
72 wiersze
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## Contributor's Guidelines & Code Conventions
micropython-lib follows the same general conventions as the [main MicroPython
repository](https://github.com/micropython/micropython). Please see
and [micropython/CODECONVENTIONS.md](https://github.com/micropython/micropython/blob/master/CODECONVENTIONS.md).
### Raising issues
Please include enough information for someone to reproduce the issue you are
describing. This will typically include:
* The version of MicroPython you are using (e.g. the firmware filename, git
hash, or version info printed by the startup message).
* What board/device you are running MicroPython on.
* Which package you have installed, how you installed it, and what version.
When installed via `mip`, all packages will have a `__version__`
* A simple code snippet that demonstrates the issue.
If you have a how-to question or are looking for help with using MicroPython
or packages from micropython-lib, please post at the
[discussion forum](https://github.com/orgs/micropython/discussions) instead.
### Pull requests
The same rules for commit messages, signing-off commits, and commit structure
apply as for the main MicroPython repository. All Python code is formatted
using `black`. See [`tools/codeformat.py`](tools/codeformat.py) to apply
`black` automatically before submitting a PR.
There are some specific conventions and guidelines for micropython-lib:
* The first line of the commit message should start with the name of the
package, followed by a short description of the commit. Package names are
globally unique in the micropython-lib directory structure.
For example: `shutil: Add disk_usage function.`
* Although we encourage keeping the code short and minimal, please still use
comments in your code. Typically, packages will be installed via
`mip` and so they will be compiled to bytecode where comments will
_not_ contribute to the installed size.
* All packages must include a `manifest.py`, including a `metadata()` line
with at least a description and a version.
* Prefer to break larger packages up into smaller chunks, so that just the
required functionality can be installed. The way to do this is to have a
base package, e.g. `mypackage` containing `mypackage/__init__.py`, and then
an "extension" package, e.g. `mypackage-ext` containing additional files
e.g. `mypackage/ext.py`. See
[`collections-defaultdict`](python-stdlib/collections-defaultdict) as an
* If you think a package might be extended in this way in the future, prefer
to create a package directory with `package/__init__.py`, rather than a
single `module.py`.
* Packages in the python-stdlib directory should be CPython compatible and
implement a subset of the CPython equivalent. Avoid adding
MicroPython-specific extensions. Please include a link to the corresponding
CPython docs in the PR.
* Include tests (ideally using the `unittest` package) as `test_*.py`.
Otherwise, provide examples as `example_*.py`. When porting CPython
packages, prefer to use the existing tests rather than writing new ones
from scratch.
* When porting an existing third-party package, please ensure that the source
license is compatible.