
37 wiersze
1.2 KiB

{% extends 'base.html' %}
{% block seo -%}
{{ super() }}
{%- set home = "404" -%}
{% set og_title = home -%}
{% if config.title -%}
{% set title = home ~ " | " ~ config.title -%}
{% else -%}
{% set title = home -%}
{% endif -%}
{% set web_type = "WebPage" -%}
{{ macros::seo(title=title, og_title=og_title, author=author, description=description, site_url=site_url, image=image, image_height=image_height, image_width=image_width, web_type=web_type) }}
{%- endblock seo %}
{% block content %}
<div class="notfound">
<h1 class="notfound-error">{{ config.extra.expressions.p404 | default(value="404: Page not found") }}</h1>
<div class="notfound-line"></div>
<p class="notfound-message">
{{ config.extra.expressions.p404_info | default(value="Oops! We can't seem to find the page you are looking for.") | safe }} {{ config.extra.expressions.p404_back_home_start | default(value="Let's") |
safe }}
<a href="{{ config.base_url | safe }}">{{ config.extra.expressions.p404_back_home_with_link | default(value="head back home") |
safe }}</a>{{ config.extra.expressions.p404_back_home_end | default(value=".") |
safe }}
{% endblock content %}