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13 Commity

13 zmienionych plików z 559 dodań i 406 usunięć

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@ -13,7 +13,9 @@ Changelog
* Fix: Preserve whitespace in comment replies (Elhussein Almasri)
* Docs: Remove duplicate section on frontend caching proxies from performance page (Jake Howard)
* Docs: Document `restriction_type` field on PageViewRestriction (Shlomo Markowitz)
* Docs: Document Wagtail's bug bounty policy (Jake Howard)
* Maintenance: Use `DjangoJSONEncoder` instead of custom `LazyStringEncoder` to serialize Draftail config (Sage Abdullah)
* Maintenance: Refactor image chooser pagination to check `WAGTAILIMAGES_CHOOSER_PAGE_SIZE` at runtime (Matt Westcott)
6.1 (01.05.2024)

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@ -34,6 +34,12 @@ At any given time, the Wagtail team provides official security support for sever
When new releases are issued for security reasons, the accompanying notice will include a list of affected versions.
This list is comprised solely of supported versions of Wagtail: older versions may also be affected, but we do not investigate to determine that, and will not issue patches or new releases for those versions.
## Bug Bounties
Wagtail does not have a "Bug Bounty" program. Whilst we appreciate and accept reports from anyone, and will gladly give credit to you and/or your organisation, we aren't able to "reward" you for reporting the vulnerability.
["Beg Bounties"](https://www.troyhunt.com/beg-bounties/) are ever increasing among security researchers, and it's not something we condone or support.
## How Wagtail discloses security issues
Our process for taking a security issue from private discussion to public disclosure involves multiple steps.
@ -46,8 +52,8 @@ On the day of disclosure, we will take the following steps:
1. Apply the relevant patch(es) to Wagtail's codebase.
The commit messages for these patches will indicate that they are for security issues, but will not describe the issue in any detail; instead, they will warn of upcoming disclosure.
2. Issue the relevant release(s), by placing new packages on [the Python Package Index](https://pypi.org/project/wagtail/), tagging the new release(s) in Wagtail's GitHub repository and updating Wagtail's [release notes](../releases/index).
3. Post a public entry on [Wagtail's blog](https://wagtail.org/blog/), describing the issue and its resolution in detail, pointing to the relevant patches and new releases, and crediting the reporter of the issue (if the reporter wishes to be publicly identified).
4. Post a notice to the [Wagtail discussion board](https://github.com/wagtail/wagtail/discussions), [Slack workspace](https://wagtail.org/slack/) and Twitter feed ([\@WagtailCMS](https://twitter.com/wagtailcms)) that links to the blog post.
3. Publish a [security advisory](https://github.com/wagtail/wagtail/security/advisories?state=published) on Wagtail's GitHub repository. This describes the issue and its resolution in detail, pointing to the relevant patches and new releases, and crediting the reporter of the issue (if the reporter wishes to be publicly identified)
4. Post a notice to the [Wagtail discussion board](https://github.com/wagtail/wagtail/discussions), [Slack workspace](https://wagtail.org/slack/) and Twitter feed ([\@WagtailCMS](https://twitter.com/wagtailcms)) that links to the security advisory.
If a reported issue is believed to be particularly time-sensitive -- due to a known exploit in the wild, for example -- the time between advance notification and public disclosure may be shortened considerably.

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@ -30,11 +30,13 @@ depth: 1
* Remove duplicate section on frontend caching proxies from performance page (Jake Howard)
* Document `restriction_type` field on PageViewRestriction (Shlomo Markowitz)
* Document Wagtail's bug bounty policy (Jake Howard)
### Maintenance
* Use `DjangoJSONEncoder` instead of custom `LazyStringEncoder` to serialize Draftail config (Sage Abdullah)
* Refactor image chooser pagination to check `WAGTAILIMAGES_CHOOSER_PAGE_SIZE` at runtime (Matt Westcott)
## Upgrade considerations - changes affecting all projects

