23 Radioberry Configurations
Johan edytuje tę stronę 2021-02-23 19:47:33 +01:00

Radioberry configuration

The radioberry running on a RPI4

I have created a shell script for installing the radioberry software.

See the release information page https://github.com/pa3gsb/Radioberry-2.x/releases

See release information how to get the install script on to your raspberry pi.


Follow the instructions in the release notes.

It is possible to install a stable version or a development version.


Checking your installation can be done by executing the following commands:

All components will provide the version information!

(Note: The versions showed below are here as example)

$ sudo modinfo radioberry

filename: /lib/modules/5.4.51-v7l+/kernel/drivers/sdr/radioberry.ko

version: 0.7

license: GPL

description: Radioberry SDR device driver. (rpi-4)

author: Johan Maas - pa3gsb@gmail.com

srcversion: 753F1653130B45CCCC5FE2A

alias: of:N*T*Csdr,radioberryC*

alias: of:N*T*Csdr,radioberry


name: radioberry

vermagic: 5.4.51-v7l+ SMP mod_unload modversions ARMv7 p2v8

$ sudo systemctl stop radioberry

$ sudo radioberry



		`Radioberry V2.0  RPI-4 version`

`Supports 4 receivers and 1 transmitter.`

`Build version: rpi-4-2020-11-29`

`Have fune Johan PA3GSB`

`Report bugs to <pa3gsb@gmail.com>.`



Radioberry gateware version 72-3.

Radioberry firmware initialisation succesfully executed.

No alex or generic filters interface board connected to radioberry

Radioberry, Starting packet rx part.

Radioberry, Starting packet control part.

Radioberry, Starting packet tx part.


Online check

If you are using the latest development version of the radioberry software and your radio is connected to the internet you can check your status also online. See for more details: https://github.com/pa3gsb/Radioberry-2.x/wiki/Radioberry-Registration


Do you like to run pihpsdr see https://github.com/pa3gsb/Radioberry-2.x/wiki/Radioberry---PIHPSDR for instructions.