1 Additional G M codes
Schildkroet edytuje tę stronę 2024-02-23 18:10:00 +01:00

Additional G- and M-codes are usually implemented according to the LinuxCNC specification.


G7  - Lathe diameter mode
G8  - Lathe radius mode
G33 - Spindle synchronized motion
G76 - Threading cycle
G96 - Constant Surface Speed mode
G97 - RPM mode

G73 - Drilling cycle, chip breaking
G81 - Drilling cycle
G82 - Drilling cycle with dwell
G83 - Drilling cycle with peck
G98,G99 - Canned cycle return level


M6 - Tool change
M61 - Set current tool
M62-M65 - Digital Output Control

NOTE: use the new codes with caution, they have not undergone extensive testing!