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# CUSF Standalone Predictor - Version 2
Cambridge University Spaceflight landing predictor - a web-based tool for predicting the flight path and landing location of latex meteorological sounding balloons.
## Install
The source for the predictor itself is in `pred_src/` and instructions for building it can be found there.
The following items need to be executable (`chmod +x ./`) by the user under which the predictor runs:
* ``
* `pred_src/pred` (once compiled)
* `cron/`
* `cron/`
The `predict/preds/` and `gfs/` directories need to have rwx access by the PHP interpreter and the `` python script. You will need to install the python dependencies listed in requirements.txt. In the case of PyDAP, the exact version is important; the easiest way is:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Other than that, just clone this repo to a non web-accessible folder and create symlinks to the `predict/` directory in the repo.
There are useful configuration options in `predict/includes/`.
## Information
The two shell scripts in the `cron/` directory should both be run daily. `` clears the cache used by pydap so that old data does not build up. `` deletes scenarios and predictions not accessed or modified within the last 7 days. Re-running a prediction for a scenario will therefore reset its time to live to 7 more days.
The directory names are UUIDs comprised of an SHA1 hash of the launch parameters, and re-running predictions will overwrite data in the existing directory, rather than create a new one.
We use GFS data provided by the NOAA, accessed via NDAP and their [NOMADS]( distribution system. The [1.0x1.0 degree data]( (26 vertical pressure levels) is used for standard predictions, and the [0.5x0.5 degree data]( (47 vertical pressure levels) is used for the high definition (HD) predictions.
## License
This work is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any later version. This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
## Credits & Acknowledgments
Credit as detailed in individual files, but notably:
* Rich Wareham - The new predictor and the hourly predictor system
* Fergus Noble, Ed Moore and many others
Adam Greig - []( - [](
Jon Sowman - []( - [](
Copyright Cambridge University Spaceflight 2009-2011 - All Rights Reserved