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  • Joined on 2021-12-30

This repository contains samples applications demonstrating the power of MariaDB!

Zaktualizowano 2022-01-10 10:29:35 +00:00

micropyGPS is a full featured GPS NMEA sentence parser for use with MicroPython and the PyBoard embedded platform. It's also fully compatible with Python 3.x

Zaktualizowano 2022-01-07 04:38:49 +00:00

Embroidery Reader is an open source .PES file viewer written in C#.

Zaktualizowano 2022-01-03 23:24:48 +00:00

Slowrx is an SSTV decoder for Linux.

Zaktualizowano 2022-01-03 20:20:11 +00:00

This is an attempt by Nina Paley (art) and Atul Varma (code) to tinker with procedural art.

Zaktualizowano 2021-12-31 14:27:33 +00:00

collection of GNU Radio blocks for receiving LoRa modulated radio messages using a Software Defined Radio (SDR)

Zaktualizowano 2021-12-10 19:50:23 +00:00

This is a WordPress plugin to host Asciicasts created with Asciinema from your WordPress site.

Zaktualizowano 2021-12-03 04:34:01 +00:00

WiZ connected Plugin for Domoticz home automation. Controls WiZ connected devices your network (mainly on/off switches and Lights).

Zaktualizowano 2021-11-25 08:14:52 +00:00

collection of Arduino sketch examples of transmitting on the Helium network with several LoRaWAN development boards.

Zaktualizowano 2021-11-22 18:25:07 +00:00

The software webscrapes data from, filter out calls from the balloons and decode additional telemetry and apload to habhub tracker / aprs-fi

Zaktualizowano 2021-11-18 18:37:04 +00:00

Implementation of several digital signal filters and functions for the generation of synthetic (surrogate) time-series.

Zaktualizowano 2021-10-27 11:21:23 +00:00

A simple Python file chooser widget for use in Jupyter/IPython in conjunction with ipywidgets

Zaktualizowano 2021-09-15 22:24:00 +00:00

Single Program Transport stream muxer

Zaktualizowano 2021-09-10 20:59:46 +00:00

A pocket sized FT8 Transceiver utilizing Teensy 3.6, Si4735 and Si5351 technology.

Zaktualizowano 2021-09-09 12:57:06 +00:00

Ionization Chamber (a device to measure radioactivity level)

Zaktualizowano 2021-08-15 15:28:52 +00:00