Wykres commitów

138 Commity (master)

Autor SHA1 Wiadomość Data
Felix Dörre 1c6012b0b5 extmod/modnetwork: Implement IPv6 API to set and get NIC configuration.
This commit implements a new <AbstractNIC>.ipconfig() function for the NIC
classes that use lwIP, to set and retrieve network configuration for a NIC.
Currently this method supports:
- ipconfig("addr4"): obtain a tuple (addr, netmask) of the currently
  configured ipv4 address
- ipconfig("addr6"): obtain a list of tuples (addr, state,
  prefered_lifetime, valid_lifetime) of all currently active ipv6
  addresses; this includes static, slaac and link-local addresses
- ipconfig("has_dhcp4"): whether ipv4 dhcp has supplied an address
- ipconfig("has_autoconf6"): if there is a valid, non-static ipv6 address
- ipconfig(addr4=""): to set the ipv4 address and netmask
- ipconfig(addr6="2a01::2"): to set a static ipv6 address; note that this
  does not configure an interface route, as this does not seem supported by
- ipconfig(autoconf6=True): to enable ipv6 network configuration with slaac
- ipconfig(gw4=""): to set the ipv4 gateway
- ipconfig(dhcp4=True): enable ipv4 dhcp; this sets ipv4 address, netmask,
  gateway and a dns server
- ipconfig(dhcp4=False): stops dhcp, releases the ip, and clears the
  configured ipv4 address.
- ipconfig(dhcp6=True): enable stateless dhcpv6 to obtain a dns server

There is also a new global configuration function network.ipconfig() that
supports the following:
- network.ipconfig(dns="2a01::2"): set the primary dns server (can be a
  ipv4 or ipv6 address)
- network.ipconfig(prefer=6): to prefer ipv6 addresses to be returned as
  dns responses (falling back to ipv4 if the host does not have an ipv6
  address); note that this does not flush the dns cache, so if a host is
  already in the dns cache with its v4 address, subsequent lookups will
  return that address even if prefer=6 is set

This interface replaces NIC.ifconfig() completely, and ifconfig() should be
marked as deprecated and removed in a future version.

Signed-off-by: Felix Dörre <felix@dogcraft.de>
2024-03-19 16:42:10 +11:00
Angus Gratton decf8e6a8b all: Remove the "STATIC" macro and just use "static" instead.
The STATIC macro was introduced a very long time ago in commit
d5df6cd44a.  The original reason for this was
to have the option to define it to nothing so that all static functions
become global functions and therefore visible to certain debug tools, so
one could do function size comparison and other things.

This STATIC feature is rarely (if ever) used.  And with the use of LTO and
heavy inline optimisation, analysing the size of individual functions when
they are not static is not a good representation of the size of code when
fully optimised.

So the macro does not have much use and it's simpler to just remove it.
Then you know exactly what it's doing.  For example, newcomers don't have
to learn what the STATIC macro is and why it exists.  Reading the code is
also less "loud" with a lowercase static.

One other minor point in favour of removing it, is that it stops bugs with
`STATIC inline`, which should always be `static inline`.

Methodology for this commit was:

1) git ls-files | egrep '\.[ch]$' | \
   xargs sed -Ei "s/(^| )STATIC($| )/\1static\2/"

2) Do some manual cleanup in the diff by searching for the word STATIC in
   comments and changing those back.

3) "git-grep STATIC docs/", manually fixed those cases.

4) "rg -t python STATIC", manually fixed codegen lines that used STATIC.

This work was funded through GitHub Sponsors.

Signed-off-by: Angus Gratton <angus@redyak.com.au>
2024-03-07 14:20:42 +11:00
Felix Dörre d2bcb8597e extmod/modlwip: Add back support for empty IP addresses.
Prior to commit 628abf8f25 which added IPv6
support, binding a socket with

    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    s.bind(("", PORT))

was possible.  But, the empty string is not regarded as a valid IP address
by lwip.  This commit adds a special case for the empty IP string,
restoring the previous CPython-compatible behaviour.

Signed-off-by: Felix Dörre <felix@dogcraft.de>
2024-02-26 12:34:59 +11:00
Damien George cae690d047 all: Use mp_obj_malloc_with_finaliser everywhere it's applicable.
Signed-off-by: Damien George <damien@micropython.org>
2024-02-20 10:32:55 +11:00
Felix Dörre 628abf8f25 extmod/modlwip: Support IPv6.
With these changes IPv6 works on the rp2 port (and possibly others that use
the lwIP socket implementation).

