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# Flash Loader Documentation
Code is situated in section `.text`
Shall add a compile directive at the head: `.syntax unified`
**Calling convention**:
All parameters would be passed over registers
`r0`: the base address of the copy source
`r1`: the base address of the copy destination
`r2`: the count of byte to be copied
`r3`: flash register offset (used to support two banks)
**What the program is expected to do**:
Copy data from source to destination, after which trigger a breakpint to exit. Before exit, `r2` must be less or equal to zero to indicate that the copy is done.
**Limitation**: No stack operations are permitted. Registers ranging from `r3` to `r12` are free to use. Note that `r13` is `sp`(stack pointer), `r14` is `lr`(commonly used to store jump address), `r15` is `pc`(program counter).
**Requirement**: After every single copy, wait until the flash finishes. The detailed single copy length and the way to check can be found below. Address of `flash_base` shall be two-bytes aligned.
## stm32f0.s
`flash_base`: 0x40022000
`FLASH_CR`: offset from `flash_base` is 16
`FLASH_SR`: offset from `flash_base` is 12
**Reference**: [](
**Special requirements**:
Before every copy, read a word from FLASH_CR, set the PG bit to 1 and write back. Copy one half word each time.
How to wait for the write process: Read a word from FLASH_SR, loop until the busy bit is reset. After that, FLASH_SR is checked. The process is interrupted if the error bit (0x04) is set.
Exit: After the copying process and before triggering the breakpoint, clear the PG bit in FLASH_CR.
## stm32f4.s
`flash_base`: 0x40023c00
`FLASH_SR`: offset from `flash_base` is 0xe (14)
**Reference**: [](
**Special requirements**:
Copy one word each time.
How to wait for the write process: Read a word from FLASH_SR, loop until the busy bit is reset.
## stm32f4lv.s
`flash_base`: 0x40023c00
`FLASH_SR`: offset from `flash_base` is 0xe (14)
**Reference**: [](
**Special Requirements**:
Copy one byte each time.
How to wait from the write process: read a half word from FLASH_SR, loop until the busy bit is reset.
## stm32f7.s
**Reference**: [](
Mostly same with `stm32f4.s`. Require establishing a memory barrier after every copy and before checking for finished writing by `dsb sy`
## stm32f7lv.s
**Reference**: [](
**Special Requirements**:
Mostly same with `stm32f7.s`. Copy one byte each time.
## stm32lx.s
**Special Requirements**:
Copy one word each time. No wait for write.
## stm32l4.s
`flash_base`: 0x40022000
`FLASH_BSY`: offset from `flash_base` is 0x12
**Reference**: [](
**Special Requirements**:
Copy one double word each time (More than one register is allowed).
How to wait for the write process: read a half word from `FLASH_BSY`, loop until the busy bit is reset.