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2023-11-18 15:27:29 +00:00
RadioLib LoRaWAN End Device Reference Example
This example joins a LoRaWAN network and will send
uplink packets. Before you start, you will have to
register your device at
After your device is registered, you can run this example.
The device will join the network and start uploading data.
Also, most of the possible and available functions are
shown here for reference.
LoRaWAN v1.1 requires the use of EEPROM (persistent storage).
Running this examples REQUIRES you to check "Resets DevNonces"
on your LoRaWAN dashboard. Refer to the notes or the
network's documentation on how to do this.
To comply with LoRaWAN v1.1's persistent storage, refer to
2023-11-18 15:27:29 +00:00
For default module settings, see the wiki page
For full API reference, see the GitHub Pages
For LoRaWAN details, see the wiki page
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#include "config.h"
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// include the library
#include <RadioLib.h>
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2023-11-18 15:27:29 +00:00
void setup() {
while (!Serial); // Wait for serial to be initalised
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delay(5000); // Give time to switch to the serial monitor
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int16_t state = 0; // return value for calls to RadioLib
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Serial.println(F("Initalise the radio"));
state = radio.begin();
debug(state != RADIOLIB_ERR_NONE, F("Initalise radio failed"), state, true);
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// Override the default join rate
// uint8_t joinDR = 3;
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Serial.println(F("Join ('login') to the LoRaWAN Network"));
state = node.beginOTAA(joinEUI, devEUI, nwkKey, appKey, true);
debug(state < RADIOLIB_ERR_NONE, F("Join failed"), state, true);
// Print the DevAddr
Serial.print("[LoRaWAN] DevAddr: ");
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Serial.println((unsigned long)node.getDevAddr(), HEX);
// Disable the ADR algorithm (on by default which is preferable)
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// Set a fixed datarate & make it persistent (not normal)
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// Enable CSMA which tries to minimize packet loss by searching
// for a free channel before actually sending an uplink
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node.setCSMA(6, 2, true);
// Manages uplink intervals to the TTN Fair Use Policy
node.setDutyCycle(true, 1250);
// Enable the dwell time limits - 400ms is the limit for the US
node.setDwellTime(true, 400);
} // setup
2023-11-18 15:27:29 +00:00
void loop() {
int state = RADIOLIB_ERR_NONE;
// set battery fill level - the LoRaWAN network server
// may periodically request this information
// 0 = external power source
// 1 = lowest (empty battery)
// 254 = highest (full battery)
// 255 = unable to measure
uint8_t battLevel = 146;
// Read some inputs
uint8_t Digital1 = digitalRead(2);
uint16_t Analog1 = analogRead(3);
// Build payload byte array
uint8_t uplinkPayload[3];
uplinkPayload[0] = Digital1;
uplinkPayload[1] = highByte(Analog1); // See notes for high/lowByte functions
uplinkPayload[2] = lowByte(Analog1);
uint8_t downlinkPayload[10]; // Make sure this fits your plans!
size_t downlinkSize; // To hold the actual payload size rec'd
// you can also retrieve additional information about an uplink or
// downlink by passing a reference to LoRaWANEvent_t structure
LoRaWANEvent_t uplinkDetails;
LoRaWANEvent_t downlinkDetails;
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uint8_t Port = 10;
// Retrieve the last uplink frame counter
uint32_t fcntUp = node.getFcntUp();
// Send a confirmed uplink every 64th frame
// and also request the LinkCheck and DeviceTime MAC commands
2023-11-18 15:27:29 +00:00
if(fcntUp % 64 == 0) {
Serial.println(F("[LoRaWAN] Requesting LinkCheck and DeviceTime"));
state = node.sendReceive(uplinkPayload, sizeof(uplinkPayload), Port, downlinkPayload, &downlinkSize, true, &uplinkDetails, &downlinkDetails);
2023-11-18 15:27:29 +00:00
} else {
state = node.sendReceive(uplinkPayload, sizeof(uplinkPayload), Port, downlinkPayload, &downlinkSize);
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debug((state != RADIOLIB_LORAWAN_NO_DOWNLINK) && (state != RADIOLIB_ERR_NONE), F("Error in sendReceive"), state, false);
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// Check if downlink was received
// Did we get a downlink with data for us
if (downlinkSize > 0) {
Serial.println(F("Downlink data: "));
arrayDump(downlinkPayload, downlinkSize);
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} else {
Serial.println(F("<MAC commands only>"));
// print RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator)
Serial.print(F("[LoRaWAN] RSSI:\t\t"));
Serial.println(F(" dBm"));
// print SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ratio)
Serial.print(F("[LoRaWAN] SNR:\t\t"));
Serial.println(F(" dB"));
// print frequency error
Serial.print(F("[LoRaWAN] Frequency error:\t"));
Serial.println(F(" Hz"));
// print extra information about the event
Serial.println(F("[LoRaWAN] Event information:"));
Serial.print(F("[LoRaWAN] Confirmed:\t"));
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Serial.print(F("[LoRaWAN] Confirming:\t"));
Serial.print(F("[LoRaWAN] Datarate:\t"));
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Serial.print(F("[LoRaWAN] Frequency:\t"));
Serial.print(downlinkDetails.freq, 3);
2023-11-18 15:27:29 +00:00
Serial.println(F(" MHz"));
Serial.print(F("[LoRaWAN] Output power:\t"));
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Serial.println(F(" dBm"));
Serial.print(F("[LoRaWAN] Frame count:\t"));
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Serial.print(F("[LoRaWAN] Port:\t\t"));
uint8_t margin = 0;
uint8_t gwCnt = 0;
if(node.getMacLinkCheckAns(&margin, &gwCnt) == RADIOLIB_ERR_NONE) {
Serial.print(F("[LoRaWAN] LinkCheck margin:\t"));
Serial.print(F("[LoRaWAN] LinkCheck count:\t"));
uint32_t networkTime = 0;
uint8_t fracSecond = 0;
if(node.getMacDeviceTimeAns(&networkTime, &fracSecond, true) == RADIOLIB_ERR_NONE) {
Serial.print(F("[LoRaWAN] DeviceTime Unix:\t"));
Serial.print(F("[LoRaWAN] DeviceTime second:\t1/"));
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// wait before sending another packet
uint32_t minimumDelay = uplinkIntervalSeconds * 1000UL;
uint32_t interval = node.timeUntilUplink(); // calculate minimum duty cycle delay (per FUP & law!)
uint32_t delayMs = max(interval, minimumDelay); // cannot send faster than duty cycle allows
Serial.print(F("[LoRaWAN] Next uplink in "));
} // loop