Update library files.

Guy Carver 2018-03-30 12:45:56 -04:00
rodzic cf2e72261c
commit 742fe88d57
4 zmienionych plików z 387 dodań i 51 usunięć

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@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
#driver for the diymall 9.6 oled display.
#128x32 pixel support with help from adafruit libraries.
import pyb
@ -22,12 +23,14 @@ _SETPRECHARGE = const(0xD9)
_SETMULTIPLEX = const(0xA8)
_SETLOWCOLUMN = const(0x00)
_SETHIGHCOLUMN = const(0x10)
#_SETLOWCOLUMN = const(0x00)
#_SETHIGHCOLUMN = const(0x10)
_SETSTARTLINE = const(0x40)
_MEMORYMODE = const(0x20)
_COLUMNADDR = const(0x21)
_PAGEADDR = const(0x22)
_COMSCANINC = const(0xC0)
_COMSCANDEC = const(0xC8)
@ -70,25 +73,26 @@ _VERTICAL_AND_LEFT_HORIZONTAL_SCROLL = const(0x2A)
class oled(object) :
"""diyMall OLED 9.6 128x64 pixel display driver."""
def __init__( self, aLoc ) :
def __init__( self, aLoc, aHeight = 64 ) :
"""aLoc I2C pin location is either 1 for 'X' or 2 for 'Y'."""
self._size = (128, 64)
self._size = (128, aHeight)
self._rotation = 0
self._inverted = False
self._on = False
self.i2c = pyb.I2C(aLoc, pyb.I2C.MASTER, baudrate = 200000)
self.bytes = self.size[0] * self.size[1] // 8
self.pages = aHeight // 8
self.bytes = self.size[0] * self.pages
self.buffer = bytearray(self.bytes + 1)
self.buffer[0] = 0x40 #data write start command at very start of buffer.
self.data = bytearray(2)
self.data[0] = 0
self.data[0] = 0 #0 = Command mode.
self.command = _DISPLAYOFF
self.command = 0x80 #suggested ratio.
self.command = _SETMULTIPLEX
self.command = 0x3F
self.command = aHeight - 1
self.command = _SETDISPLAYOFFSET
self.command = 0x0
self.command = _SETSTARTLINE #| 0x0
@ -99,9 +103,8 @@ class oled(object) :
self.command = _SEGREMAP + 0x01
self.command = _COMSCANDEC
self.command = _SETCOMPINS
self.command = 0x12
self.command = _SETCONTRAST
self.command = 0xCF
self.command = 0x12 if aHeight == 64 else 0x02
self.dim = 0xCF
self.command = _SETPRECHARGE
self.command = 0xF1
self.command = _SETVCOMDETECT
@ -156,6 +159,16 @@ class oled(object) :
self._inverted = aTF
self.command = _INVERTDISPLAY if aTF else _NORMALDISPLAY
def dim( self ):
return self._dim
def dim( self, aValue ):
self._dim = aValue
self.command = _SETCONTRAST
self.command = self._dim
def fill( self, aValue ) :
for x in range(1, self.bytes + 1):
@ -316,7 +329,7 @@ class oled(object) :
def doscrollDiag( self, start, stop, aDir ) :
self.command = 0x00
self.command = self.size()[1]
self.command = self.size[1]
self.command = aDir
self.command = 0x00
self.command = start
@ -335,9 +348,13 @@ class oled(object) :
self.command = _DEACTIVATE_SCROLL
def display( self ) :
self.command = _SETLOWCOLUMN #| 0x00
self.command = _SETHIGHCOLUMN #| 0x00
self.command = _SETSTARTLINE #| 0x00
self.command = _COLUMNADDR
self.command = 0
self.command = self.size[0] - 1
self.command = _PAGEADDR
self.command = 0
self.command = self.pages - 1
#buffer starts with 0x40 in 1st byte which is the command to start the buffer write.