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@ -17,6 +17,10 @@ class ViewSet(WagtailMenuRegisterable):
For more information on how to use this class, see :ref:`using_base_viewset`.
#: A special value that, when passed in a kwargs dict to construct a view, indicates that
#: the attribute should not be written and should instead be left as the view's initial value
UNDEFINED = object()
#: A name for this viewset, used as the default URL prefix and namespace.
name = None
@ -42,12 +46,13 @@ class ViewSet(WagtailMenuRegisterable):
in addition to any kwargs passed to this method. Items from get_common_view_kwargs will be
filtered to only include those that are valid for the given view_class.
merged_kwargs = self.get_common_view_kwargs()
filtered_kwargs = {
key: value
for key, value in self.get_common_view_kwargs().items()
if hasattr(view_class, key)
for key, value in merged_kwargs.items()
if hasattr(view_class, key) and value is not self.UNDEFINED
return view_class.as_view(**filtered_kwargs)
def inject_view_methods(self, view_class, method_names):

Wyświetl plik

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class ChooserViewSet(ViewSet):
) #: Label for the 'choose' button in the chooser widget, when an item has already been chosen
edit_item_text = _("Edit") #: Label for the 'edit' button in the chooser widget
per_page = 10 #: Number of results to show per page
per_page = ViewSet.UNDEFINED #: Number of results to show per page
#: A list of URL query parameters that should be passed on unmodified as part of any links or
#: form submissions within the chooser modal workflow.

