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# IPyDrawio
| demo | docs | install | build |
| :-------------------------: | :-------------------------: | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :----------------------------------------------------------------: |
| [![binder-badge][]][binder] | [![docs][docs-badge]][docs] | [![install from pypi][pypi-badge]][pypi] [![install from conda-forge][conda-badge]][conda] [![reuse from npm][npm-badge]][npm] | [![build][workflow-badge]][workflow] [![coverage][cov-badge]][cov] |
> [Drawio][] diagrams for [JupyterLab][]. Forked with ❤️ from
> [QuantStack/jupyterlab-drawio][].
**[Install](#installation)** · **[History]** · **[Roadmap]** ·
**[Contribute][contributing]** · **[Open Source](#open-source)**
> > This is BETA software. Native drawio files created with these tools _should_ work
> > with any other [drawio][] client, but any UI/API is liable to change at any time.
## Installation
mamba install -c conda-forge ipydrawio # recommended, or...
conda install -c conda-forge ipydrawio # or...
pip install ipydrawio[all]
## Features
- `ipydrawio`
- full support for JupyterLab
- best-effort support for JupyterLiteⓁ and RetroLabⓡ
- Edit multi-page [documents][]
- with nearly the same UI and features as [diagrams.net][drawio]
- in many file formats
- Drawio/mxgraph XML, SVG, PNG
- or Jupyter Notebooksⓡ
- with all the Drawio templatesⓡ
- plus some Jupyter ones
- Jupyter [rich display][] output
- Jupyter [Widgets][]
- Basic collaborative editing
- requires the `--collaborative` flag, added in JupyterLab 3.1+
- token sharing, _a la_ [jupyterlab-link-share], or a custom connector (no known
- no presence indicators for other editors
- `ipydrawio-export`
- Export print-quality PDF from diagramsⓁⓡ
- optionally include editable Drawio XML as a PDF attachment
- > _BEWARE: some **heavy**, maybe fragile dependencies, `mamba` recommended_
mamba install -c conda-forge ipydrawio-export # recommended, or...
conda install -c conda-forge ipydrawio-export # or...
pip install ipydrawio ipydrawio-export
- `ipydrawio-mathjax`
- include rich LaTeX and AsciiMath typesetting in diagrams
> ⓡ: unavailable in RetroLab Ⓛ: unavailable in JupyterLite
## Examples
| Note | Screenshot/Example |
| ----------------------------------------------------------: | :------------------------------- |
| Screenshot of drawio "minimal" UI with export options | [![poster-min]][poster-min] |
| The beginning of an interactive computational **poster** | [![poster][]][poster] |
| A mixed computational/creative **roadmap** for this project | [~~Screenshot Needed~~][roadmap] |
## Usage
> Please see the [docs] for full information
- Try on [![binder-badge][]][binder]
- or follow the [Installation instructions](#installation) and **Start JupyterLab**
- Open a diagram, by doing one of:
- Creating a
<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/deathbeds/ipydrawio/main/packages/ipydrawio/style/img/drawio.svg" width="24"/>
Diagram\_ from the [Launcher][]
- Uploading a diagram created on [diagrams.net](https://diagrams.net) with the _[File
Manager][]_ and double clicking it
- Building diagrams by interactively computing in `IPython` with `ipydrawio.Diagram`
- Use the `application/x-drawio` MIME renderer
- Use the _[Command Palette][]_ to _Export Diagram_ to various formats
- > **NOTE**: some of the built-in UI features of drawio don't work properly inside an
> IFrame in JupyterLab, and are difficult to robustly disable: please see _Diagram_
> options available in the _Command Palette_ and various _Main Menu_ menus.
## Configuring
### UI Themes
Your default theme can be changed in the JupyterLab Main Menu:
- open _Settings_
- open _Diagram Theme_
- select your theme
- all open documents will change to this theme (prompting if not saved)
- all future documents will use this theme
The different themes have some advantages and disadvantages:
| theme | default | full menu | layers | pages | light | dark | rough |
| --------- | :-----: | :-------: | :----: | :---: | :---: | :--: | :---: |
| `atlas` | | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | | |
| `dark` | | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | | ✔️ | |
| `kennedy` | | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | | |
| `min` | ✔️ | | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ⚙️ | |
| `sketch` | | | ✔️ | | ✔️ | ⚙️ | ✔️ |
> Note that `rough` will change how many shapes look
### Drawio Configuration and URL parameters
Use _Advanced Settings_ to modify drawio embedding parameters
> See the [schema] for full details of the (known) supported options as well as the
> [upstream docs] for all parameters, though IPyDrawio might not support them... yet.
