
362 wiersze
9.2 KiB

#driver for the diymall 9.6 oled display.
#128x32 pixel support with help from adafruit libraries.
import pyb
_I2C_ADDRESS = const(0x3C) # 011110+SA0+RW - 0x3C or 0x3D
_SETCONTRAST = const(0x81)
_DISPLAYALLON = const(0xA5)
_NORMALDISPLAY = const(0xA6)
_INVERTDISPLAY = const(0xA7)
_DISPLAYOFF = const(0xAE)
_DISPLAYON = const(0xAF)
_SETCOMPINS = const(0xDA)
_SETPRECHARGE = const(0xD9)
_SETMULTIPLEX = const(0xA8)
#_SETLOWCOLUMN = const(0x00)
#_SETHIGHCOLUMN = const(0x10)
_SETSTARTLINE = const(0x40)
_MEMORYMODE = const(0x20)
_COLUMNADDR = const(0x21)
_PAGEADDR = const(0x22)
_COMSCANINC = const(0xC0)
_COMSCANDEC = const(0xC8)
_SEGREMAP = const(0xA0)
_CHARGEPUMP = const(0x8D)
_EXTRNALVCC = const(0x1)
_SWITCHAPVCC = const(0x2)
_ACTIVATE_SCROLL = const(0x2F)
#Buffer layout in bits. 128 columns by 64 rows.
#Each byte represents 8 pixels in a row.
# Column
# R 0 8 10 ... 3F8
# O 1 9 11 ... 3F9
# W 2 A 12 ... 3FA
# 3 B 13 ... 3FB
# 4 C 14 ... 3FC
# 5 D 15 ... 3FD
# 6 E 16 ... 3FE
# 7 F 17 ... 3FF
# 400 408
# 401 409
# 402 40A
# 403 40B
# 404 40C
# 405 40D
# 406 40E
# 407 40F
class oled(object) :
"""diyMall OLED 9.6 128x64 pixel display driver."""
def __init__( self, aLoc, aHeight = 64 ) :
"""aLoc I2C pin location is either 1 for 'X' or 2 for 'Y'."""
self._size = (128, aHeight)
self._rotation = 0
self._inverted = False
self._on = False
self.i2c = pyb.I2C(aLoc, pyb.I2C.MASTER, baudrate = 200000)
self.pages = aHeight // 8
self.bytes = self.size[0] * self.pages
self.buffer = bytearray(self.bytes + 1)
self.buffer[0] = 0x40 #data write start command at very start of buffer. = bytearray(2)[0] = 0 #0 = Command mode.
self.command = _DISPLAYOFF
self.command = 0x80 #suggested ratio.
self.command = _SETMULTIPLEX
self.command = aHeight - 1
self.command = _SETDISPLAYOFFSET
self.command = 0x0
self.command = _SETSTARTLINE #| 0x0
self.command = _CHARGEPUMP
self.command = 0x14 #No external power.
self.command = _MEMORYMODE
self.command = 0x00 #Act like ks0108
self.command = _SEGREMAP + 0x01
self.command = _COMSCANDEC
self.command = _SETCOMPINS
self.command = 0x12 if aHeight == 64 else 0x02
self.dim = 0xCF
self.command = _SETPRECHARGE
self.command = 0xF1
self.command = _SETVCOMDETECT
self.command = 0x40
self.command = _NORMALDISPLAY
self.command = 0XB0
self.command = 0x10
self.command = 0x01 #Set original position to 0,0.
self.on = True
def size( self ) : return self._size
def rotation( self ) : return self._rotation
def rotation( self, aValue ) :
self._rotation = aValue & 3
def write( self, aValue ) :
self.i2c.send(aValue, _I2C_ADDRESS)
def command( self ) : return 0
def command( self, aValue ) :[1] = aValue
def on( self ) : return self._on
def on( self, aTF ) :
if aTF != self._on :
self._on = aTF
'''Turn display on or off.'''
self.command = _DISPLAYON if aTF else _DISPLAYOFF
def invert( self ) : return self._inverted
def invert( self, aTF ) :
if aTF != self._inverted :
self._inverted = aTF
self.command = _INVERTDISPLAY if aTF else _NORMALDISPLAY
def dim( self ):
return self._dim
def dim( self, aValue ):
self._dim = aValue
self.command = _SETCONTRAST
self.command = self._dim
def fill( self, aValue ) :
for x in range(1, self.bytes + 1):
self.buffer[x] = aValue;
def clear( self ) :
def pixel( self, aPos, aOn ) :
'''Draw a pixel at the given position'''
x, y = aPos
w, h = self.size
if 0 <= x < w and 0 <= y < h:
if self._rotation == 1:
aPos = (w - y - 1, x)
elif self._rotation == 2:
aPos = (w - x - 1, h - y - 1)
elif self._rotation == 3:
aPos = (y, h - x - 1)
bit = 1 << (aPos[1] % 8)
index = (aPos[0] + (aPos[1] // 8) * w) + 1
if aOn :
self.buffer[index] |= bit
else :
self.buffer[index] &= not bit
def line( self, aStart, aEnd, aOn ) :
'''Draws a line from aStart to aEnd in the given color. Vertical or horizontal
lines are forwarded to vline and hline.'''
