to modification, reverse engineering, de-compiling, or use with
## any other silicon devices, unless such use is explicitly licensed under
## a separate agreement with Altera or a megafunction partner. Title to
## the intellectual property, including patents, copyrights, trademarks,
## trade secrets, or maskworks, embodied in any such megafunction design,
## net list, support information, device programming or simulation file, or
## any other related documentation or information provided by Altera or a
## megafunction partner, remains with Altera, the megafunction partner, or
## their respective licensors. No other licenses, including any licenses
## needed under any third party's intellectual property, are provided herein.
## ================================================================================
transcript on
write transcript rx_ciccomp_transcript
set top_entity rx_ciccomp
set timing_resolution "1ps"
set core_version 18.1
set device_family "Cyclone IV E"
set quartus_rootdir C:/intelfpga/18.1/quartus/
# Change to "gate_level" for gate-level sim
set sim_type "rtl"
set q_sim_lib [file join $quartus_rootdir eda sim_lib]
# Close existing ModelSim simulation
quit -sim
if {[file exists [file join simulation modelsim ${top_entity}.vo]] && [string match "gate_level" $sim_type]} {
puts "Info: Gate Level ${top_entity}.vo found"
set language_ext "vo"
set use_ipfs 1
set flow "gate_level"
} elseif {[file exists [file join simulation modelsim ${top_entity}.vho]] && [string match "gate_level" $sim_type]} {
puts "Info: Gate Level ${top_entity}.vho found"
set language_ext "vho"
set use_ipfs 1
set flow "gate_level"
} else {
puts "Info: RTL simulation."
set use_ipfs 0
set flow "rtl"
if {[string match $flow "gate_level"] } {
file copy ${top_entity}_input.txt simulation/modelsim
cd simulation/modelsim
regsub {[ ]+} $device_family "" temp_device_family
regsub {[ ]+} $temp_device_family "" temp_device_family2
set device_lib_name [string tolower $temp_device_family2]
set libs [list \
$device_lib_name \
altera \
foreach {lib} $libs {
if {[file exist $lib]} {
catch {eval "file delete -force -- $lib"} fid
puts "file delete command returned $fid\n"
if {[file exist $lib] == 0} {
vlib $lib
vmap $lib $lib
# RTL Simulation
# Compile all required simulation library files
set quartus_libs [list \
altera_mf {altera_mf_components altera_mf} {} {} "$q_sim_lib" \
lpm {220pack 220model} {220model} {} "$q_sim_lib" \
sgate {sgate_pack sgate} {sgate} {} "$q_sim_lib" \
altera_lnsim {altera_lnsim_components} {} {mentor/altera_lnsim_for_vhdl} "$q_sim_lib" \
twentynm {twentynm_atoms twentynm_components} {} {} "$q_sim_lib" \
foreach {lib file_vhdl_list file_verilog_list file_sysverilog_list src_files_loc} $quartus_libs {
if {[file exist $lib]} {
catch {eval "file delete -force -- $lib"} fid
puts "file delete command returned $fid\n"
if {[file exist $lib] == 0} {
vlib $lib
vmap $lib $lib
foreach file_item $file_vhdl_list {
catch {vcom -quiet -explicit -93 -work $lib [file join $src_files_loc ${file_item}.vhd]} err_msg
if {![string match "" $err_msg]} {return $err_msg}
foreach file_item $file_verilog_list {
catch {vlog -work $lib [file join $src_files_loc ${file_item}.v]} err_msg
if {![string match "" $err_msg]} {return $err_msg}
foreach file_item $file_sysverilog_list {
catch {vlog -work $lib [file join $src_files_loc ${file_item}.sv]} err_msg
if {![string match "" $err_msg]} {return $err_msg}
vcom -93 -work altera $q_sim_lib/altera_primitives_components.vhd
vcom -93 -work altera $q_sim_lib/altera_primitives.vhd
# Compile all FIR Compiler II RTL files
vlog -work work altera_avalon_sc_fifo.v
vcom -work work dspba_library_package.vhd
vcom -work work dspba_library.vhd
vcom -work work auk_dspip_roundsat_hpfir.vhd
vcom -work work auk_dspip_math_pkg_hpfir.vhd
vcom -work work auk_dspip_lib_pkg_hpfir.vhd
vcom -work work auk_dspip_avalon_streaming_controller_hpfir.vhd
vcom -work work auk_dspip_avalon_streaming_sink_hpfir.vhd
vcom -work work auk_dspip_avalon_streaming_source_hpfir.vhd
set file_list [glob ${top_entity}_rtl*.vhd]
foreach cur_file $file_list {
vcom -work work $cur_file
vcom -work work ${top_entity}_ast.vhd
vcom -work work ${top_entity}.vhd
vcom -93 -work work ${top_entity}_tb.vhd
# Prepare simulation command
set vsim_cmd vsim
if {[string match $flow "rtl"]} {
lappend vsim_cmd "-L" "$device_lib_name" "-L" "altera_mf" "-L" "lpm" "-L" "sgate" "-L" "altera" "-L" "altera_lnsim" "-L" "work"
} else {
lappend vsim_cmd "-L" "$device_lib_name" "-L" "altera" "-L" "work"
if {[string match $language_ext "vho"]} {
if {[file exists ${top_entity}_vhd.sdo]} {
lappend vsim_cmd "-sdftyp" "/${top_entity}_tb/DUT=${top_entity}_vhd.sdo"}
if {[string match $language_ext "vo"]} {
if {[file exists ${top_entity}_v.sdo]} {
lappend vsim_cmd "-sdftyp" "/${top_entity}_tb/DUT=${top_entity}_v.sdo"}
lappend vsim_cmd "work.${top_entity}_tb" "-t" "$timing_resolution"
catch { eval $vsim_cmd } vsim_msg
puts $vsim_msg
if {[file exists "wave.do"]} {
do wave.do
} else {
add wave sim:/${top_entity}_tb/*
# Start simulation silently
set StdArithNoWarnings 1
run 0 ns
set StdArithNoWarnings 0
catch {run -all} run_msg
puts $run_msg