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/* -*- c++ -*- */
* Copyright 2022 gr-droneid author.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
#include "normalized_xcorr_estimate_impl.h"
#include <gnuradio/io_signature.h>
#include <volk/volk.h>
#include <numeric>
#include <gnuradio/droneid/misc_utils.h>
namespace gr {
namespace droneid {
normalized_xcorr_estimate::make(const std::vector<gr_complex> &taps) {
return gnuradio::get_initial_sptr
(new normalized_xcorr_estimate_impl(taps));
* The private constructor
normalized_xcorr_estimate_impl::normalized_xcorr_estimate_impl(const std::vector<gr_complex> &taps)
: gr::block("dot_prod",
gr::io_signature::make(1, 1, sizeof(gr_complex)),
gr::io_signature::make(1, 1, sizeof(gr_complex))),
taps_(taps), window_size_(taps.size()) {
// Remove the mean from the taps, conjugate the taps, and calculate the variance ahead of time
const auto mean =
std::accumulate(taps_.begin(), taps_.end(), gr_complex{0, 0}) / static_cast<float>(taps_.size());
for (auto & tap : taps_) {
tap = std::conj(tap) - mean;
taps_var_ = misc_utils::var_no_mean(&taps_[0], taps_.size());
// Create some constants to enable the use of multiplies instead of divides later
window_size_recip_ = 1.0f / static_cast<float>(window_size_);
window_size_recip_complex_ = gr_complex{window_size_recip_, 0};
* Our virtual destructor.
normalized_xcorr_estimate_impl::~normalized_xcorr_estimate_impl() {
normalized_xcorr_estimate_impl::general_work(int noutput_items,
gr_vector_int &ninput_items,
gr_vector_const_void_star &input_items,
gr_vector_void_star &output_items) {
// Get handles to the input and output arrays
const auto *in = (const gr_complex *) input_items[0];
auto *out = (gr_complex *) output_items[0];
// Always tell GNU Radio that all samples were accepted even if not this many samples were written out
// This is how the remaining samples are buffered between calls. It's important to realize that this algo
// needs <window_size> samples to be able to produce one output value. This means that there will always
// be unused samples at the end of each function call that need to be held onto until the next call. The
// hope was that set_history() took care of this, but it does not. So, the remaining samples from the last
// call are stored in <buffer_>. The <in> buffer can't hold more samples (it's not known how many samples
// wide the buffer is) so in order to use the old samples without jumping through very slow hoops, the new
// samples are appended to the old samples.
buffer_.insert(buffer_.end(), in, in + noutput_items);
// Exit early if there aren't enough samples to process.
if (buffer_.size() < window_size_) {
return 0;
// Figure out how many windows worth of data can be processed. It's possible that this specific call
// doesn't have enough storage in its output buffer to hold all the samples that could be processed. For
// this reason the min of the available output buffer space and number of windows that could be processed
// must be used.
const auto num_steps = std::min(static_cast<uint64_t>(noutput_items), buffer_.size() - window_size_);
// Resize the buffers as needed
if (sums_.size() < num_steps) {
abs_squared_.resize(num_steps + window_size_);
// TODO(24June2022): There are <window_size-1> extra operations happening on each call. This comes from the
// fact that some of these computations are being done on samples that are going to be
// used again on the next function call. Would be a good idea to buffer the abs squared
// and maybe the running variance average.
// What is happening below is roughly the following:
// for idx = 1:length(buffer_) - window_size_
// window = buffer_(idx:idx + window_size_ - 1);
// variance = sum(abs(window).^2) / window_size_;
// dot_prod = sum(window .* taps_) / window_size_;
// out(idx) = dot_prod / sqrt(variance * taps_var_);
// end
// But the variance is calculated as a running sum. The first variance has to be calculated the hard way,
// and then every iteration of the loop will subtract off the left-most element of the window that just
// dropped off, and adds on the new right-most element in the window.
// Doing this calculation of the first element outside the loop prevents needing a conditional in the
// critical section
// Calculate the first variance the hard way
volk_32fc_magnitude_squared_32f(&abs_squared_[0], &buffer_[0], num_steps + window_size_);
auto running_var = std::accumulate(abs_squared_.begin(), abs_squared_.begin() + window_size_, 0.f);
vars_[0] = running_var;
// Calculate the first dot product
volk_32fc_x2_dot_prod_32fc(&out[0], &buffer_[0], &taps_[0], window_size_);
// Calculate the running abs value sum and dot product for the remaining samples
for (uint32_t idx = 1; idx < num_steps; idx++) {
// sum(abs(window).^2)
running_var = running_var - abs_squared_[idx - 1] + abs_squared_[idx + window_size_];
vars_[idx] = running_var;
// Compute tue dot product of the current window and the filter taps
// sum(window .* taps_)
volk_32fc_x2_dot_prod_32fc(&out[idx], &buffer_[idx], &taps_[0], window_size_);
// Scale the dot product down
volk_32fc_s32fc_multiply_32fc(&out[0], &out[0], window_size_recip_complex_, num_steps);
// Scale the variance sums down
volk_32f_s32f_multiply_32f(&vars_[0], &vars_[0], window_size_recip_, num_steps);
// Multiply each variance by the tap variances then take the reciprocal
volk_32f_s32f_multiply_32f(&vars_[0], &vars_[0], taps_var_, num_steps);
// Calculate the inverse square root (1/sqrt(vars_[x]))
volk_32f_invsqrt_32f(&vars_[0], &vars_[0], num_steps);
// Divide by the square root above
volk_32fc_32f_multiply_32fc(&out[0], &out[0], &vars_[0], num_steps);
// Go through all outputs and replace NaN's with zeros. This isn't strictly required, but nice to have
for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < num_steps; idx++) {
if (out[idx].real() == FP_NAN || out[idx].imag() == FP_NAN) {
out[idx] = zero_complex_;
// Remove all the samples that have been processed from the buffer. Leaving just the last <window_size_-1>
// samples for the next call
buffer_.erase(buffer_.begin(), buffer_.begin() + num_steps);
// Tell runtime system how many output items we produced.
return num_steps;
} /* namespace droneid */
} /* namespace gr */