px, py = aStart
ex, ey = aEnd
dx = ex - px
dy = ey - py
inx = 1 if dx > 0 else -1
iny = 1 if dy > 0 else -1
dx = abs(dx)
dy = abs(dy)
if (dx >= dy):
dy <<= 1
e = dy - dx
dx <<= 1
while (px != ex):
self.pixel((px, py), aOn)
if (e >= 0):
py += iny
e -= dx
e += dy
px += inx
dx <<= 1
e = dx - dy
dy <<= 1
while (py != ey):
self.pixel((px, py), aOn)
if (e >= 0):
px += inx
e -= dy
e += dx
py += iny
# @micropython.native
def fillrect( self, aStart, aSize, aOn ) :
'''Draw a filled rectangle. aStart is the smallest coordinate corner
and aSize is a tuple indicating width, height.'''
x, y = aStart
w, h = aSize
ex = x + w
for i in range(y, y + h):
self.line((x, i), (ex, i), aOn)
def text( self, aPos, aString, aColor, aFont, aSize = 1 ) :
'''Draw a text at the given position. If the string reaches the end of the
display it is wrapped to aPos[0] on the next line. aSize may be an integer
which will size the font uniformly on w,h or a or any type that may be
indexed with [0] or [1].'''
if aFont == None:
#Make a size either from single value or 2 elements.
if (type(aSize) == int) or (type(aSize) == float):
wh = (aSize, aSize)
wh = aSize
px, py = aPos
width = wh[0] * aFont["Width"] + 1
for c in aString:
self.char((px, py), c, aColor, aFont, wh)
px += width
#We check > rather than >= to let the right (blank) edge of the
# character print off the right of the screen.
if px + width > self._size[0]:
py += aFont["Height"] * wh[1] + 1
px = aPos[0]
def char( self, aPos, aChar, aOn, aFont, aSizes ) :
'''Draw a character at the given position using the given font and color.
aSizes is a tuple with x, y as integer scales indicating the
# of pixels to draw for each pixel in the character.'''
if aFont == None:
startchar = aFont['Start']
endchar = aFont['End']
ci = ord(aChar)
if (startchar <= ci <= endchar):
fontw = aFont['Width']
fonth = aFont['Height']
ci = (ci - startchar) * fontw
charA = aFont["Data"][ci:ci + fontw]
px = aPos[0]
if aSizes[0] <= 1 and aSizes[1] <= 1 :
for c in charA :
py = aPos[1]
for r in range(fonth) :
if c & 0x01 :
self.pixel((px, py), aOn)
py += 1
c >>= 1
px += 1
for c in charA :
py = aPos[1]
for r in range(fonth) :
if c & 0x01 :
self.fillrect((px, py), aSizes, aOn)
py += aSizes[1]
c >>= 1
px += aSizes[0]
def doscrollLR( self, start, stop, aDir ) :
self.command = aDir
self.command = 0x00
self.command = start
self.command = 0x00
self.command = stop
self.command = 0x01
self.command = 0xFF
self.command = _ACTIVATE_SCROLL
def startscrollright( self, start, stop ) :
self.doscrollLR(start, stop, _RIGHT_HORIZONTAL_SCROLL)
def startscrollleft( self, start, stop ) :
self.doscrollLR(start, stop, _LEFT_HORIZONTAL_SCROLL)
def doscrollDiag( self, start, stop, aDir ) :
self.command = 0x00
self.command = self.size[1]
self.command = aDir
self.command = 0x00
self.command = start
self.command = 0x00
self.command = stop
self.command = 0x01
self.command = _ACTIVATE_SCROLL
def startscrolldiagright( self, start, stop ) :
self.doscrollDiag(start, stop, _VERTICAL_AND_RIGHT_HORIZONTAL_SCROLL)
def startscrolldiagleft( self, start, stop ) :
self.doscrollDiag(start, stop, _VERTICAL_AND_LEFT_HORIZONTAL_SCROLL)
def stopscroll( self ) :
self.command = _DEACTIVATE_SCROLL
def display( self ) :
self.command = _COLUMNADDR
self.command = 0
self.command = self.size[0] - 1
self.command = _PAGEADDR
self.command = 0
self.command = self.pages - 1
#buffer starts with 0x40 in 1st byte which is the command to start the buffer write.