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@ -1,33 +1,30 @@
#Driver for the bts7960 43A high power motor controller.
from pwm import pwm
from pyb import Pin
from machine import Pin, PWM
from utime import sleep_ms
class motor( ):
"""Control a motor connected to the bts7960 motor controller."""
def __init__( self, aOnOff, aForward, aBackward ) :
"""aOnOff is the pin to control free movement of the motor.
aForward and aBackward are tuples indicating pin and timer channel # for PWM pins.
aForward = (pin name, timer channel #)
aBackward = (pin name, timer channel #)
Need to make sure the given timer channel # is associated with the pin
or an exception will be raised.
m1 = motor('Y1', ('Y2', 8), ('Y3', 10))
m2 = motor('X1', ('X2', 5), ('X3', 5)) """
self._onoff = Pin(aOnOff, Pin.OUT_PP)
self._forward = pwm(*aForward)
self._backward = pwm(*aBackward)
def __init__( self, aForward, aBackward, aFreq = 100 ) :
"""aForward = tuple (On Pin #, PWM Pin #)
aBackward = tuple (On Pin #, PWM Pin #)
aFreq = max frequency.
m1 = motor((19, 22), (21, 23))
self._onf = Pin(aForward[0], Pin.OUT)
self._forward = PWM(Pin(aForward[1], Pin.OUT))
self._onb = Pin(aBackward[0], Pin.OUT)
self._backward = PWM(Pin(aBackward[1], Pin.OUT))
self._maxfreq = aFreq
self._speed = 0
self.seton( self, aOn ) :
def seton( aPin, aOn ) :
'''Set on/off (free wheeling) state of motor.'''
if aOn :
aPin.value(1 if aOn else 0)
def speed( self ) : return self._speed
@ -36,29 +33,31 @@ class motor( ):
def speed( self, aValue ) :
'''Set velocity and direction of motor with -100 <= aValue <= 100.'''
self._speed = aValue
pos = True
on = False
f = 0
b = 0
if aValue == 0 :
motor.seton(self._onb, False)
motor.seton(self._onf, False)
elif aValue < 0 :
aValue = -aValue
pos = False
if aValue < 0 :
on = True
f = 0
b = min(100, -aValue)
on = True
f = min(100, aValue)
b = 0
f = self.p2hz(min(100, aValue))
motor.seton(self._onf, pos)
motor.seton(self._onb, not pos)
self._forward.pulse_width_percent = f
self._backward.pulse_width_percent = b
def p2hz( self, aPerc ) :
return int((self._maxfreq * aPerc) // 100)
def brake( self ) :
""" Brake the motor by sending power both directions, then shut it all down. """
self._forward.pulse_width_percent = 100
self._backward.pulse_width_percent = 100
motor.seton(self._onf, True)
motor.seton(self._onb, True)
self.speed = 0

lib/hc05.py 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
from machine import UART, Pin
from time import sleep_ms
# HC05 Bluetooth board ----------------------------------------
#See docs at:
