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from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.db.models import DEFERRED
from django.utils.functional import cached_property
class SpecificMixin:
Mixin for models that support multi-table inheritance and provide a
``content_type`` field pointing to the specific model class, to provide
methods and properties for retrieving the specific instance of the model.
def get_specific(self, deferred=False, copy_attrs=None, copy_attrs_exclude=None):
Return this object in its most specific subclassed form.
By default, a database query is made to fetch all field values for the
specific object. If you only require access to custom methods or other
non-field attributes on the specific object, you can use
``deferred=True`` to avoid this query. However, any attempts to access
specific field values from the returned object will trigger additional
database queries.
By default, references to all non-field attribute values are copied
from current object to the returned one. This includes:
* Values set by a queryset, for example: annotations, or values set as
a result of using ``select_related()`` or ``prefetch_related()``.
* Any ``cached_property`` values that have been evaluated.
* Attributes set elsewhere in Python code.
For fine-grained control over which non-field values are copied to the
returned object, you can use ``copy_attrs`` to specify a complete list
of attribute names to include. Alternatively, you can use
``copy_attrs_exclude`` to specify a list of attribute names to exclude.
If called on an object that is already an instance of the most specific
class, the object will be returned as is, and no database queries or
other operations will be triggered.
If the object was originally created using a model that has since
been removed from the codebase, an instance of the base class will be
returned (without any custom field values or other functionality
present on the original class). Usually, deleting these objects is the
best course of action, but there is currently no safe way for Wagtail
to do that at migration time.
model_class = self.specific_class
if model_class is None:
# The codebase and database are out of sync (e.g. the model exists
# on a different git branch and migrations were not applied or
# reverted before switching branches). So, the best we can do is
# return the page in it's current form.
return self
if isinstance(self, model_class):
# self is already an instance of the most specific class.
return self
if deferred:
# Generate a tuple of values in the order expected by __init__(),
# with missing values substituted with DEFERRED ()
values = tuple(
getattr(self, f.attname, self.pk if f.primary_key else DEFERRED)
for f in model_class._meta.concrete_fields
# Create object from known attribute values
specific_obj = model_class(*values)
specific_obj._state.adding = self._state.adding
# Fetch object from database
specific_obj = model_class._default_manager.get(id=self.id)
# Copy non-field attribute values
if copy_attrs is not None:
for attr in (attr for attr in copy_attrs if attr in self.__dict__):
setattr(specific_obj, attr, getattr(self, attr))
exclude = copy_attrs_exclude or ()
for k, v in ((k, v) for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if k not in exclude):
# only set values that haven't already been set
specific_obj.__dict__.setdefault(k, v)
return specific_obj
def specific(self):
Returns this object in its most specific subclassed form with all field
values fetched from the database. The result is cached in memory.
return self.get_specific()
def specific_deferred(self):
Returns this object in its most specific subclassed form without any
additional field values being fetched from the database. The result
is cached in memory.
return self.get_specific(deferred=True)
def specific_class(self):
Return the class that this object would be if instantiated in its
most specific form.
If the model class can no longer be found in the codebase, and the
relevant ``ContentType`` has been removed by a database migration,
the return value will be ``None``.
If the model class can no longer be found in the codebase, but the
relevant ``ContentType`` is still present in the database (usually a
result of switching between git branches without running or reverting
database migrations beforehand), the return value will be ``None``.
return self.cached_content_type.model_class()
def is_specific(self):
return self.specific_class is not None and isinstance(self, self.specific_class)
def cached_content_type(self):
Return this object's ``content_type`` value from the ``ContentType``
model's cached manager, which will avoid a database query if the
content type is already in memory.
return ContentType.objects.get_for_id(self.content_type_id)