
33 wiersze
936 B

from django.conf import settings
def full_url(path):
Given a relative path, return a full url usable for federation purpose
root = settings.FUNKWHALE_URL
if path.startswith("/") and root.endswith("/"):
return root + path[1:]
elif not path.startswith("/") and not root.endswith("/"):
return root + "/" + path
return root + path
def clean_wsgi_headers(raw_headers):
Convert WSGI headers from CONTENT_TYPE to Content-Type notation
cleaned = {}
non_prefixed = ["content_type", "content_length"]
for raw_header, value in raw_headers.items():
h = raw_header.lower()
if not h.startswith("http_") and h not in non_prefixed:
words = h.replace("http_", "", 1).split("_")
cleaned_header = "-".join([w.capitalize() for w in words])
cleaned[cleaned_header] = value
return cleaned