Wyświetl plik

@ -75,398 +75,6 @@ class StreamBlockValidationError(ValidationError):
return result
class BaseStreamBlock(Block):
def __init__(self, local_blocks=None, search_index=True, **kwargs):
self._constructor_kwargs = kwargs
self.search_index = search_index
# create a local (shallow) copy of base_blocks so that it can be supplemented by local_blocks
self.child_blocks = self.base_blocks.copy()
if local_blocks:
for name, block in local_blocks:
self.child_blocks[name] = block
def empty_value(self, raw_text=None):
return StreamValue(self, [], raw_text=raw_text)
def sorted_child_blocks(self):
"""Child blocks, sorted in to their groups."""
return sorted(
self.child_blocks.values(), key=lambda child_block: child_block.meta.group
def grouped_child_blocks(self):
The available child block types of this stream block, organised into groups according to
their meta.group attribute.
Returned as an iterable of (group_name, list_of_blocks) tuples
return itertools.groupby(
self.sorted_child_blocks(), key=lambda child_block: child_block.meta.group
def value_from_datadict(self, data, files, prefix):
count = int(data["%s-count" % prefix])
values_with_indexes = []
for i in range(0, count):
if data["%s-%d-deleted" % (prefix, i)]:
block_type_name = data["%s-%d-type" % (prefix, i)]
child_block = self.child_blocks[block_type_name]
except KeyError:
int(data["%s-%d-order" % (prefix, i)]),
data, files, "%s-%d-value" % (prefix, i)
data.get("%s-%d-id" % (prefix, i)),
return StreamValue(
(child_block_type_name, value, block_id)
for (
) in values_with_indexes
def value_omitted_from_data(self, data, files, prefix):
return ("%s-count" % prefix) not in data
def required(self):
return self.meta.required
def clean(self, value):
cleaned_data = []
errors = {}
non_block_errors = ErrorList()
for i, child in enumerate(value): # child is a StreamChild instance
(child.block.name, child.block.clean(child.value), child.id)
except ValidationError as e:
errors[i] = e
if self.meta.min_num is not None and self.meta.min_num > len(value):
_("The minimum number of items is %(min_num)d")
% {"min_num": self.meta.min_num}
elif self.required and len(value) == 0:
non_block_errors.append(ValidationError(_("This field is required.")))
if self.meta.max_num is not None and self.meta.max_num < len(value):
_("The maximum number of items is %(max_num)d")
% {"max_num": self.meta.max_num}
if self.meta.block_counts:
block_counts = defaultdict(int)
for item in value:
block_counts[item.block_type] += 1
for block_name, min_max in self.meta.block_counts.items():
block = self.child_blocks[block_name]
max_num = min_max.get("max_num", None)
min_num = min_max.get("min_num", None)
block_count = block_counts[block_name]
if min_num is not None and min_num > block_count:
"{}: {}".format(
_("The minimum number of items is %(min_num)d")
% {"min_num": min_num},
if max_num is not None and max_num < block_count:
"{}: {}".format(
_("The maximum number of items is %(max_num)d")
% {"max_num": max_num},
if errors or non_block_errors:
# The message here is arbitrary - outputting error messages is delegated to the child blocks,
# which only involves the 'params' list
raise StreamBlockValidationError(
block_errors=errors, non_block_errors=non_block_errors
return StreamValue(self, cleaned_data)
def to_python(self, value):
if isinstance(value, StreamValue):
return value
elif isinstance(value, str) and value:
value = json.loads(value)
except ValueError:
# value is not valid JSON; most likely, this field was previously a
# rich text field before being migrated to StreamField, and the data
# was left intact in the migration. Return an empty stream instead
# (but keep the raw text available as an attribute, so that it can be
# used to migrate that data to StreamField)
return self.empty_value(raw_text=value)
if not value:
return self.empty_value()
# ensure value is a list and not some other kind of iterable
value = list(value)
if isinstance(value[0], dict):
# value is in JSONish representation - a dict with 'type' and 'value' keys.
# This is passed to StreamValue to be expanded lazily - but first we reject any unrecognised
# block types from the list
return StreamValue(
for child_data in value
if child_data["type"] in self.child_blocks
# See if it looks like the standard non-smart representation of a
# StreamField value: a list of (block_name, value) tuples
[None for (x, y) in value]
except (TypeError, ValueError) as exc:
# Give up trying to make sense of the value
raise TypeError(
f"Cannot handle {value!r} (type {type(value)!r}) as a value of a StreamBlock"
) from exc
# Test succeeded, so return as a StreamValue-ified version of that value
return StreamValue(
(k, self.child_blocks[k].normalize(v))
for k, v in value