# https://www.itead.cc/wiki/Serial_Port_Bluetooth_Module_(Master/Slave)_:_HC-05
# AT - Does nothing but get an ok.
# All of the following commands start with AT+ and end with \r\n
# NAME= : This is the name that will show up in windows.
# NAME? :
# ADDR? : see default address
# UART? : See baudrate
# UART= : Set baudrate, stop, parity
# ROLE? : See role of bt module(1=master/0=slave)
# ROLE= : Set role of bt module(1=master/0=slave/2=slave loop)
# RESET : Reset and exit AT mode
# ORGL : Restore factory settings
# PSWD? : see default password
# PSWD= : set default password
# RMAAD : Remove all paired devices.
# CMODE? : Get the CMODE.
# CMODE= : 0 = fixed addr, 1 = connect any, 2 = slave loop.
# BIND= : Param is fixed address (Default 00:00:00:00:00:00). Send data separated by ,
# BIND? : Return data is separated by :
# INQM=<P1>,<P2>,<P3> : P1 = 0:standard, 1:rssi, P2 = Max # of devices. P3 = Timeout (1-48: 1-61s)
# INQ : Start inquiring state.
# INQC : Cancel inquiring state.
# PAIR=<addr> : Match device. Don't know what the difference between PAIR and LINK are.
# LINK=<addr> : Connect device.
# CLASS= : Device class.
# POLAR=<P1>,<P2> : 1, 0 for example.
# STATE? : Get Initialized, Ready, Pairable, Inquiring, Connectin, Connected, Disconnected, Unknown
# MRAD? : Get address of most recently used authenticated device.
# ADCN? : Get authenticated device count.
# DISC : Disconnect
#HC05 notes:
# My HC05 has an AT button on it. I do not use that button at all.
# I've found that connecting at baud 38400 is the best way to ensure communication in both AT and DATA mode.
# To send most AT commands the 'EN' pin must be pulled high.
# When the LED is flashing quickly, all AT commands work at all baud rates.
# But on reset command, the LED will blink slowly. In this state AT commands will only work on baud 38400.
#Master connect sequence:
# h.at = 1
# h.clearpaired()
# h.role(1)
# h.reset()
# h.cmode(1)
# h.inqm(0,5,5)
# h.init()
# h.inq()
class hc05(object):
'''hc05 Bluetooth serial device driver. This is simply a light UART wrapper
with addition AT command methods to customize the device.'''
_OK = 'OK\r\n'
_COMMA = ','
_EQUAL = '='
_AT = 'AT+'
#Commands that are both ? and =.
def __init__( self, atpin, uart, aBaud = 38400, aParity = None, aStop = 1 ):
''' uart = uart #0-2, baudrate must match what is set on the hc05 or 38400 (at-mode).
It is suggested to set the baud rate to 38400, then at mode will always work with the current baud rate.
atpin is the pin connected to the hc05 "en" pin. This is used to enter at mode.'''
self._uart = UART(uart, aBaud, parity = aParity, stop = aStop)
self._at = Pin(atpin, Pin.OUT, Pin.PULL_UP)
def __del__( self ) : self._uart.deinit()
def any( self ) : return self._uart.any()
def write( self, astring ) : return self._uart.write(astring)
def writechar( self, achar ) : self._uart.writechar(achar)
def read( self, num = None ) : return self._uart.read(num)
def readline( self ) :
res = self._uart.readline()
return res.decode('utf-8') if res else ''
def readchar( self ) : return self._uart.readchar()
def readinto( self, buf, count = None ) : return self._uart.readinto(buf, count)
def clear( self ) :
while self.any() :
def _test( self ) :
for i in range(1, 100) :
if self.any():
return self.readline() == hc05._OK
return False
def at( self ) :
return self._at()
def at( self, aArg ) :
'''Put into at Mode.'''
def _write( self, aValue ) :
return self._uart.write(aValue)
def _getreply( self ) :
res = ''
for i in range(1, 100) :
if self.any() :
res = self.readline()
return res
def _cmd( self, *aCommands ) :
'''Send AT command, wait a bit then return True if OK'''
for c in aCommands:
return self._getreply()
def _qcmd( self, *aCommands ) :
'''Send AT command, wait a bit then return result string'''
for c in aCommands:
bres = self._getreply()
self.readline() #Read the 'OK\r\n' line.
return bres
def qaddr( self ) :
return self._qcmd('ADDR')
def qname( self ) :
'''Get the name (AT mode only)'''
return self._qcmd(hc05._NAME)
def name( self, aName ) :
'''Set the name to show up on the connecting device'''
return self._cmd(hc05._NAME, hc05._EQUAL, aName)
def qpswd( self ) :
'''Get the password'''
return self._qcmd(hc05._PSWD)
def pswd( self, aPin ) :
'''Set the password'''
return self._cmd(hc05._PSWD, hc05._EQUAL, str(aPin))
def qversion( self ) :
'''Get version #'''
return self._qcmd('VERSION')
def quart( self ) :
'''Get uart baud, stop, parity'''
return self._qcmd(hc05._UART)
def uart( self, aBaud, aStop, aParity ) :
'''Set uart baud, stop, parity'''
return self._cmd(hc05._UART, hc05._EQUAL, str(aBaud), hc05._COMMA, str(aStop), hc05._COMMA, str(aParity))
def qrole( self ) :
'''Get role, 0 = slave, 1 = master'''
return self._qcmd(hc05._ROLE)
def role( self, aRole ) :
'''Set role, 0 = slave, 1 = master'''
return self._cmd(hc05._ROLE, hc05._EQUAL, str(aRole))
def reset( self ) :
'''Reset hc05'''
return self._cmd('RESET')
def clearpaired( self ) :
'''Clear all paired device'''
return self._cmd('RMAAD')
def qcmode( self ) :
'''Get connect mode: 0 = fixed address, 1 = any, 2 = slave loop'''
return self._qcmd(hc05._CMODE)
def cmode( self, aMode ) :
'''Set connect mode: 0 = fixed address, 1 = any, 2 = slave loop'''
return self._cmd(hc05._CMODE, hc05._EQUAL, str(aMode))
def inqm( self, aProtocol, aDevices, aTimeout ) :
'''Set inquiry mode: aProtocol = 0/standard, 1/rssi, aDevices = Max # devices, aTimeout = 1-48'''
return self._cmd('INQM=', str(aProtocol), hc05._COMMA, str(aDevices), hc05._COMMA, str(aTimeout))
def init( self ) :
'''Initialize hc05 with given settings.'''