Things that have been tested and work:
- Neighbour solicitation for v6 link local address.
- Ping of v6 link-local address.
- Receiving a SLAAC address via router advertisement.
- Ping a v6 address allocated via SLAAC.
- Perform an outgoing connection to a routed v6-address (via default
- Create a listening IPv6 wildcard socked bound to ::, and trying to access
  it via link-local, SLAAC, and IPv4 (to ensure the dual-stack binding

Things that could be improved:
- socket.socket().getaddrinfo only returns the v4 address.  It could also
  return v6 addresses (getaddrinfo is actively programmed to only return a
  single address, and this is the v4-address by default, with fallback to
  the v6 address if both are enabled).

Signed-off-by: Felix Dörre <felix@dogcraft.de>
2024-02-16 11:46:40 +11:00
Angus Gratton df3948d3c2 extmod: Switch to use new event functions.
See previous commit for details of these functions.  As of this commit,
these still call the old hook macros on all ports.

This work was funded through GitHub Sponsors.

Signed-off-by: Angus Gratton <angus@redyak.com.au>
2023-12-08 12:48:50 +11:00
Damien George 8dbdac8c82 extmod/modlwip: Fix setting of IP option SOF_BROADCAST.
Follow up to 25b89cbe94.

Signed-off-by: Damien George <damien@micropython.org>
2023-09-12 12:49:14 +10:00
Wang Xuancong 25b89cbe94 extmod/{modlwip,modsocket}: Add support for SO_BROADCAST socket option.
Signed-off-by: Wang Xuancong <xuancong84@gmail.com>
2023-09-01 18:34:18 +10:00
Jim Mussared 2eba98f1e0 all: Use MP_REGISTER_EXTENSIBLE_MODULE for overrideable built-ins.
Signed-off-by: Jim Mussared <jim.mussared@gmail.com>
2023-06-08 17:54:21 +10:00
Jim Mussared 45ac651d1a all: Rename *umodule*.c to remove the "u" prefix.
Updates any includes, and references from Makefiles/CMake.

This essentially reverts what was done long ago in commit

This work was funded through GitHub Sponsors.

Signed-off-by: Jim Mussared <jim.mussared@gmail.com>
2023-06-08 17:54:17 +10:00
Jim Mussared f5f9edf645 all: Rename UMODULE to MODULE in preprocessor/Makefile vars.
This work was funded through GitHub Sponsors.

Signed-off-by: Jim Mussared <jim.mussared@gmail.com>
2023-06-08 17:54:11 +10:00
Jim Mussared 7f5d5c7271 all: Rename mod_umodule*, ^umodule* to remove the "u" prefix.
This work was funded through GitHub Sponsors.

Signed-off-by: Jim Mussared <jim.mussared@gmail.com>
2023-06-08 17:54:07 +10:00
Jim Mussared 30628d1bb7 all: Rename MP_QSTR_umodule to MP_QSTR_module everywhere.
This renames the builtin-modules, such that help('modules') and printing
the module object will show "module" rather than "umodule".

This work was funded through GitHub Sponsors.

Signed-off-by: Jim Mussared <jim.mussared@gmail.com>
2023-06-08 17:53:57 +10:00
Jared Hancock a2fd382c34 extmod/modlwip: Use actual errno in exception for error in listen.
The actual underlying error number raised from the lwIP subsystem when
attempting to listen on a socket is swallowed and replaced with an
out-of-memory error which is confusing.

This commit passes the underlying error message from the lwIP subsystem to
the appropriate OSError exception.
2022-11-09 10:48:53 +11:00
Jim Mussared 94beeabd2e py/obj: Convert make_new into a mp_obj_type_t slot.
Instead of being an explicit field, it's now a slot like all the other

This is a marginal code size improvement because most types have a make_new
(100/138 on PYBV11), however it improves consistency in how types are
declared, removing the special case for make_new.

Signed-off-by: Jim Mussared <jim.mussared@gmail.com>
2022-09-19 19:06:15 +10:00
Jim Mussared 9dce82776d all: Remove unnecessary locals_dict cast.
Signed-off-by: Jim Mussared <jim.mussared@gmail.com>
2022-09-19 19:06:01 +10:00
Jim Mussared 662b9761b3 all: Make all mp_obj_type_t defs use MP_DEFINE_CONST_OBJ_TYPE.
In preparation for upcoming rework of mp_obj_type_t layout.

Signed-off-by: Jim Mussared <jim.mussared@gmail.com>
2022-09-19 19:06:01 +10:00
Jim Mussared 8a0ee5a5c0 py/objstr: Split mp_obj_str_from_vstr into bytes/str versions.
Previously the desired output type was specified.  Now make the type part
of the function name.  Because this function is used in a few places this
saves code size due to smaller call-site.

This makes `mp_obj_new_str_type_from_vstr` a private function of objstr.c
(which is almost the only place where the output type isn't a compile-time

This saves ~140 bytes on PYBV11.

