fix(docs): Update env file for Unix socket

Added note to the CACHE_URL variable to clarify Unix socket usage

Part-of: <>
Ciarán Ainsworth 2023-12-05 12:29:33 +00:00 zatwierdzone przez Marge
rodzic 86ce4cfd7c
commit 17e08fd332
2 zmienionych plików z 3 dodań i 3 usunięć

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@ -830,7 +830,7 @@ If you're using password auth (the extra slash is important)
.. note::
If you want to use Redis over unix sockets, you also need to update
:attr:`CELERY_BROKER_URL`, because the scheme differ from the one used by
:attr:`CELERY_BROKER_URL`, because the scheme differs from the one used by
@ -881,7 +881,7 @@ to use a different server or use Redis sockets to connect.
- ``redis://``
- ``unix://``
- ``redis+socket:///run/redis/redis.sock?virtual_host=0``

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@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ REVERSE_PROXY_TYPE=nginx
# If you want to use Redis over unix sockets, you'll actually need two variables:
# For the cache part:
# CACHE_URL=redis:///run/redis/redis.sock?db=0
# CACHE_URL=unix:///run/redis/redis.sock?db=0
# For the Celery/asynchronous tasks part:
# CELERY_BROKER_URL=redis+socket:///run/redis/redis.sock?virtual_host=0