feat(settings): Allow to set the instances server location

Part-of: <https://dev.funkwhale.audio/funkwhale/funkwhale/-/merge_requests/2604>
Georg Krause 2023-11-16 09:02:59 +00:00
rodzic 1a0596b102
commit 71140d5a9b
4 zmienionych plików z 32 dodań i 0 usunięć

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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import pycountry
from django.core.validators import FileExtensionValidator
from django.forms import widgets
from dynamic_preferences import types
@ -170,3 +171,18 @@ class Banner(ImagePreference):
default = None
help_text = "This banner will be displayed on your pod's landing and about page. At least 600x100px recommended."
field_kwargs = {"required": False}
class Location(types.ChoicePreference):
show_in_api = True
section = instance
name = "location"
verbose_name = "Server Location"
default = ""
choices = [(country.alpha_2, country.name) for country in pycountry.countries]
help_text = (
"The country or territory in which your server is located. This is displayed in the server's Nodeinfo "
field_kwargs = {"choices": choices, "required": False}

Wyświetl plik

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Allow to set the instances server location (#2085)

Wyświetl plik

@ -217,6 +217,20 @@ const save = async () => {
{{ v[1] }}
v-else-if="setting.field.class === 'ChoiceField'"
class="ui search selection dropdown"
v-for="v in setting.additional_data?.choices"
{{ v[1] }}
<div v-else-if="setting.field.widget.class === 'ImageWidget'">

Wyświetl plik

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ const groups = computed(() => [
id: 'instance',
settings: [
{ name: 'instance__name' },
{ name: 'instance__location' },
{ name: 'instance__short_description' },
{ name: 'instance__long_description', fieldType: 'markdown', fieldParams: { charLimit: null, permissive: true } },
{ name: 'instance__contact_email' },