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This library provides an object-oriented, asyncio-based wrapper for MicroPython's bluetooth API.

Note: aioble requires MicroPython v1.17 or higher.


Broadcaster (advertiser) role:

  • Generate advertising and scan response payloads for common fields.
  • Automatically split payload over advertising and scan response.
  • Start advertising (indefinitely or for duration).

Peripheral role:

  • Wait for connection from central.
  • Wait for MTU exchange.

Observer (scanner) role:

  • Scan for devices (passive + active).
  • Combine advertising and scan response payloads for the same device.
  • Parse common fields from advertising payloads.

Central role:

  • Connect to peripheral.
  • Initiate MTU exchange.

GATT Client:

  • Discover services, characteristics, and descriptors (optionally by UUID).
  • Read / write / write-with-response characters and descriptors.
  • Subscribe to notifications and indications on characteristics (via the CCCD).
  • Wait for notifications and indications.

GATT Server:

  • Register services, characteristics, and descriptors.
  • Wait for writes on characteristics and descriptors.
  • Intercept read requests.
  • Send notifications and indications (and wait on response).


  • Accept and connect L2CAP Connection-oriented-channels.
  • Manage channel flow control.


  • JSON-backed key/secret management.
  • Initiate pairing.
  • Query encryption/authentication state.

All remote operations (connect, disconnect, client read/write, server indicate, l2cap recv/send, pair) are awaitable and support timeouts.


You can install any combination of the following packages.

  • aioble-central -- Central (and Observer) role functionality including scanning and connecting.
  • aioble-client -- GATT client, typically used by central role devices but can also be used on peripherals.
  • aioble-l2cap -- L2CAP Connection-oriented-channels support.
  • aioble-peripheral -- Peripheral (and Broadcaster) role functionality including advertising.
  • aioble-security -- Pairing and bonding support.
  • aioble-server -- GATT server, typically used by peripheral role devices but can also be used on centrals.

Alternatively, install the aioble package, which will install everything.


Passive scan for nearby devices for 5 seconds: (Observer)

async with aioble.scan(duration_ms=5000) as scanner:
    async for result in scanner:
        print(result, result.name(), result.rssi, result.services())

Active scan (includes "scan response" data) for nearby devices for 5 seconds with the highest duty cycle: (Observer)

async with aioble.scan(duration_ms=5000, interval_us=30000, window_us=30000, active=True) as scanner:
    async for result in scanner:
        print(result, result.name(), result.rssi, result.services())

Connect to a peripheral device: (Central)

# Either from scan result
device = result.device
# Or with known address
device = aioble.Device(aioble.PUBLIC, "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff")

    connection = await device.connect(timeout_ms=2000)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:

Register services and wait for connection: (Peripheral, Server)

_ENV_SENSE_UUID = bluetooth.UUID(0x181A)
_ENV_SENSE_TEMP_UUID = bluetooth.UUID(0x2A6E)

_ADV_INTERVAL_US = const(250000)

temp_service = aioble.Service(_ENV_SENSE_UUID)
temp_char = aioble.Characteristic(temp_service, _ENV_SENSE_TEMP_UUID, read=True, notify=True)


while True:
    connection = await aioble.advertise(
            manufacturer=(0xabcd, b"1234"),
    print("Connection from", device)

Update characteristic value: (Server)

# Write the local value.
# Write the local value and notify/indicate subscribers.
temp_char.write(b'data', send_update=True)

Send notifications: (Server)

# Notify with the current value.
# Notify with a custom value.
temp_char.notify(connection, b'optional data')

Send indications: (Server)

# Indicate with current value.
await temp_char.indicate(connection, timeout_ms=2000)
# Indicate with custom value.
await temp_char.indicate(connection, b'optional data', timeout_ms=2000)

This will raise GattError if the indication is not acknowledged.

Wait for a write from the client: (Server)

# Normal characteristic, returns the connection that did the write.
connection = await char.written(timeout_ms=2000)
# Characteristic with capture enabled, also returns the value.
char = Characteristic(..., capture=True)
connection, data = await char.written(timeout_ms=2000)

Query the value of a characteristic: (Client)

temp_service = await connection.service(_ENV_SENSE_UUID)
temp_char = await temp_service.characteristic(_ENV_SENSE_TEMP_UUID)

data = await temp_char.read(timeout_ms=1000)

Wait for a notification/indication: (Client)

# Notification
data = await temp_char.notified(timeout_ms=1000)
# Indication
data = await temp_char.indicated(timeout_ms=1000)

Subscribe to a characteristic: (Client)

# Subscribe for notification.
await temp_char.subscribe(notify=True)
while True:
    data = await temp_char.notified()
# Subscribe for indication.
await temp_char.subscribe(indicate=True)
while True:
    data = await temp_char.indicated()

Open L2CAP channels: (Listener)

channel = await connection.l2cap_accept(_L2CAP_PSN, _L2CAP_MTU)
buf = bytearray(64)
n = channel.recvinto(buf)

Open L2CAP channels: (Initiator)

channel = await connection.l2cap_connect(_L2CAP_PSN, _L2CAP_MTU)
buf = bytearray(64)
n = channel.recvinto(buf)


See the examples directory for some example applications.

  • temp_sensor.py: Temperature sensor peripheral.
  • temp_client.py: Connects to the temp sensor.
  • l2cap_file_server.py: Simple file server peripheral. (WIP)
  • l2cap_file_client.py: Client for the file server. (WIP)


The multitests directory provides tests that can be run with MicroPython's run-multitests.py script. These are based on the existing multi_bluetooth tests that are in the main repo.