if k in self.child_blocks
def bulk_to_python(self, values):
# 'values' is a list of streams, each stream being a list of dicts with 'type', 'value' and
# optionally 'id'.
# We will iterate over these streams, constructing:
# 1) a set of per-child-block lists ('child_inputs'), to be sent to each child block's
# bulk_to_python method in turn (giving us 'child_outputs')
# 2) a 'block map' of each stream, telling us the type and id of each block and the index we
# need to look up in the corresponding child_outputs list to obtain its final value
child_inputs = defaultdict(list)
block_maps = []
for stream in values:
block_map = []
for block_dict in stream:
block_type = block_dict["type"]
if block_type not in self.child_blocks:
# skip any blocks with an unrecognised type
child_input_list = child_inputs[block_type]
child_index = len(child_input_list)
block_map.append((block_type, block_dict.get("id"), child_index))
# run each list in child_inputs through the relevant block's bulk_to_python
# to obtain child_outputs
child_outputs = {
block_type: self.child_blocks[block_type].bulk_to_python(child_input_list)
for block_type, child_input_list in child_inputs.items()
# for each stream, go through the block map, picking out the appropriately-indexed
# value from the relevant list in child_outputs
return [
(block_type, child_outputs[block_type][child_index], id)
for block_type, id, child_index in block_map
for block_map in block_maps
def get_prep_value(self, value):
if not value:
# Falsy values (including None, empty string, empty list, and
# empty StreamValue) become an empty stream
return []
# value is a StreamValue - delegate to its get_prep_value() method
# (which has special-case handling for lazy StreamValues to avoid useless
# round-trips to the full data representation and back)
return value.get_prep_value()
def normalize(self, value):
return self.to_python(value)
def get_form_state(self, value):
if not value:
return []
return [
"type": child.block.name,
"value": child.block.get_form_state(child.value),
"id": child.id,
for child in value
def get_api_representation(self, value, context=None):
if value is None:
# treat None as identical to an empty stream
return []
return [
"type": child.block.name,
"value": child.block.get_api_representation(
child.value, context=context
"id": child.id,
for child in value # child is a StreamChild instance
def render_basic(self, value, context=None):
return format_html_join(
'<div class="block-{1}">{0}</div>',
[(child.render(context=context), child.block_type) for child in value],
def get_searchable_content(self, value):
if not self.search_index:
return []
content = []
for child in value:
return content
def extract_references(self, value):
for child in value:
for (
) in child.block.extract_references(child.value):
model_path = (
if model_path
else child.block_type
content_path = (
f"{child.id}.{content_path}" if content_path else child.id
yield model, object_id, model_path, content_path
def get_block_by_content_path(self, value, path_elements):
Given a list of elements from a content path, retrieve the block at that path
as a BoundBlock object, or None if the path does not correspond to a valid block.
if path_elements:
id, *remaining_elements = path_elements
for child in value:
if child.id == id:
return child.block.get_block_by_content_path(
child.value, remaining_elements
# an empty path refers to the stream as a whole
return self.bind(value)
def deconstruct(self):
Always deconstruct StreamBlock instances as if they were plain StreamBlocks with all of the
field definitions passed to the constructor - even if in reality this is a subclass of StreamBlock
with the fields defined declaratively, or some combination of the two.
This ensures that the field definitions get frozen into migrations, rather than leaving a reference
to a custom subclass in the user's models.py that may or may not stick around.
path = "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock"
args = [list(self.child_blocks.items())]
kwargs = self._constructor_kwargs
return (path, args, kwargs)
def check(self, **kwargs):
errors = super().check(**kwargs)
for name, child_block in self.child_blocks.items():
return errors
class Meta:
# No icon specified here, because that depends on the purpose that the
# block is being used for. Feel encouraged to specify an icon in your
# descendant block type
icon = "placeholder"
default = []
required = True
form_classname = None
min_num = None
max_num = None
block_counts = {}
collapsed = False
class StreamBlock(BaseStreamBlock, metaclass=DeclarativeSubBlocksMetaclass):
class StreamValue(MutableSequence):
Custom type used to represent the value of a StreamBlock; behaves as a sequence of BoundBlocks
