16 Using the ADS B Receiver Image
Brendan Hickey edytuje tę stronę 2017-12-26 21:31:34 -05:00

To use the ADS-B Receiver image you will need another computer with an SD card reader to install the image to a SD card.

Downloading and extracting the image.

The first thing you will need to do is download the latest ADS-B Receiver from the project release page located here.

The images are archived using 7-Zip to compress the image down to the smallest size possible in order to save space on the server as well as to save on download time. This being said you will need to have 7-Zip or an archive extractor capable of decompressing 7-Zip archives. You can download 7-Zip for free from 7-Zip.org.

Once you have extracted the image file from the archive it is time to write the image to an SD card.

Writing the ADS-B Receiver image to an SD card.

Connect the SD card you wish to write the image on to the computer you will be using to write the image.

Now in order to write the image to your SD card you will need to first obtain software to do so. Which software to use to do so will depend on the operating system you will be using to write the image to the SD card on.

Microsoft Windows

If you are writing the image to the SD card on a Windows operating system it is recommended that you use Win32DiskImager to do so. You can download Win32DiskImager from the SourceForge Project Page. Once downloaded install the application after which you will need to execute the application as administrator. To do so right click on Win32DiskImager executable or shortcut and click on "Run as administrator".

Once the application is open select the ADS-B Receiver image which you extracted earlier. Then from the drive drop down list select the drive letter assigned to the SD card which should already be plugged into your computer.

Make sure you select the right drive! The selected drive will be erased once the write process has begun.

Now to write the image to the SD card by clicking on the button labels "Write". Once the image has been written to the SD card close the Win32DiskImager application and eject the disk from your computer.


Instructions coming soon!

Mac OS

Courtesy of @olekvi

First you have to p7unzip the image, if you have HomeBrew you can just type the following into a terminal to install p7zip:

brew install p7zip

Change directory to where you just downloaded the image, and run (edit adsb-receiver version number to match your downloaded image):

7z x adsb-receiver_2.0.0_raspbian-jessie-lite.7z 

Insert your SD card into you card reader and type in:

diskutil list

Find your SD cards name, it should be something like /dev/disk4

Make sure you got the right disk name, or you may overwrite one of your other disks!

Unmount your SD card: (diskX should be replaced with the disk name you just found, like disk4):

diskutil unmountDisk /dev/diskX

Write your image to the SD card (once again replace with correct version number and disk):

sudo dd bs=1m if=adsb-receiver_2.0.0_raspbian-jessie-lite.img of=/dev/rdiskX

Make sure to use rdiskX instead of diskX. Raw mode is about twenty times faster.

Booting your device.

Before powering on your device insert the SD card you just wrote the ADS-B Receiver image to into the device. Once this is done power on your device and wait for the operating system to boot up. Once the operating system has fully booted login to the device using the following credentials.

  • Login: pi
  • Password: adsbreceiver

Configuring your device.

The first thing you will need to do once the operating system has booted up is resize your disk in order to use all space available on the SD card. You can do so by running the following command.

sudo raspi-config

Select the first option to resize your disk from the menu and confirm you wish to do so. Once it is done resizing you can exit the configuration utility at which point it will warn you that you need to reboot in order for the changes to take place. Be sure to follow these instructions and reboot you device now.

Once the device has finished the reboot process log into the device again using the above credentials. Execute the following command to begin configuring dump1090-mutability using the ADS-B Receiver setup scripts.

cd ~/adsb-receiver/; ./install.sh

You will be presented with questions regarding additional features which may be added as well as instructions on how to obtain any information needed.

After running ./install.sh the first time visit the following URL in your favorite web browser and supply the data asked for to complete the installation of the portal.


Once completed your ADS-B Receiver will be up and running receiving ADS-B data and displaying aircraft it is receiving data from at http://IP_ADDRESS_OF_YOUR_DEVICE/dump1090.php.

It is highly advised that you change the default password at this time by running the following command.

sudo passwd

Adding additional software.

The ADS-B Receiver scripts are capable of installing additional software which can be used to feed the data received by dump1090-mutability to a number of aggregate sites such as FlightAware, Planefinder, and ADS-B Exchange.

To install additional software execute the following command once again and select the software you wish to install.

cd ~/adsb-receiver/; ./install.sh