
75 wiersze
2.9 KiB

{% load i18n wagtailadmin_tags %}
{% fragment as icon %}{% block icon %}{% endblock %}{% endfragment %}
{% fragment as heading %}{% block title %}{% endblock %}{% endfragment %}
{% panel id=heading|slugify heading=heading icon=icon %}
{{ formset.management_form }}
{% if formset.non_form_errors %}
<p class="error-message">
{% for error in formset.non_form_errors %}
<span>{{ error }}</span>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<table class="listing">
<col />
{% for i in formset.permission_types %}
<col width="15%" />
{% endfor %}
<col />
<th>{% trans "Collection" %}</th>
{% for codename, short_label, long_label in formset.permission_types %}
<th title="{{ long_label }}">{{ short_label }}</th>
{% endfor %}
<th aria-hidden="true">{% comment "" %} added for visual alignment only {% endcomment %}</th>
<tbody id="id_{{ formset.prefix }}-FORMS">
{% for form in formset.forms %}
<tr id="inline_child_{{ form.prefix }}"{% if form.DELETE.value %} style="display: none;"{% endif %}>
{% if form.non_field_errors %}
<p class="error-message">
{% for error in form.non_field_errors %}
<span>{{ error|escape }}</span>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% include "wagtailadmin/permissions/includes/collection_member_permissions_form.html" with form=form only %}
{% endfor %}
<template id="id_{{ formset.prefix }}-EMPTY_FORM_TEMPLATE">
<tr id="inline_child_{{ formset.empty_form.prefix }}">
{% include "wagtailadmin/permissions/includes/collection_member_permissions_form.html" with form=formset.empty_form only %}
<p class="add">
<button class="button bicolor button--icon" id="id_{{ formset.prefix }}-ADD" value="Add" type="button">{% icon name="plus" wrapped=1 %}{% block add_button_label %}{% endblock %}</button>
$(function() {
buildExpandingFormset('id_{{ formset.prefix }}', {
onInit: function(index) {
var deleteInputId = 'id_{{ formset.prefix }}-' + index + '-DELETE';
var childId = 'inline_child_{{ formset.prefix }}-' + index;
$('#' + deleteInputId + '-button').on('click', function() {
/* set 'deleted' form field to true */
$('#' + deleteInputId).val('1');
$('#' + childId).fadeOut();
{% endpanel%}