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// Project Horus - Browser-Based Chase Mapper - Bearing Handlers
// Copyright (C) 2019 Mark Jessop <>
// Released under GNU GPL v3 or later
// TODO:
// [x] Update bearing settings on change of fields
// [ ] Check what's up with the opacity scaling (make it properly linear)
// [ ] Load in default values from config file on startup
// [ ] Add compass widget to map to show latest bearing data.
var bearing_store = {};
var bearing_sources = [];
var bearings_on = true;
var bearings_only_mode = false;
2022-07-15 06:39:58 +00:00
var bearing_confidence_threshold = 5.0;
var bearing_max_age = 20*60.0;
var bearing_length = 10000;
var bearing_weight = 0.5;
var bearing_color = "#000000";
var bearing_max_opacity = 0.8;
var bearing_min_opacity = 0.1;
var bearing_large_plot = false;
// Store for the latest server timestamp.
// Start out with just our own local timestamp.
var latest_server_timestamp =;
function updateBearingSettings(){
// Update bearing settings, but do *not* redraw.
bearing_weight = parseFloat($('#bearingWeight').val());
bearing_length = parseFloat($('#bearingLength').val())*1000;
bearing_confidence_threshold = parseFloat($('#bearingConfidenceThreshold').val());
bearing_max_age = parseFloat($('#bearingMaximumAge').val())*60.0;
bearing_min_opacity = parseFloat($('#bearingMinOpacity').val());
bearing_max_opacity = parseFloat($('#bearingMaxOpacity').val());
var _bearing_color = $('#bearingColorSelect').val();
var _bearing_custom_color = $('#bearingCustomColor').val();
if(_bearing_color == "red"){
bearing_color = "#FF0000";
} else if (_bearing_color == "black"){
bearing_color = "#000000";
} else if (_bearing_color == "blue"){
bearing_color = "#0000FF";
} else if (_bearing_color == "green"){
bearing_color = "#00AA00";
} else if (_bearing_color == "white"){
bearing_color = "#FFFFFF";
} else if (_bearing_color == "custom"){
bearing_color = _bearing_custom_color;
function destroyAllBearings(){
$.each(bearing_store, function(key, value) {
bearing_store = {};
bearing_sources = [];
function bearingValid(bearing){
// Decide if a bearing should be plotted on the map, based on user options.
var _show_bearing = false;
// Filter out bearings below our confidence threshold.
if (bearing.confidence > bearing_confidence_threshold){
if (bearing.heading_valid == false) {
// Only show bearings which have an invalid associated hearing if the user wants them.
_show_bearing = document.getElementById("showStationaryBearings").checked;
} else {
_show_bearing = true;
// Disable showing of this bearing if the source is not selected
if (!document.getElementById("bearing_source_" + bearing.source).checked){
_show_bearing = false;
return _show_bearing;
function addBearing(timestamp, bearing, live){
2019-08-17 13:26:55 +00:00
// Handle any raw data, if we have been passed it.
var _raw_bearing_angles = [];
var _raw_doa = [];
// If we have raw data provided, extract it, then delete it from the bearing object,
// as we don't want to store this persistently.
_raw_bearing_angles = bearing.raw_bearing_angles;
_raw_doa = bearing.raw_doa;
delete bearing.raw_bearing_angles;
delete bearing.raw_doa;
bearing_store[timestamp] = bearing;
if ( !bearing_sources.includes(bearing.source)){
_new_bearing_div_name = "bearing_source_" + bearing.source;
bearing_sources_div = "<div class='paramRow'><b>Source: " + bearing.source + "</b> <input type='checkbox' class='paramSelector' id='"+_new_bearing_div_name+"'></div>";
// Calculate the end position.
