
196 wiersze
8.1 KiB

% Valid ending arguments:
% - SequenceNumber (0 - 65535)
% - StateInfo0 (1 byte)
% - StateInfo1 (1 byte)
% - SerialNumber (14-16 characters)
% - Longitude (double)
% - Latitude (double)
% - Height (-32768 to 32767)
% - Altitude (-32768 to 32767)
% - VelocityNorth (-32768 to 32767)
% - VelocityEast (-32768 to 32767)
% - VelocityUp (-32768 to 32767)
% - Yaw (-32768 to 32767)
% - PhoneAppGPSTime (milliseconds since Epoch)
% - PhoneAppLatitude (double)
% - PhoneAppLongitude (double)
% - HomeLatitude (double)
% - HomeLongitude (double)
% - ProductType (1 byte)
% - UUID (19 bytes)
function [frame] = create_frame_bytes(varargin)
% MIN_SAMPLE_RATE = 15.36e6;
% assert(sample_rate >= MIN_SAMPLE_RATE, "Sample rate must be at least 15.36 MSPS");
% assert(round(sample_rate / MIN_SAMPLE_RATE) * MIN_SAMPLE_RATE == sample_rate, ...
% "Sample rate must be multiple of %d", MIN_SAMPLE_RATE);
assert(isempty(varargin) || mod(length(varargin), 2) == 0, ...
"Variable argument list must have even number of elements");
sequence_number = 0;
state_info = [0, 0];
serial_number = '0123456789abcd';
longitude = 0.0;
latitude = 0.0;
height = 0;
altitude = 0;
velocity_north = 0;
velocity_east = 0;
velocity_up = 0;
yaw = 0;
phone_app_gps_time = convertTo(datetime('now', 'TimeZone', 'UTC'), 'epochtime');
phone_app_latitude = 0.0;
phone_app_longitude = 0.0;
home_latitude = 0.0;
home_longitude = 0.0;
product_type = 0;
uuid = zeros(1, 19);
for idx=1:2:length(varargin)
key = varargin{idx};
val = varargin{idx + 1};
case 'SequenceNumber'
assert(isnumeric(val), 'Sequence number must be an integer');
assert(val >= -32768 && val <= 32767, 'Invalid sequence number');
sequence_number = uint16(val);
case 'StateInfo0'
assert(isinteger(val), 'StateInfo0 must be an integer');
assert(val >= 0 && val <= 255, 'Invalid StateInfo0 value');
state_info(1) = uint8(val);
case 'StateInfo1'
assert(isinteger(val), 'StateInfo1 must be an integer');
assert(val >= 0 && val <= 255, 'Invalid StateInfo1 value');
state_info(2) = uint8(val);
case 'SerialNumber'
assert(isstring(val) || ischar(val), 'SerialNumber must be a string')
assert(length(val) >= 14 && length(val) <= 16, ...
'SerialNumber length %d is not valid. Must be between 14 and 16 chars', length(val))
serial_number = val;
case 'Longitude'
assert(isnumeric(val), 'Longitude must be a number')
assert(abs(val) <= 180, 'Longitude must be between -180 and 180')
longitude = double(val);
case 'Latitude'
assert(isnumeric(val), 'Latitude must be a number')
assert(abs(val) <= 90, 'Latitude must be between -90 and 90')
latitude = double(val);
case 'Height'
assert(isinteger(val), 'Height must be an integer')
assert(val >= -32768 && val <= 32767, 'Height must be between -32768 and 32767')
height = int16(val);
case 'Altitude'
assert(isinteger(val), 'Altitude must be an integer')
assert(val >= -32768 && val <= 32767, 'Altitude must be between -32768 and 32767')
altitude = int16(val);
case 'VelocityNorth'
assert(isinteger(val), 'VelocityNorth must be an integer')
assert(val >= -32768 && val <= 32767, 'VelocityNorth must be between -32768 and 32767')
velocity_north = int16(val);
case 'VelocityEast'
assert(isinteger(val), 'VelocityEast must be an integer')
assert(val >= -32768 && val <= 32767, 'VelocityEast must be between -32768 and 32767')
velocity_east = int16(val);
case 'VelocityUp'