@ -801,6 +409,400 @@ class StreamValue(MutableSequence):
class BaseStreamBlock(Block):
def __init__(self, local_blocks=None, search_index=True, **kwargs):
self._constructor_kwargs = kwargs
self.search_index = search_index
# create a local (shallow) copy of base_blocks so that it can be supplemented by local_blocks
self.child_blocks = self.base_blocks.copy()
if local_blocks:
for name, block in local_blocks:
self.child_blocks[name] = block
def empty_value(self, raw_text=None):
return self.meta.value_class(self, [], raw_text=raw_text)
def sorted_child_blocks(self):
"""Child blocks, sorted in to their groups."""
return sorted(
self.child_blocks.values(), key=lambda child_block: child_block.meta.group
def grouped_child_blocks(self):
The available child block types of this stream block, organised into groups according to
their meta.group attribute.
Returned as an iterable of (group_name, list_of_blocks) tuples
return itertools.groupby(
self.sorted_child_blocks(), key=lambda child_block: child_block.meta.group
def value_from_datadict(self, data, files, prefix):
count = int(data["%s-count" % prefix])
values_with_indexes = []
for i in range(0, count):
if data["%s-%d-deleted" % (prefix, i)]:
block_type_name = data["%s-%d-type" % (prefix, i)]
child_block = self.child_blocks[block_type_name]
except KeyError:
int(data["%s-%d-order" % (prefix, i)]),
data, files, "%s-%d-value" % (prefix, i)
data.get("%s-%d-id" % (prefix, i)),
return self.meta.value_class(
(child_block_type_name, value, block_id)
for (
) in values_with_indexes
def value_omitted_from_data(self, data, files, prefix):
return ("%s-count" % prefix) not in data
def required(self):
return self.meta.required
def clean(self, value):
cleaned_data = []
errors = {}
non_block_errors = ErrorList()
for i, child in enumerate(value): # child is a StreamChild instance
(child.block.name, child.block.clean(child.value), child.id)
except ValidationError as e:
errors[i] = e
if self.meta.min_num is not None and self.meta.min_num > len(value):
_("The minimum number of items is %(min_num)d")
% {"min_num": self.meta.min_num}
elif self.required and len(value) == 0:
non_block_errors.append(ValidationError(_("This field is required.")))
if self.meta.max_num is not None and self.meta.max_num < len(value):
_("The maximum number of items is %(max_num)d")
% {"max_num": self.meta.max_num}
if self.meta.block_counts:
block_counts = defaultdict(int)
for item in value:
block_counts[item.block_type] += 1
for block_name, min_max in self.meta.block_counts.items():
block = self.child_blocks[block_name]
max_num = min_max.get("max_num", None)
min_num = min_max.get("min_num", None)
block_count = block_counts[block_name]
if min_num is not None and min_num > block_count:
"{}: {}".format(
_("The minimum number of items is %(min_num)d")
% {"min_num": min_num},
if max_num is not None and max_num < block_count:
"{}: {}".format(
_("The maximum number of items is %(max_num)d")
% {"max_num": max_num},
if errors or non_block_errors:
# The message here is arbitrary - outputting error messages is delegated to the child blocks,
# which only involves the 'params' list
raise StreamBlockValidationError(
block_errors=errors, non_block_errors=non_block_errors
return self.meta.value_class(self, cleaned_data)
def to_python(self, value):
if isinstance(value, self.meta.value_class):
return value
elif isinstance(value, str) and value:
value = json.loads(value)
except ValueError:
# value is not valid JSON; most likely, this field was previously a
# rich text field before being migrated to StreamField, and the data
# was left intact in the migration. Return an empty stream instead
# (but keep the raw text available as an attribute, so that it can be
# used to migrate that data to StreamField)
return self.empty_value(raw_text=value)
if not value:
return self.empty_value()
# ensure value is a list and not some other kind of iterable
value = list(value)
if isinstance(value[0], dict):
# value is in JSONish representation - a dict with 'type' and 'value' keys.
# This is passed to StreamValue to be expanded lazily - but first we reject any unrecognised
# block types from the list
return self.meta.value_class(
for child_data in value
if child_data["type"] in self.child_blocks
# See if it looks like the standard non-smart representation of a
# StreamField value: a list of (block_name, value) tuples
[None for (x, y) in value]
except (TypeError, ValueError) as exc:
# Give up trying to make sense of the value
raise TypeError(
f"Cannot handle {value!r} (type {type(value)!r}) as a value of a StreamBlock"
) from exc
# Test succeeded, so return as a StreamValue-ified version of that value
return self.meta.value_class(
(k, self.child_blocks[k].normalize(v))
for k, v in value