var _end = calculateDestination(L.latLng([bearing_store[timestamp].lat, bearing_store[timestamp].lon]), bearing_store[timestamp].true_bearing, bearing_length);
var _opacity = calculateBearingOpacity(timestamp);
// Create the PolyLine
bearing_store[timestamp].line = L.polyline(
[[bearing_store[timestamp].lat, bearing_store[timestamp].lon],_end],{
color: bearing_color,
weight: bearing_weight,
opacity: _opacity
_bearing_valid = bearingValid(bearing_store[timestamp]);
if ( (_bearing_valid == true) && (document.getElementById("bearingsEnabled").checked == true) ){
if ( (live == true) && (document.getElementById("bearingsEnabled").checked == true) ){
2019-08-17 13:26:55 +00:00
if(_raw_bearing_angles.length > 0){
if (bearing_store[timestamp].confidence > bearing_confidence_threshold){
_valid_text = "YES";
}else {
_valid_text = "NO";
2022-07-15 06:39:58 +00:00
$("#bearing_table").tabulator("setData", [{id:1, valid_bearing:_valid_text, bearing: bearing_store[timestamp].raw_bearing.toFixed(0), confidence: bearing_store[timestamp].confidence.toFixed(1), power: bearing_store[timestamp].power.toFixed(0)}]);
2019-08-17 13:26:55 +00:00
if(document.getElementById("tdoaEnabled").checked == true){
_valid_tdoa = bearing_store[timestamp].confidence > bearing_confidence_threshold;
bearingPlotRender(_raw_bearing_angles, _raw_doa, _valid_tdoa);
2019-08-17 13:26:55 +00:00
function removeBearings(timestamps){
// Remove bearings from a supplied list
timestamps.forEach(function (item, index){
delete bearing_store[item];
function restyleBearings(){
// Update the bearing settings.
$.each(bearing_store, function(key, value) {
// Calculate the end position.
var _opacity = calculateBearingOpacity(key);
// Create the PolyLine
color: bearing_color,
weight: bearing_weight,
opacity: _opacity
function redrawBearings(){
// Update the bearing settings.
$.each(bearing_store, function(key, value) {
// Remove bearing from map.
// Calculate the end position.
var _end = calculateDestination(L.latLng([bearing_store[key].lat, bearing_store[key].lon]), bearing_store[key].true_bearing, bearing_length);
var _opacity = calculateBearingOpacity(key);
// Create the PolyLine
bearing_store[key].line = L.polyline(
[[bearing_store[key].lat, bearing_store[key].lon],_end],{
color: bearing_color,
weight: bearing_weight,
opacity: _opacity
if ( (bearingValid(bearing_store[key]) == true) && (document.getElementById("bearingsEnabled").checked == true)){
function initialiseBearings(){
// Destroy all existing bearings
// Update the bearing settings.
// Request the bearings from the client.
url: "/get_bearings",
dataType: 'json',
async: true,
success: function(data) {
$.each(data, function(key, value) {
addBearing(key, value, false);
function bearingUpdate(data){
// Remove any bearings that have been requested.
addBearing(data.add.timestamp, data.add, true);
function toggleBearingsEnabled(){
// Enable-disable bearing only mode, which hides the summary and telemetry displays
// Grab the bearing-only-mode settings.
var _bearings_enabled = document.getElementById("bearingsEnabled").checked;
if ((_bearings_enabled == true) && (bearings_on == false)){
// Show all bearings.
bearings_on = true;
} else if ((_bearings_enabled == false) && (bearings_on == true)){
// Hide all bearings, which we can do by re-drawing them - as the bearingsEnabled
// button is not checked, re-drawing will remove all bearing lines from the map, and not re-add them.
// Hide the bearing plot
2019-08-17 13:26:55 +00:00
// Hide the bearing table
bearings_on = false;
function toggleBearingsOnlyMode(){
// Enable-disable bearing only mode, which hides the summary and telemetry displays
// Grab the bearing-only-mode settings.
var _bearings_only_enabled = document.getElementById("bearingsOnlyMode").checked;
if ((_bearings_only_enabled == true) && (bearings_only_mode == false)){
// The user had just enabled the bearings_only_mode, so hide things that are not relevant.
bearings_only_mode = true;
} else if ((_bearings_only_enabled == false) && (bearings_only_mode == true)){
// Un-hide balloon stuff
bearings_only_mode = false;
function flushBearings(){
// Send a message to the server to flush the bearing store, then clear our local bearing store.
