
2.5 KiB

Command List


  • --local: ignore the presence of eotk-workers.conf and operate upon local projects; used to administer projects running locally on a machine which might also be running onionbalance.
  • --remote: functionally the same as --local but denotes remote execution on a worker; used to inhibit recursion and loops amongst worker machines, of A calls B calls A calls B ...


  • eotk config [filename] # default onions.conf
    • synonyms: conf, configure
    • parses the config file and sets up and populates the projects
  • eotk maps projectname ... # or: -a for all
    • prints which onions correspond to which dns domains
    • for softmap, this list may not show until after ob-config and ob-start
  • eotk harvest projectname ... # or: -a for all
    • synonyms: onions
    • prints list of onions used by projects

Onion Generation

  • eotk genkey
    • synonyms: gen
    • generate an onion key and stash it in secrets.d

Project Status & Debugging

  • eotk status projectname ... # or: -a for all
    • active per-project status
  • eotk ps
    • do a basic grep for possibly-orphaned processes
  • eotk debugon projectname ... # or: -a for all
    • enable verbose tor logs
  • eotk debugoff projectname ... # or: -a for all
    • disable verbose tor logs

Starting & Stopping Projects

  • eotk start projectname ... # or: -a for all
    • start projects
  • eotk stop projectname ... # or: -a for all
    • stop projects
  • eotk restart projectname ... # or: -a for all
    • synonyms: bounce, reload
    • stop, and restart, projects
  • eotk nxreload projectname ... # or: -a for all
    • politely ask NGINX to reload its config files

Starting & Stopping OnionBalance

  • eotk ob-start projectname ... # or: -a for all, if applicable
    • synonyms:
  • eotk ob-restart projectname ... # or: -a for all, if applicable
    • synonyms:
  • eotk ob-stop
    • synonyms:
  • eotk ob-status
    • synonyms:

Configuring Remote Workers

  • eotk-workers.conf
    • if not present, only localhost will be used
    • if present, contains one hostname per line, no comments
      • the label localhost is a hardcoded synonym for local activity
      • other (remote) systems are accessed via ssh, scp & rsync
  • eotk ob-remote-nuke-and-push
    • synonyms:
  • eotk ob-nxpush
    • synonyms:
  • eotk ob-torpush
    • synonyms:
  • eotk ob-spotpush
    • synonyms:

Backing-Up Remote Workers

  • eotk mirror
    • synonyms:
  • eotk backup
    • synonyms: