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Firmware downloads

Download the firmware by selecting one of the following links.

Pico: scoppy-pico-v17.uf2
Pico W: scoppy-picow-v17.uf2

If you have an FHDM FSCOPE-500K board then you will need to use one of these:
FSCOPE with Pico: scoppy-fscope-500k-pico-v17.uf2
FSCOPE with Pico W: scoppy-fscope-500k-picow-v17.uf2

If you have an FHDM DSO-500K then you will need this: scoppy-dso-500k-p-v17.uf2

Note. Different firmware is available for the Pico and Pico W. The Pico firmware is not compatible with the Pico W and vice versa.

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