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% A cross correlation function that takes some shortcuts to be faster than xcorr(x,y,0,'normalized') with some small
% tradeoffs in accuracy. Return values are normalized to be between 0 and 1.0 with 1.0 being a perfect match
% Will return a vector that is `length(filter)` samples shorter than the input
% Correlation peaks point to the *beginning* of the `filter` sequence
% @param input_samples Complex row/column vector of samples (must have at least as many samples as `filter`)
% @param filter Complex row/column vector to correlate for in `input_samples`
% @param varargin Variable arguments (see above)
% @return scores Vector of correlation scores as complex values (use `abs(x).^2` to get score in range 0-1.0)
function [scores] = normalized_xcorr_fast(input_samples, filter, varargin)
assert(isrow(input_samples) || iscolumn(input_samples), "Input samples must be row or column vector");
assert(isrow(filter) || iscolumn(filter), "Filter must be a row or column vector");
assert(mod(length(varargin), 2) == 0, "Varargs length must be a multiple of 2");
% Placeholder for any varargs that might be needed in the future
for idx=1:2:length(varargin)
key = varargin{idx};
val = varargin{idx+1};
error("Invalid vararg key '%s'", key);
% Create the output vector using the same dimensions as the input samples vector. Not all samples can be
% computed, so don't include the last `length(filter)` samples
dims = size(input_samples);
if (dims(1) == 1)
scores = zeros(1, length(input_samples) - length(filter));
scores = zeros(length(input_samples) - length(filter), 1);
% Make the filter zero mean
filter = filter - mean(filter);
% Will be using dot product, so the conjugate is needed
filter_conj = conj(filter);
% Pre-calculate the variance, and the square root of the variance
filter_conj_var = var(filter_conj);
filter_conj_var_sqrt = sqrt(filter_conj_var);
% Pre-calculate and convert to multiplication, the divisions that will need to happen later
window_size = length(filter);
recip_window_size = 1 / window_size;
recip_window_size_minus_one = 1 / (window_size - 1);
% To prevent needing an if statement in the critical path, start the running sum with the first element
% missing, and the value being removed first in the loop set to 0. This means that on startup, the loop
% will work properly without needing a conditional
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temp_window = input_samples(2:window_size - 1);
running_sum = sum(temp_window);
prev_val = 0;
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% The same trick above is applied to the
running_abs_sqrd = sum(real(temp_window).^2 + imag(temp_window).^2);
running_abs_sqd_prev = 0;
for idx=1:length(scores)
% Get the next `window_size` samples starting at the current offset
window = input_samples(idx:idx + window_size - 1);
% Since the window is shifting to the right, subtract off the left-most value that was just removed and add
% on the new value on the right
running_sum = running_sum - prev_val + window(end);
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% The value that will be removed on the next iteration is the left-most value of the current window
prev_val = window(1);
% Make the window zero mean by subtracting the average power
window = window - (running_sum * recip_window_size);
% Compute the dot product
prod = sum(window .* filter_conj) * recip_window_size;
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% Compute the running abs(window).^2 estimate by removing the previous left-most value, and adding on the new
% right-most value. Then make the new left-most value the prev value for the next iteration
running_abs_sqrd = running_abs_sqrd - running_abs_sqd_prev + real(window(end)).^2 + imag(window(end)).^2;
running_abs_sqd_prev = real(window(1)).^2 + imag(window(1)).^2;
% Get the variance of the window
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variance = running_abs_sqrd * recip_window_size_minus_one;
% Divide the dot product result by the square root of the std deviation of both windows combined
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scores(idx) = prod / (sqrt(variance) * filter_conj_var_sqrt);