if k in self.child_blocks
def bulk_to_python(self, values):
# 'values' is a list of streams, each stream being a list of dicts with 'type', 'value' and
# optionally 'id'.
# We will iterate over these streams, constructing:
# 1) a set of per-child-block lists ('child_inputs'), to be sent to each child block's
# bulk_to_python method in turn (giving us 'child_outputs')
# 2) a 'block map' of each stream, telling us the type and id of each block and the index we
# need to look up in the corresponding child_outputs list to obtain its final value
child_inputs = defaultdict(list)
block_maps = []
for stream in values:
block_map = []
for block_dict in stream:
block_type = block_dict["type"]
if block_type not in self.child_blocks:
# skip any blocks with an unrecognised type
child_input_list = child_inputs[block_type]
child_index = len(child_input_list)
block_map.append((block_type, block_dict.get("id"), child_index))
# run each list in child_inputs through the relevant block's bulk_to_python
# to obtain child_outputs
child_outputs = {
block_type: self.child_blocks[block_type].bulk_to_python(child_input_list)
for block_type, child_input_list in child_inputs.items()
# for each stream, go through the block map, picking out the appropriately-indexed
# value from the relevant list in child_outputs
return [
(block_type, child_outputs[block_type][child_index], id)
for block_type, id, child_index in block_map
for block_map in block_maps
def get_prep_value(self, value):
if not value:
# Falsy values (including None, empty string, empty list, and
# empty StreamValue) become an empty stream
return []
# value is a StreamValue - delegate to its get_prep_value() method
# (which has special-case handling for lazy StreamValues to avoid useless
# round-trips to the full data representation and back)
return value.get_prep_value()
def normalize(self, value):
return self.to_python(value)
def get_form_state(self, value):
if not value:
return []
return [
"type": child.block.name,
"value": child.block.get_form_state(child.value),
"id": child.id,
for child in value
def get_api_representation(self, value, context=None):
if value is None:
# treat None as identical to an empty stream
return []
return [
"type": child.block.name,
"value": child.block.get_api_representation(
child.value, context=context
"id": child.id,
for child in value # child is a StreamChild instance
def render_basic(self, value, context=None):
return format_html_join(
'<div class="block-{1}">{0}</div>',
[(child.render(context=context), child.block_type) for child in value],
def get_searchable_content(self, value):
if not self.search_index:
return []
content = []
for child in value:
return content
def extract_references(self, value):
for child in value:
for (
) in child.block.extract_references(child.value):
model_path = (
if model_path
else child.block_type
content_path = (
f"{child.id}.{content_path}" if content_path else child.id
yield model, object_id, model_path, content_path
def get_block_by_content_path(self, value, path_elements):
Given a list of elements from a content path, retrieve the block at that path
as a BoundBlock object, or None if the path does not correspond to a valid block.
if path_elements:
id, *remaining_elements = path_elements
for child in value:
if child.id == id:
return child.block.get_block_by_content_path(
child.value, remaining_elements
# an empty path refers to the stream as a whole
return self.bind(value)
def deconstruct(self):
Always deconstruct StreamBlock instances as if they were plain StreamBlocks with all of the
field definitions passed to the constructor - even if in reality this is a subclass of StreamBlock
with the fields defined declaratively, or some combination of the two.
This ensures that the field definitions get frozen into migrations, rather than leaving a reference
to a custom subclass in the user's models.py that may or may not stick around.
path = "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock"
args = [list(self.child_blocks.items())]
kwargs = self._constructor_kwargs
return (path, args, kwargs)
def check(self, **kwargs):
errors = super().check(**kwargs)
for name, child_block in self.child_blocks.items():
return errors
class Meta:
# No icon specified here, because that depends on the purpose that the
# block is being used for. Feel encouraged to specify an icon in your
# descendant block type
icon = "placeholder"
default = []
required = True
form_classname = None
min_num = None
max_num = None
block_counts = {}
collapsed = False
value_class = StreamValue
class StreamBlock(BaseStreamBlock, metaclass=DeclarativeSubBlocksMetaclass):
class StreamBlockAdapter(Adapter):
js_constructor = "wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock"

