
113 wiersze
2.9 KiB

type LogLevel = 'info' | 'warn' | 'error' | 'debug' | 'time'
const LOG_LEVEL_LABELS: Record<LogLevel, string> = {
info: ' INFO',
warn: ' WARN',
error: 'ERROR',
debug: 'DEBUG',
time: ' TIME'
const LOG_LEVEL_BACKGROUND: Record<LogLevel, string> = {
info: '#a6e22e',
warn: '#FF9800',
error: '#F44336',
debug: '#00BCD4',
time: '#00BCD4'
const LOG_LEVEL_COLOR: Record<LogLevel, string> = {
info: '#000',
warn: '#000',
error: '#fff',
debug: '#000',
time: '#000'
const FILETYPE_BACKGROUND: Record<string, string> = {
js: '#f1e05a',
ts: '#2b7489',
vue: '#41b883',
html: '#e34c26',
default: '#ccc'
const FILETYPE_COLOR: Record<string, string> = {
js: '#000',
ts: '#fff',
vue: '#fff',
html: '#fff',
default: '#000'
const getFile = () => {
const { stack } = new Error()
const line = stack?.split('\n')[2] ?? ''
const [, method, url, lineNo] = line.match(/^(\w+)?(?:\/<)*@(.+?)(?:\?.*)?:(\d+):\d+$/) ?? []
const file = url.startsWith(location.origin) ? url.slice(location.origin.length) : url
return { method, file, lineNo }
// NOTE: We're pushing all logs to the end of the event loop
const createLoggerFn = (level: LogLevel) => {
// NOTE: We don't want to handle logs ourselves in tests
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
if (import.meta.env.VITEST) return console[level]
return (...args: any[]) => {
const timestamp = new Date().toUTCString()
const { method, file, lineNo } = getFile()
const ext = file?.split('.').pop() ?? 'default'
// NOTE: Don't log time and debug in production
if (level === 'time' || level === 'debug') {
if (import.meta.env.PROD) return
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console[level === 'time' ? 'debug' : level](
'%c %c [%s] %c %s %c%s',
`background: ${LOG_LEVEL_BACKGROUND[level]};border-radius:1em`,
`color: ${TIMESTAMP_COLOR}`,
`background: ${LOG_LEVEL_BACKGROUND[level]}; color: ${LOG_LEVEL_COLOR[level]}; border-radius: 1em 0 0 1em`,
`background: ${FILETYPE_BACKGROUND[ext]}; color: ${FILETYPE_COLOR[ext]}; border-radius: 0 1em 1em 0`,
method !== undefined
? ` ${file}:${lineNo} ${method}() `
: ` ${file}:${lineNo} `,
const infoLogger = createLoggerFn('info')
const warnLogger = createLoggerFn('warn')
const timeLogger = createLoggerFn('time')
const errorLogger = createLoggerFn('error')
const debugLogger = createLoggerFn('debug')
export const logger = {
log: infoLogger,
info: infoLogger,
warn: warnLogger,
error: errorLogger,
debug: debugLogger,
time: (label: string) => {
const now =
timeLogger(`${label}: start`)
return () => {
const duration = - now
timeLogger(`${label}: ${duration.toFixed(2)}ms`)
export default () => logger