Signed-off-by: Jim Mussared <jim.mussared@gmail.com>
2022-08-26 16:43:55 +10:00
MrJake222 69719927f1 extmod/modlwip: Add support for leaving multicast groups. 2022-08-12 23:09:13 +10:00
David Lechner d532c55e3b extmod/modlwip: Use MP_REGISTER_ROOT_POINTER().
This uses MP_REGISTER_ROOT_POINTER() to register lwip_slip_stream
instead of using a conditional inside of mp_state_vm_t.

Signed-off-by: David Lechner <david@pybricks.com>
2022-07-18 13:52:01 +10:00
Damien George f5769698e5 extmod/modlwip: Clean up inclusion of modlwip in build process.
The following changes are made:

- Guard entire file with MICROPY_PY_LWIP, so it can be included in the
  build while still being disabled (for consistency with other extmod

- Add modlwip.c to list of all extmod source in py/py.mk and
  extmod/extmod.cmake so all ports can easily use it.

- Move generic modlwip GIT_SUBMODULES build configuration code from
  ports/rp2/CMakeLists.txt to extmod/extmod.cmake, so it can be reused by
  other ports.

- Remove now unnecessary inclusion of modlwip.c in EXTMOD_SRC_C in esp8266
  port, and in SRC_QSTR in mimxrt port.

Signed-off-by: Damien George <damien@micropython.org>
2022-06-20 23:37:38 +10:00
Damien George efe23aca71 all: Remove third argument to MP_REGISTER_MODULE.
It's no longer needed because this macro is now processed after
preprocessing the source code via cpp (in the qstr extraction stage), which
means unused MP_REGISTER_MODULE's are filtered out by the preprocessor.

Signed-off-by: Damien George <damien@micropython.org>
2022-06-02 16:31:37 +10:00
Jim Mussared 75efb3267c extmod: Revert accidental usocket->socket rename.
The registration of the usocket module was accidentally changed to socket
in moving to MP_REGISTER_MODULE in bb794f05b7
2022-05-24 00:43:44 +10:00
Jim Mussared bb794f05b7 extmod: Make port-included extmod modules use MP_REGISTER_MODULES.
_onewire, socket, and network were previously added by the port rather
than objmodule.c.

Signed-off-by: Jim Mussared <jim.mussared@gmail.com>
2022-05-18 20:49:12 +10:00
Jim Mussared 4eab44a1ec extmod: Make extmod modules use MP_REGISTER_MODULE.
Signed-off-by: Jim Mussared <jim.mussared@gmail.com>
2022-05-18 20:49:12 +10:00
Damien George aab005c75b extmod/modusocket: Provide config macro for socket.listen backlog deflt.
To make it possible to change this value for any given port or board.

Signed-off-by: Damien George <damien@micropython.org>
2022-04-11 15:28:56 +10:00
Jon Bjarni Bjarnason 919f696ad2 extmod/modusocket: Implement optional socket.listen backlog argument.
This follows the CPython change: https://bugs.python.org/issue21455

Socket listen backlog defaults to 2 if not given, based on most bare metal
targets not having many resources for a large backlog.  On UNIX it defaults
to SOMAXCONN or 128, whichever is less.
2022-04-11 15:26:47 +10:00
Damien George 8fcdb5490c extmod/modlwip: Fix close and clean up of UDP and raw sockets.
The correct callback-deregister functions must be called dependent on the
socket type, otherwise resources may not be freed correctly.

Signed-off-by: Damien George <damien@micropython.org>
2021-08-13 23:46:11 +10:00
Damien George 136369d72f all: Update to point to files in new shared/ directory.
Signed-off-by: Damien George <damien@micropython.org>
2021-07-12 17:08:10 +10:00
Damien George d1995e50eb extmod/modlwip: Fix error return for TCP recv when not connected.
This commit fixes the cases when a TCP socket is in STATE_NEW,
STATE_LISTENING or STATE_CONNECTING and recv() is called on it.  It now
raises ENOTCONN instead of a random error code due to it previously
indexing beyond the start of error_lookup_table[].

Signed-off-by: Damien George <damien@micropython.org>
2020-08-30 13:20:51 +10:00
stijn 70affd9ba2 all: Fix implicit floating point to integer conversions.
These are found when building with -Wfloat-conversion.
2020-04-18 22:42:24 +10:00
Jim Mussared def76fe4d9 all: Use MP_ERROR_TEXT for all error messages. 2020-04-05 15:02:06 +10:00
Damien George 1a3e386c67 all: Remove spaces inside and around parenthesis.
Using new options enabled in the uncrustify configuration.
2020-03-28 23:36:44 +11:00
Damien George 8f0778b209 extmod/modlwip: Properly handle non-blocking and timeout on UDP recv.
Fixes UDP non-blocking recv so it returns EAGAIN instead of ETIMEDOUT.
Timeout waiting for incoming data is also improved by replacing 100ms delay
with poll_sockets(), as is done in other parts of this module.