Wyświetl plik

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ from django.db import models
from django.db.models.fields.json import KeyTransform
from django.utils.encoding import force_str
from wagtail.blocks import Block, BlockField, StreamBlock, StreamValue
from wagtail.blocks import Block, BlockField, StreamBlock
from wagtail.rich_text import (
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ class StreamField(models.Field):
# extract kwargs that are to be passed on to the block, not handled by super
block_opts = {}
for arg in ["min_num", "max_num", "block_counts", "collapsed"]:
for arg in ["min_num", "max_num", "block_counts", "collapsed", "value_class"]:
if arg in kwargs:
block_opts[arg] = kwargs.pop(arg)
@ -111,6 +111,10 @@ class StreamField(models.Field):
def value_class(self):
return self.stream_block.meta.value_class
def json_field(self):
return models.JSONField(encoder=DjangoJSONEncoder)
@ -142,7 +146,7 @@ class StreamField(models.Field):
def get_prep_value(self, value):
if (
isinstance(value, StreamValue)
isinstance(value, self.value_class)
and not (value)
and value.raw_text is not None
@ -151,7 +155,7 @@ class StreamField(models.Field):
# for reverse migrations that convert StreamField data back into plain text
# fields.)
return value.raw_text
elif isinstance(value, StreamValue):
elif isinstance(value, self.value_class):
# StreamValue instances must be prepared first.
return json.dumps(
self.stream_block.get_prep_value(value), cls=DjangoJSONEncoder
@ -163,7 +167,7 @@ class StreamField(models.Field):
return self.json_field.get_prep_value(value)
def get_db_prep_value(self, value, connection, prepared=False):
if not isinstance(value, StreamValue):
if not isinstance(value, self.value_class):
# When querying with JSONField features, the rhs might not be a StreamValue.
# As of Django 4.2, JSONField value serialisation is handled in
# get_db_prep_value instead of get_prep_value.

Wyświetl plik

@ -1681,6 +1681,22 @@ class TestImageChooserView(WagtailTestUtils, TestCase):
response = self.get({"p": 9999})
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 404)
def test_chooser_page_size(self):
images = [
title="Test image %i" % i,
file=get_test_image_file(size=(1, 1)),
for i in range(1, 12)
response = self.get()
self.assertContains(response, "Page 1 of 3")
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
def test_filter_by_tag(self):
for i in range(0, 10):
image = Image.objects.create(

Wyświetl plik

@ -72,10 +72,15 @@ class ImageCreationFormMixin(CreationFormMixin):
class BaseImageChooseView(BaseChooseView):
template_name = "wagtailimages/chooser/chooser.html"
results_template_name = "wagtailimages/chooser/results.html"
per_page = 12
ordering = "-created_at"
construct_queryset_hook_name = "construct_image_chooser_queryset"
def per_page(self):
# Make per_page into a property so that we can read back WAGTAILIMAGES_CHOOSER_PAGE_SIZE
# at runtime.
return getattr(settings, "WAGTAILIMAGES_CHOOSER_PAGE_SIZE", 20)
def get_object_list(self):
return (
@ -309,7 +314,6 @@ class ImageChooserViewSet(ChooserViewSet):
preserve_url_parameters = ChooserViewSet.preserve_url_parameters + ["select_format"]
icon = "image"
per_page = getattr(settings, "WAGTAILIMAGES_CHOOSER_PAGE_SIZE", 10)
choose_one_text = _("Choose an image")
create_action_label = _("Upload")
create_action_clicked_label = _("Uploading…")

Wyświetl plik

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
# Generated by Django 4.2.11 on 2024-04-22 08:19
from django.db import migrations, models
import wagtail.blocks
import wagtail.fields
import wagtail.images.blocks
class Migration(migrations.Migration):
dependencies = [
('tests', '0036_complexdefaultstreampage'),
operations = [
('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
('primary_content', wagtail.fields.StreamField([('text', wagtail.blocks.CharBlock()), ('rich_text', wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock()), ('image', wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock())])),
('secondary_content', wagtail.fields.StreamField([('text', wagtail.blocks.CharBlock()), ('rich_text', wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock()), ('image', wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock())])),

