
124 wiersze
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import type { InitModule } from '~/types'
import type { RootState } from '~/store'
import type { Router } from 'vue-router'
import type { Store } from 'vuex'
import { watchEffect, type App } from 'vue'
import useErrorHandler from '~/composables/useErrorHandler'
export const COOKIE = 'allow-tracing'
const initSentry = async (app: App, router: Router, store: Store<RootState>) => {
const [{ default: useLogger }, { BrowserTracing }, Sentry] = await Promise.all([
const logger = useLogger()'Initializing Sentry')
dsn: import.meta.env.FUNKWHALE_SENTRY_DSN,
logErrors: true,
trackComponents: true,
integrations: [
new BrowserTracing({
routingInstrumentation: Sentry.vueRouterInstrumentation(router)
debug: import.meta.env.DEV,
environment: 'front',
beforeSend: (event, hint) => {
if (event.exception?.values?.some(exception => exception.mechanism?.handled === false) && hint.originalException instanceof Error) {
useErrorHandler(hint.originalException, hint.event_id)
return event
tracesSampleRate: import.meta.env.FUNKWHALE_SENTRY_SR,
ignoreErrors: [
// vue3-lazyload throws an error whenever there is a 404
'Image failed to load!'
Sentry.setTag('mode', import.meta.env.MODE)
watchEffect(() => {
const url = store.getters['instance/domain']
Sentry.setTag('instance', url)
const setUser = (user: { username: string, [key: string]: any } | null) => {
Sentry.setContext('user', user)
watchEffect(() => {
if (store.state.auth.authenticated) {
return setUser({
username: store.state.auth.username,
canPublish: store.state.auth.availablePermissions.library,
canModerate: store.state.auth.availablePermissions.moderation,
isAdmin: store.state.auth.availablePermissions.settings
export const install: InitModule = async ({ app, router, store }) => {
if (import.meta.env.FUNKWHALE_SENTRY_DSN) {
const [{ useCookies }, { gettext: { $pgettext } }] = await Promise.all([
const { get, set } = useCookies()
const allowed = get(COOKIE)
if (allowed === 'yes') {
return initSentry(app, router, store)
if (allowed === undefined) {
const { hostname, origin } = new URL(import.meta.env.FUNKWHALE_SENTRY_DSN)
return store.commit('ui/addMessage', {
content: hostname === ''
? $pgettext(
'To enhance the quality of our services, we would like to collect information about crashes during your session.<br><sub>The stack traces will be shared to <a href="%{origin}">Funkwhale\'s official Glitchtip instance</a> in order to help us understand how and when the errors occur.</sub>',
{ hostname, origin }
: $pgettext(
'To enhance the quality of our services, we would like to collect information about crashes during your session.<br><sub>The stack traces will be shared to <a href="%{origin}">%{hostname}</a> in order to help us understand how and when the errors occur.</sub>',
{ hostname, origin }
date: new Date(),
key: 'allowSentryTracing',
displayTime: 0,
classActions: 'bottom attached opaque',
actions: [
text: $pgettext('App/Message/Paragraph', 'Allow'),
class: 'primary',
click: () => {
set(COOKIE, 'yes')
return initSentry(app, router, store)
text: $pgettext('App/Message/Paragraph', 'Deny'),
class: 'basic',
click: () => set(COOKIE, 'no')