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% Write arbitrary type complex samples as interleaved I/Q values (Real(1),Imag(1),Real(2),Imag(2),...)
% Variable arguments are as follows:
% - Append: Can be '1' or 'true' to append to an existing file, or '0' or 'false' to overwrite. Defaults to overwrite
% @param output_path Path to output the samples to. Must be string, char array, or cell string
% @param samples Vector (row or column) of samples to write
% @param sample_type Data type the samples should be written out as. Example: 'single' for floats, 'int16' for shorts
% @param varargin Variable arguments (see above)
% @return Number of complex samples written
function [written] = write_complex(output_path, samples, sample_type, varargin)
assert(isstring(output_path) || ischar(output_path) || iscellstr(output_path), ...
'Output path must be a string, char array, or cell string');
assert(~ isempty(output_path), 'Output path was empty');
assert(~ isempty(samples), 'No samples provided');
assert(iscolumn(samples) || isrow(samples), 'Input samples must be row or column vector');
assert(isstring(sample_type) || ischar(sample_type) || iscellstr(sample_type), ...
'Sample type must be string, char array, or cell string');
assert(mod(length(varargin), 2) == 0, 'Variable argument length must be even. Got %d arguments', length(varargin));
% Default to overwriting the output file
fopen_mode = 'w';
% Parse varargs
for idx=1:2:length(varargin)
key = varargin{idx};
value = varargin{idx+1};
case 'Append'
if (value == 1 || value == true)
% When appending in MATLAB the mode must be 'a', not 'wa'
fopen_mode = 'a';
elseif (value ~= 0 && value ~= false)
error('Invalid value "%s" for Append', mat2str(value));
% Open the output file and check the operation succeeded
handle = fopen(output_path, fopen_mode);
assert(handle ~= -1, 'Could not open output file "%s" for writing', output_path);
% Attempt to write out the samples as interleaved I/Q
written = fwrite(handle, reshape([real(samples); imag(samples)], 1, []), sample_type);
% Warn the user if not all samples could be written
if (written ~= length(samples) * 2)
warning('Attempted to write %d samples to "%s" but only wrote %d', length(samples * 2), output_path, written);