var _confirm = confirm("Really clear all Bearing data?");
if (_confirm == true){
socket.emit('bearing_store_clear', {data: 'plzkthx'});
2019-08-17 13:26:55 +00:00
function bearingPlotRender(angles, doa, data_valid){
// Trying a colorblind-friendly color scheme.
if(data_valid == true){
_stroke_color = "#1A85FF";
} else {
_stroke_color = "#D41159";
_plot_dim = 400;
_plot_dim = 250;
if(dark_mode == true){
_bg_color = "none";
} else {
_bg_color = "ghostwhite";
var _config = {
"data": [{
"t": angles,// [0,45,90,135,180,215,270,315], // theta values (x axis)
"r": doa,//[-4,-3,-2,-1,0,-1,-2,-3,-4], // radial values (y axis)
"name": "DOA", // name for the legend
"visible": true,
"color": _stroke_color, // color of data element
"opacity": 1,
"strokeColor": _stroke_color,
"strokeDash": "solid", // solid, dot, dash (default)
"strokeSize": 2,
"visibleInLegend": false,
"geometry": "AreaChart" // AreaChart, BarChart, DotPlot, LinePlot (default)
"layout": {
"height": _plot_dim, // (default: 450)
"width": _plot_dim,
"showlegend": false,
"backgroundColor": _bg_color, // "ghostwhite",
"radialAxis": {
"domain": µ.DATAEXTENT,
"visible": true
"margin": {
"top": 20,
"right": 20,
"bottom": 20,
"left": 20
2019-08-17 13:26:55 +00:00
micropolar.Axis() // instantiate a new axis
.config(_config) // configure it
function toggle_bearing_plot_size(){
if(bearing_large_plot == true){
bearing_large_plot = false;
bearing_large_plot = true;
// TODO: This is not working
Returns the point that is a distance and heading away from
the given origin point.
@param {L.LatLng} latlng: origin point
@param {float}: heading in degrees, clockwise from 0 degrees north.
@param {float}: distance in meters
@returns {L.latLng} the destination point.
Many thanks to Chris Veness at
for a great reference and examples.
function calculateDestination(latlng, heading, distance) {
heading = (heading + 360) % 360;
var rad = Math.PI / 180,
radInv = 180 / Math.PI,
R = 6378137, // approximation of Earth's radius
lon1 = latlng.lng * rad,
lat1 = * rad,
rheading = heading * rad,
sinLat1 = Math.sin(lat1),
cosLat1 = Math.cos(lat1),
cosDistR = Math.cos(distance / R),
sinDistR = Math.sin(distance / R),
lat2 = Math.asin(sinLat1 * cosDistR + cosLat1 *
sinDistR * Math.cos(rheading)),
lon2 = lon1 + Math.atan2(Math.sin(rheading) * sinDistR *
cosLat1, cosDistR - sinLat1 * Math.sin(lat2));
lon2 = lon2 * radInv;
lon2 = lon2 > 180 ? lon2 - 360 : lon2 < -180 ? lon2 + 360 : lon2;
return L.latLng([lat2 * radInv, lon2]);
function calculateBearingOpacity(bearing_timestamp){
if(bearing_timestamp > latest_server_timestamp){
return bearing_max_opacity;
}else if((latest_server_timestamp - bearing_timestamp) > bearing_max_age){
return 0.0;
// Calculate an appropriate opacity.
var _opacity = bearing_max_opacity - (latest_server_timestamp - bearing_timestamp)/bearing_max_age;
if (_opacity < bearing_min_opacity){
_opacity = bearing_min_opacity;
return _opacity
2022-02-10 07:23:59 +00:00
function manualBearing(){
current_bearing = parseFloat($('#bearingManualEntry').val());
_bearing_info = {
'type': 'BEARING',
'bearing_type': 'absolute',
'source': 'EasyBearing',
'latitude': chase_car_position.latest_data[0],
'longitude': chase_car_position.latest_data[1],
'bearing': current_bearing
socket.emit('add_manual_bearing', _bearing_info);