assert(isinteger(val), 'VelocityUp must be an integer')
assert(val >= -32768 && val <= 32767, 'VelocityUp must be between -32768 and 32767')
velocity_up = int16(val);
case 'Yaw'
assert(isinteger(val), 'Yaw must be an integer')
assert(val >= -32768 && val <= 32767, 'Yaw must be between -32768 and 32767')
yaw = int16(val);
case 'PhoneAppGPSTime'
assert(isinteger(val), 'PhoneAppGPSTime must be an integer')
assert(val >= 0 && val <= (2^64)-1, 'PhoneAppGPSTime must be between 0 and (2^64)-1')
phone_app_gps_time = uint64(val);
case 'PhoneAppLatitude'
assert(isnumeric(val), 'PhoneAppLatitude must be a number')
assert(abs(val) <= 90, 'PhoneAppLatitude must be between -90 and 90')
phone_app_latitude = double(val);
case 'PhoneAppLongitude'
assert(isnumeric(val), 'PhoneAppLongitude must be a number')
assert(abs(val) <= 180, 'PhoneAppLongitude must be between -180 and 180')
phone_app_longitude = double(val);
case 'HomeLatitude'
assert(isnumeric(val), 'HomeLatitude must be a number')
assert(abs(val) <= 90, 'HomeLatitude must be between -90 and 90')
home_latitude = double(val);
case 'HomeLongitude'
assert(isnumeric(val), 'HomeLongitude must be a number')
assert(abs(val) <= 180, 'HomeLongitude must be between -180 and 180')
home_longitude = double(val);
case 'ProductType'
assert(isinteger(val), 'ProductType must be an integer')
assert(val >= 0 && val <= 255, 'ProductType must be between 0 and 255')
product_type = uint8(val);
case 'UUID'
assert(isstring(val) || ischar(val), 'UUID must be a string')
assert(length(val) == 19, 'UUID must be 19 characters long (THIS IS TEMPORARY!!)')
uuid = val;
error('Invalid key "%s"', key);
coord_adj = 10000000 / 57.2957795785523;
% Pack the fields into bytes
sequence_number_bytes = to_bytes(sequence_number, 2);
state_info_bytes = state_info;
serial_number_bytes = [uint8(serial_number) zeros(1, 16 - length(serial_number))];
longitude_bytes = to_bytes(int32(round(longitude * coord_adj)), 4);
latitude_bytes = to_bytes(int32(round(latitude * coord_adj)), 4);
height_bytes = to_bytes(height, 2);
altitude_bytes = to_bytes(altitude, 2);
velocity_north_bytes = to_bytes(velocity_north, 2);
velocity_east_bytes = to_bytes(velocity_east, 2);
velocity_up_bytes = to_bytes(velocity_up, 2);
yaw_bytes = to_bytes(yaw, 2);
phone_app_gps_time_bytes = to_bytes(phone_app_gps_time, 8);
phone_app_latitude_bytes = to_bytes(int32(round(phone_app_latitude * coord_adj)), 4);
phone_app_longitude_bytes = to_bytes(int32(round(phone_app_longitude * coord_adj)), 4);
home_latitude_bytes = to_bytes(int32(round(home_latitude * coord_adj)), 4);
home_longitude_bytes = to_bytes(int32(round(home_longitude * coord_adj)), 4);
product_type_bytes = product_type;
uuid_bytes = uint8(uuid);
version = uint8(2);
message_type = uint8(16);
uuid_len = uint8(length(uuid_bytes));
frame = [ ...
message_type, version, sequence_number_bytes, state_info_bytes, serial_number_bytes, longitude_bytes, ...
latitude_bytes, height_bytes, altitude_bytes, velocity_north_bytes, velocity_east_bytes, velocity_up_bytes, ...
yaw_bytes, phone_app_gps_time_bytes, phone_app_latitude_bytes, phone_app_longitude_bytes, home_longitude_bytes, ...
home_latitude_bytes, product_type_bytes, uuid_len, uuid_bytes, uint8(0) ...
frame = [uint8(length(frame)) frame];
crc_bytes = to_bytes(calculate_crc(frame), 2);
frame = [frame, crc_bytes];