
37 wiersze
1.2 KiB

"""Display for manual WSPR transmission."""
from encode import wspr_encode
import datetime
import time
def display(symbols, output=False):
assert len(symbols) == 162, len(symbols)
baud = 1.4648
while True:
dt = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
# t is the offset from the start of the message
t = (dt.minute % 2) * 60 + dt.second + 1e-6*dt.microsecond - 1
n = int(t * baud)
current = '_' if n < 0 or n >= 162 else symbols[n]
bit0 = int(isinstance(current, int) and current % 2 == 1)
bit1 = int(isinstance(current, int) and current >= 2)
# Display a # if the resistors coming from the VCO voltage should be
# grounded. Left = bit0, right = bit1.
display = (' ' if bit0 else '#') + ' ' + (' ' if bit1 else '#')
print(f"\033[H\033[J{n:3d} {display}", flush=True)
delay = (n+1)/baud - t
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
if len(sys.argv) != 4:
print('Usage: %s callsign locator dbm' % sys.argv[0])
callsign = sys.argv[1]
locator = sys.argv[2]
dbm = int(sys.argv[3])
symbols = wspr_encode(callsign, locator, dbm)
display(symbols, output=True)