return self._cmd('INIT')
def inq( self ) :
'''Enter inquiry state'''
return self._cmd('INQ')
def inqcancel( self ) :
'''Cancel inquiry state'''
return self._cmd('INQC')
def setclass( self, aClass ) :
'''Set class #'''
return self._cmd('CLASS=', str(aClass))
def polar( self, aArg ) :
return self._cmd('POLAR=', aArg)
def qstate( self ) :
'''Get current state'''
return self._qcmd('STATE')
def qdevicecount( self ) :
'''Get authenticated defice count'''
return self._qcmd('ADCN')
def qmrad( self ) :
'''Get most recently used device address'''
return self._qcmd('MRAD')
def pair( self, aDevice, aTimeout ) :
'''Pair with given device'''
return self._cmd('PAIR=', aDevice, str(aTimeout))
def link( self, aAddress ) :
'''Link with given device'''
return self._cmd('LINK=', aAddress)
def disconnect( self ) :
'''Disconnect from device'''
return self._cmd('DISC')

lib/hc06.py 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
from pyb import UART, repl_uart, udelay
# HC06 Bluetooth board ----------------------------------------
# This opens connection with Bluetooth module connected to Y1, Y2 (UART 6)
# Then it sets the repl output to this UART.
#COMMANDS AT - does nothing but get an ok.
# The posible baudrates are:
# AT+BAUD1-------1200
# AT+BAUD2-------2400
# AT+BAUD3-------4800
# AT+BAUD4-------9600 - Default for hc-06
# AT+BAUD5------19200
# AT+BAUD6------38400
# AT+BAUD7------57600
# AT+BAUD8-----115200
# AT+BAUD9-----230400
# AT+BAUDA-----460800
# AT+BAUDB-----921600
# AT+BAUDC----1382400
# AT+NAMEnewname This is the name that will show up in windows.
# AT+PIN???? set 4 digit pairing pin.
class hc06(object):
"""HC06 (JY-MCU) Bluetooth serial device driver. This is simply a light UART wrapper
with addition AT command methods to customize the device."""
def __init__( self, uart, baudrate ):
""" uart = uart #1-6, baudrate must match what is set on the JY-MCU.
Needs to be a #1-C. """
self._uart = UART(uart, baudrate)
def __del__( self ) : self._uart.deinit()
def any( self ) : return self._uart.any()
def write( self, astring ) : return self._uart.write(astring)
def writechar( self, achar ) : self._uart.writechar(achar)
def read( self, num = None ) : return self._uart.read(num)
def readline( self ) : return self._uart.readline()
def readchar( self ) : return self._uart.readchar()
def readall( self ) : return self._uart.readall()
def readinto( self, buf, count = None ) : return self._uart.readinto(buf, count)
def _cmd( self, cmd ) :
""" Send AT command, wait a bit then return result string. """
self._uart.write("AT+" + cmd)
return self.readline()
def baudrate( self, rate ) :
""" Set the baud rate. Needs to be #1-C. """
return self._cmd("BAUD" + str(rate))
def name( self, name ) :
""" Set the name to show up on the connecting device. """
return self._cmd("NAME" + name)
def pin( self, pin ) :
""" Set the given 4 digit numeric pin. """
return self._cmd("PIN" + str(pin))
def version( self ) : return self._cmd("VERSION")
def setrepl( self ) : repl_uart(self._uart)