
8.2 KiB

Nucleo32 board preparation

Additional steps are required to run the firmware on the Nucleo32 board.

USB-A cable

Board does not provide an USB cable / socket for the target MCU communication. Own provided USB plug has to be connected in the following way:

PIN / Arduino PIN MCU leg USB wire color Signal
D10 / PA11 21 white D-
D2 / PA12 22 green D+
GND (near D2) ------- black GND
not connected ------- red 5V

Each USB plug pin should be connected via the wire in a color defined by the standard. It might be confirmed with a multimeter for additional safety. USB plug description:

PIN USB wire color Signal
4 black GND
3 green D+
2 white D-
1 red 5V

See this USB plug image, and Wikipedia's USB plug description.

Plug in USB-A_schematic.pdf has wrong wire order, registered as solo-hw#1.

The power is taken from the debugger / board (unless the board is configured in another way). Make sure 5V is not connected, and is covered from contacting with the board elements.

Based on USB-A_schematic.pdf.

Nucleo board connection illustration

The picture below shows the connection to Nucleo board. If you want to power the Nucleo board over USB connection, you have to add USB 5V to VIN Pin. In this case you couldn't use the ST-Link for powering the Nucleo board.

Firmware modification

Following patch has to be applied to skip the user presence confirmation, for tests. Might be applied at a later stage.

diff --git a/targets/stm32l432/src/app.h b/targets/stm32l432/src/app.h
index c14a7ed..c89c3b5 100644
--- a/targets/stm32l432/src/app.h
+++ b/targets/stm32l432/src/app.h
@@ -71,6 +71,6 @@ void hw_init(void);
 #define SOLO_BUTTON_PIN         LL_GPIO_PIN_0

-#define SKIP_BUTTON_CHECK_FAST              0
+#define SKIP_BUTTON_CHECK_FAST              1


It is possible to provide a button and connect it to the MCU pins, as instructed in USB-A_schematic.pdf:

PA0 / pin 6 --> button --> GND

In that case the mentioned patch would not be required.

Development environment setup

Environment: Fedora 29 x64, Linux 4.19.9

See for the original guide. Here details not included there will be covered.

Install ARM tools Linux

  1. Download current ARM tools package: gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2018-q4-major-linux.tar.bz2.

  2. Extract the archive.

  3. Add full path to the ./bin directory as first entry to the $PATH variable, as in ~/gcc-arm/gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2018-q4-major/bin/:$PATH.

Install ARM tools OsX using brew package manager

brew tap ArmMbed/homebrew-formulae
brew install arm-none-eabi-gcc

Install flashing software

ST provides a CLI flashing tool - STM32_Programmer_CLI. It can be downloaded directly from the vendor's site:

  1. Go to download site URL, go to bottom page and from STM32CubeProg row select Download button.
  2. Unzip contents of the archive.
  3. Run *Linux setup
  4. In installation directory go to ./bin - there the ./STM32_Programmer_CLI is located
  5. Add symlink to the STM32 CLI binary to .local/bin. Make sure the latter it is in $PATH.

If you're on MacOS X and installed the STM32CubeProg, you need to add the following to your path:

# ~/.bash_profile
export PATH="/Applications/STMicroelectronics/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer/":$PATH

Adding udev rules Linux

On Linux it might be necessary to install udev rules for ST-Link V2.
In case you couldn't download your programm to you Nucleoboard you should add the rules for ST-Link.

Add following file:
/etc/udev/rules.d/49-stlinkv2-1.rules with this content.

SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0483", ATTRS{idProduct}=="374a", \
    MODE:="0666", \

SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0483", ATTRS{idProduct}=="374b", \
    MODE:="0666", \

After logout and new login, the ST-Link should work.

Building and flashing


Please follow, as the build way changes rapidly. Currently (8.1.19) to build the firmware, following lines should be executed

# while in the main project directory
cd targets/stm32l432
make cbor
make build-hacker DEBUG=1

Note: DEBUG=2 stops the device initialization, until a serial client will be attached to its virtual port. Do not use it, if you do not plan to do so.

Flashing via the Makefile command

# while in the main project directory
# create Python virtual environment with required packages, and activate
make venv
. venv/bin/activate
# Run flashing
cd ./targets/stm32l432
make flash
 # which runs:
 # flash: solo.hex bootloader.hex
 #	python solo.hex bootloader.hex all.hex (intelhex library required)
 #	STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=SWD -halt -e all --readunprotect
 #	STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=SWD -halt  -d all.hex -rst

Manual flashing

In case you already have a firmware to flash (named all.hex), please run the following:

STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=SWD -halt -e all --readunprotect
STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=SWD -halt  -d all.hex -rst



Project-provided tests.

Simulated device

A simulated device is provided to test the HID layer.

make clean
cd tinycbor
cd ..
make env2
# run simulated device (will create a network UDP server)
# run test 1
./env2/bin/python tools/
# run test 2 (or other files in the examples directory)
./env2/bin/python python-fido2/examples/

Real device

# while in the main project directory
# not passing as of 8.1.19, due to test solution issues
make fido2-test


FIDO2 test sites


U2F test sites


FIDO2 standalone clients


USB serial console reading

Device opens an USB-emulated serial port to output its messages. While Nucleo board offers such already, the Solo device provides its own.

  • Provided Python tool
python3 ../../tools/ monitor /dev/solokey-serial
  • External application
sudo picocom -b 115200 /dev/solokey-serial

where /dev/solokey-serial is an udev symlink to /dev/ttyACM1.


Dumping firmware

Size is calculated using bash arithmetic.

STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=SWD -halt  -u 0x0 $((256*1024)) current.hex

Software reset

STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=SWD  -rst

Installing required Python packages

Client script requires some Python packages, which could be easily installed locally to the project via the Makefile command. It is sufficient to run:

make env3