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#include <QWidget>
#include <QMutex>
#include <QMutexLocker>
#include <QSplitter>
#include <QComboBox>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QCheckBox>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QSpacerItem>
#include <qcustomplot.h>
#include "cluster.h"
#include "wfviewtypes.h"
#include "colorprefs.h"
#include "rigidentities.h"
#include "cachingqueue.h"
enum scopeTypes {
class spectrumScope : public QGroupBox
explicit spectrumScope(QWidget *parent = nullptr);
bool prepareWf(uint wfLength);
void prepareScope(uint ampMap, uint spectWidth);
bool update(scopeData spectrum);
void preparePlasma();
void setRange(int floor, int ceiling);
void wfInterpolate(bool en) { colorMap->setInterpolate(en); }
void wfAntiAliased(bool en) { colorMap->setAntialiased(en); }
void wfTheme(int num) { colorMap->setGradient(static_cast<QCPColorGradient::GradientPreset>(num));}
void setUnderlayMode(underlay_t un) { underlayMode = un; clearPeaks();}
void overflow(bool en) {ovfIndicator->setVisible(en);}
void resizePlasmaBuffer(int size);
void colorPreset(colorPrefsType *p);
void setCenterFreq (double hz) { passbandCenterFrequency = hz;}
double getCenterFreq () { return passbandCenterFrequency;}
void setPassbandWidth(double hz) { passbandWidth = hz;}
double getPassbandWidth() { return passbandWidth;}
void setIdentity(QString name, bool s) {this->setTitle(name), sub = s;}
bool getSub() { return sub;}
void setTuningFloorZeros(bool tf) {this->tuningFloorZeros = tf;}
void setClickDragTuning(bool cg) { this->clickDragTuning = cg;}
void enableScope(bool en);
void receiveCwPitch(uchar p);
quint16 getCwPitch() { return cwPitch;}
void receivePassband(quint16 pass);
double getPBTInner () { return PBTInner;}
void setPBTInner (double hz) { PBTInner = hz;}
double getPBTOuter () { return PBTOuter;}
void setPBTOuter (double hz) { PBTOuter = hz;}
quint16 getStepSize () { return stepSize;}
void setStepSize (quint16 hz) { stepSize = hz;}
void setFrequency (freqt f) { freq = f;}
freqt getFrequency () { return freq;}
void receiveMode (modeInfo m);
void clearSpans() { spanCombo->clear();}
void clearMode() { modeCombo->clear();}
void clearData() { dataCombo->clear();}
void clearFilter() { filterCombo->clear();}
void addSpan(QString text, QVariant data) {spanCombo->blockSignals(true); spanCombo->addItem(text,data); spanCombo->blockSignals(false);}
void addMode(QString text, QVariant data) {modeCombo->blockSignals(true); modeCombo->addItem(text,data); modeCombo->blockSignals(false);}
void addData(QString text, QVariant data) {dataCombo->blockSignals(true); dataCombo->addItem(text,data); dataCombo->blockSignals(false);}
void addFilter(QString text, QVariant data) {filterCombo->blockSignals(true); filterCombo->addItem(text,data); filterCombo->blockSignals(false);}
void selected(bool);
void setHold(bool h);
void setSpeed(uchar s);
public slots: // Can be called directly or updated via signal/slot
void selectScopeMode(spectrumMode_t m);
void selectSpan(centerSpanData s);
void receiveSpots(QList<spotData> spots);
void frequencyRange(bool sub, double start, double end);
void updateScopeMode(spectrumMode_t index);
void updateSpan(centerSpanData s);
void showStatusBarText(QString text);
private slots:
void updatedScopeMode(int index);
void updatedSpan(int index);
void updatedTheme(int index);
void updatedEdge(int index);
void updatedMode(int index);
void updatedSpeed(int index);
void holdPressed(bool en);
void toFixedPressed();
void customSpanPressed();
// Mouse interaction with scope/waterfall
void scopeClick(QMouseEvent *);
void scopeMouseRelease(QMouseEvent *);
void scopeMouseMove(QMouseEvent *);
void doubleClick(QMouseEvent *); // used for both scope and wf
void waterfallClick(QMouseEvent *);
void scroll(QWheelEvent *);
void clearPeaks();
void clearPlasma();
void computePlasma();
void showHideControls(spectrumMode_t mode);
quint64 roundFrequency(quint64 frequency, unsigned int tsHz);
quint64 roundFrequency(quint64 frequency, int steps, unsigned int tsHz);
QMutex mutex;
QCustomPlot* spectrum = Q_NULLPTR;
QCustomPlot* waterfall = Q_NULLPTR;
QGroupBox* group;
QSplitter* splitter;
QVBoxLayout* mainLayout;
QVBoxLayout* layout;
QHBoxLayout* controlLayout;
QCheckBox* enableCheckBox;
QLabel* scopeModeLabel;
QComboBox* scopeModeCombo;
QLabel* spanLabel;
QComboBox* spanCombo;
QLabel* edgeLabel;
QComboBox* edgeCombo;
QPushButton* edgeButton;
QPushButton* toFixedButton;
QPushButton* clearPeaksButton;
QLabel* themeLabel;
QComboBox* modeCombo;
QComboBox* dataCombo;
QComboBox* filterCombo;
QComboBox* antennaCombo;
QPushButton* holdButton;
QComboBox* speedCombo;
QCheckBox* rxCheckBox;
QComboBox* themeCombo;
QSpacerItem* controlSpacer;
QSpacerItem* midSpacer;
int currentTheme = 1;
colorPrefsType colors;
freqt freq;
modeInfo mode;
bool lock = false;
bool scopePrepared=false;
quint16 spectWidth=689;
quint16 maxAmp=200;
quint16 wfLength;
quint16 wfLengthMax;
double lowerFreq=0.0;
double upperFreq=0.0;
// Spectrum items;
QCPItemLine * freqIndicatorLine;
QCPItemRect* passbandIndicator;
QCPItemRect* pbtIndicator;
QCPItemText* oorIndicator;
QCPItemText* ovfIndicator;
QByteArray spectrumPeaks;
QVector <double> spectrumPlasmaLine;
QVector <QByteArray> spectrumPlasma;
unsigned int spectrumPlasmaSize = 64;
underlay_t underlayMode = underlayNone;
bool plasmaPrepared = false;
QMutex plasmaMutex;
double plotFloor = 0;
double plotCeiling = 160;
double wfFloor = 0;
double wfCeiling = 160;
double oldPlotFloor = -1;
double oldPlotCeiling = 999;
double mousePressFreq = 0.0;
double mouseReleaseFreq = 0.0;
passbandActions passbandAction = passbandStatic;
double PBTInner = 0.0;
double PBTOuter = 0.0;
double passbandWidth = 0.0;
double passbandCenterFrequency = 0.0;
double pbtDefault = 0.0;
quint16 cwPitch = 600;
quint16 stepSize = 100;
// Waterfall items;
QCPColorMap * colorMap = Q_NULLPTR;
QCPColorMapData * colorMapData = Q_NULLPTR;
QCPColorScale * colorScale = Q_NULLPTR;
QVector <QByteArray> wfimage;
cachingQueue* queue;
bool sub=false;
double startFrequency;
QMap<QString, spotData*> clusterSpots;
// Assorted settings
bool tuningFloorZeros=false;
bool clickDragTuning=false;