Fixes issue #5759.
2020-03-18 10:51:32 +11:00
Damien George 00267aae0b extmod/modlwip: Fix polling of UDP socket so it doesn't return HUP.
STATE_NEW will return HUP when polled so put active UDP sockets into a new
state which is different to STATE_NEW.

Fixes issue #5758.
2020-03-18 10:49:27 +11:00
Damien George 69661f3343 all: Reformat C and Python source code with tools/codeformat.py.
This is run with uncrustify 0.70.1, and black 19.10b0.
2020-02-28 10:33:03 +11:00
Damien George 26d8fd2c0a extmod/modlwip: Unconditionally return POLLHUP/POLLERR when polling.
POSIX poll should always return POLLERR and POLLHUP in revents, regardless
of whether they were requested in the input events flags.

See issues #4290 and #5172.
2019-10-31 13:37:51 +11:00
Damien George feaa251674 extmod/modlwip: Make socket poll return POLLNVAL in case of bad file. 2019-10-31 12:54:37 +11:00
Damien George 71401d5065 extmod/modlwip: Unconditionally return POLLHUP when polling new socket.
POSIX poll should always return POLLERR and POLLHUP in revents, regardless
of whether they were requested in the input events flags.

See issues #4290 and #5172.
2019-10-31 12:54:37 +11:00
Damien George 80f5cef8d4 extmod/modlwip: Implement raw sockets for lwIP.
Configurable via MICROPY_PY_LWIP_SOCK_RAW.
2019-08-06 15:56:05 +10:00
Damien George c60caf1995 extmod/modlwip: Use mp_sched_schedule to schedule socket callbacks.
The helper function exec_user_callback executes within the context of an
lwIP C callback, and the user (Python) callback to be scheduled may want to
perform further TCP/IP actions, so the latter should be scheduled to run
outside the lwIP context (otherwise it's effectively a "hard IRQ" and such
callbacks have lots of restrictions).
2019-07-03 16:22:48 +10:00
Damien George 1d6cb6357a extmod/modlwip: For TCP send keep trying tcp_write if it returns ERR_MEM
If tcp_write returns ERR_MEM then it's not a fatal error but instead means
the caller should retry the write later on (and this is what lwIP's netconn
API does).

This fixes problems where a TCP send would raise OSError(ENOMEM) in
situations where the TCP/IP stack is under heavy load.  See eg issues #1897
and #1971.
2019-07-03 15:50:13 +10:00
Damien George 019dd84af1 extmod/modlwip: Register TCP close-timeout callback before closing PCB.
In d5f0c87bb9 this call to tcp_poll() was
added to put a timeout on closing TCP sockets.  But after calling
tcp_close() the PCB may be freed and therefore invalid, so tcp_poll() can
not be used at that point.  As a fix this commit calls tcp_poll() before
closing the TCP PCB.  If the PCB is subsequently closed and freed by
tcp_close() or tcp_abort() then the PCB will not be on any active list and
the callback will not be executed, which is the desired behaviour (the
_lwip_tcp_close_poll() callback only needs to be called if the PCB remains
active for longer than the timeout).
2019-05-29 01:29:48 +10:00
Damien George 734ada3e29 extmod/modlwip: Free any incoming bufs/connections before closing PCB.
Commit 2848a613ac introduced a bug where
lwip_socket_free_incoming() accessed pcb.tcp->state after the PCB was
closed.  The state may have changed due to that close call, or the PCB may
be freed and therefore invalid.  This commit fixes that by calling
lwip_socket_free_incoming() before the PCB is closed.
2019-05-29 01:24:43 +10:00
Damien George d5f0c87bb9 extmod/modlwip: Abort TCP conns that didn't close cleanly in a while. 2019-04-11 11:18:10 +10:00
Damien George 3dda964785 extmod/modlwip: Use correct listening socket object in accept callback.
Since commit da938a83b5 the tcp_arg() that is
set for the new connection is the new connection itself, and the parent
listening socket is found in the pcb->connected entry.
2019-04-03 16:43:44 +11:00
Damien George 2848a613ac extmod/modlwip: Free any stored incoming bufs/connections on TCP error. 2019-04-01 13:36:44 +11:00
Damien George 490e0f39d1 extmod/modlwip: Protect socket.accept with lwIP concurrency lock.
This is needed now that the accept queue can have pending connections
removed asynchronously.
2019-04-01 13:36:43 +11:00
Damien George 2ec7838967 extmod/modlwip: Handle case of accept callback called with null PCB. 2019-04-01 13:36:43 +11:00
Damien George da938a83b5 extmod/modlwip: Handle case of connection closing while on accept queue.
In such a case the connection is aborted by lwIP and so must be removed
from the pending accept queue.
2019-04-01 13:36:43 +11:00