[schema]: https://ipydrawio.readthedocs.io/en/stable/api/schema.html
[upstream docs]: https://www.diagrams.net/doc/faq/supported-url-parameters
### PDF: Lab and Server extensions
`ipydrawio-export` can generate print-quality PDF. This approach relies on a headless
browser, powered by [@jgraph/draw-image-export2], `puppeteer`, and `nodejs`.
- **native dependencies** as required to appease `puppeteer`
- if running in `docker`, this can be a bit trial-and-error
- for more, see the [binder][apt-txt] and CI.
- `nodejs>=18,<19` from `conda` or your system package manager
- **NOTE**: this relies on being able to install `puppeteer` (and other **arbitrary
dependencies** with `jlpm` for now **when first used**
- `pip install ipydrawio-export` or `conda install -c conda-forge ipydrawio-export`
> For example to install all the dependencies:
> ```bash
> conda install -yc conda-forge ipydrawio-export ipydrawio-mathjax
> ```
Optionally, pre-install the dependencies:
jupyter ipydrawio-export provision
> By default this will install to `{JUPYTER_DATA_DIR}/ipydrawio_export`, but can be
> tuned with:
> - the `$IPYDRAWIO_DATA_DIR` environment variable
> - `IPyDrawioExportManager.drawio_export_workdir` in `jupyter_config.json`
> Additionally, the (large) chromium browser download can be tuned with the
Once installed, you can use the in-browser tools _Export Diagram as PDF_ as well as the
command line:
jupyter ipydrawio-export <name of document>
## Open Source
### License
All files herein, unless otherwise noted, are free software licensed under [Apache 2.0].
### Copyright
The copyright holders of this extension are the [contributors][] to this repository.
Portions of the JupyterLab components are derived from [QuantStack/jupyterlab-drawio][].
The copyright holders of drawio and drawio-export is [jgraph](http://www.jgraph.com).
The original source code vendored in this package from:
- [@jgraph/drawio][]
- [@jgraph/draw-image-export2][]
Copyright 2023 ipydrawio contributors
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
[apache 2.0]: https://github.com/deathbeds/ipydrawio/blob/main/LICENSE.txt
[@jgraph/drawio]: https://github.com/jgraph/drawio
[@jgraph/draw-image-export2]: https://github.com/jgraph/draw-image-export2
[jupyterlab]: https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab
[drawio]: https://www.diagrams.net
[quantstack/jupyterlab-drawio]: https://github.com/QuantStack/jupyterlab-drawio
[contributors]: https://github.com/deathbeds/ipydrawio/graphs/contributors
[history]: https://github.com/deathbeds/ipydrawio/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md
[binder-badge]: https://mybinder.org/badge_logo.svg
[roadmap]: https://github.com/deathbeds/ipydrawio/blob/main/docs/ROADMAP.ipynb
[conda-badge]: https://img.shields.io/conda/vn/conda-forge/ipydrawio
[conda]: https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/ipydrawio
[pypi-badge]: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/ipydrawio
[pypi]: https://pypi.org/project/ipydrawio/
[npm]: https://npmjs.com/package/@deathbeds/ipydrawio
[npm-badge]: https://img.shields.io/npm/v/@deathbeds/ipydrawio
[cov]: https://codecov.io/gh/deathbeds/ipydrawio
[docs-badge]: https://readthedocs.org/projects/ipydrawio/badge/?version=latest
[docs]: https://ipydrawio.rtfd.io
[contributing]: https://github.com/deathbeds/ipydrawio/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md
[rich display]:
[widgets]: https://github.com/deathbeds/ipydrawio/blob/main/docs/Diagram%20Widgets.ipynb
[puppeteer]: https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer
[@jgraph/draw-image-export2]: https://github.com/jgraph/draw-image-export2
[apt-txt]: https://github.com/deathbeds/ipydrawio/blob/main/.binder/apt.txt
[poster]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/deathbeds/ipydrawio/main/docs/Poster.dio.svg
[command palette]:
[file manager]: https://jupyterlab.readthedocs.io/en/stable/user/files.html
[jupyterlab-link-share]: https://github.com/jupyterlab-contrib/jupyterlab-link-share