Wyświetl plik

@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ from wagtail.blocks import (
from wagtail.contrib.forms.forms import FormBuilder
@ -1552,6 +1553,40 @@ class JSONBlockCountsStreamModel(models.Model):
class CustomStreamValue(StreamValue):
Used by ``CustomStreamBlock`` and ``JSONCustomValueStreamModel.primary_content`` (below)
to demonstrate support for custom value classes with ``StreamField`` and ``StreamBlock``.
def level_of_customness(self) -> bool:
return "medium"
class CustomValueStreamBlock(StreamBlock):
text = CharBlock()
rich_text = RichTextBlock()
image = ImageChooserBlock()
class Meta:
value_class = CustomStreamValue
class JSONCustomValueStreamModel(models.Model):
# `value_class` can be provided as an init kwarg to StreamField
primary_content = StreamField(
("text", CharBlock()),
("rich_text", RichTextBlock()),
("image", ImageChooserBlock()),
# `value_class` can be customised by overriding in StreamBlock.Meta
secondary_content = StreamField(CustomValueStreamBlock())
class ExtendedImageChooserBlock(ImageChooserBlock):
Example of Block with custom get_api_representation method.

Wyświetl plik

@ -20,7 +20,11 @@ from wagtail.blocks.base import get_error_json_data
from wagtail.blocks.field_block import FieldBlockAdapter
from wagtail.blocks.list_block import ListBlockAdapter, ListBlockValidationError
from wagtail.blocks.static_block import StaticBlockAdapter
from wagtail.blocks.stream_block import StreamBlockAdapter, StreamBlockValidationError
from wagtail.blocks.stream_block import (
from wagtail.blocks.struct_block import StructBlockAdapter, StructBlockValidationError
from wagtail.models import Page
from wagtail.rich_text import RichText
@ -3174,6 +3178,7 @@ class TestStreamBlock(WagtailTestUtils, SimpleTestCase):
self.assertEqual(list(block.child_blocks.keys()), ["heading", "paragraph"])
self.assertIs(block.value_class, StreamValue)
def test_initialisation_with_binary_string_names(self):
# migrations will sometimes write out names as binary strings, just to keep us on our toes
@ -3186,6 +3191,20 @@ class TestStreamBlock(WagtailTestUtils, SimpleTestCase):
self.assertEqual(list(block.child_blocks.keys()), [b"heading", b"paragraph"])
def test_initialisation_with_custom_value_class(self):
class CustomStreamValue(StreamValue):
block = blocks.StreamBlock(
("heading", blocks.CharBlock()),
("paragraph", blocks.CharBlock()),
self.assertIs(block.value_class, CustomStreamValue)
def test_initialisation_from_subclass(self):
class ArticleBlock(blocks.StreamBlock):
heading = blocks.CharBlock()

Wyświetl plik

@ -17,7 +17,9 @@ from wagtail.rich_text import RichText
from wagtail.signal_handlers import disable_reference_index_auto_update
from wagtail.test.testapp.models import (
@ -225,6 +227,38 @@ class TestStreamValueAccess(TestCase):
self.assertIsInstance(fetched_body[0].value, RichText)
self.assertEqual(fetched_body[0].value.source, "<h2>hello world</h2>")
def test_custom_value_class(self):
original_content = json.dumps([{"type": "text", "value": "foo"}])
obj = JSONCustomValueStreamModel.objects.create(
# Both fields should return instances of CustomStreamValue
self.assertIsInstance(obj.primary_content, CustomStreamValue)
self.assertIsInstance(obj.secondary_content, CustomStreamValue)
# It should still be possible to update the fields using a raw dict value
new_content = [("rich_text", RichText("<h2>hello world</h2>"))]
obj.primary_content = new_content
obj.secondary_content = new_content
obj.refresh_from_db("primary_content", "secondary_content")
# CustomStreamValue is functionally equivalent to StreamValue, so the same value
# transformation should have taken place
for streamfield in ("primary_content", "secondary_content"):
with self.subTest(streamfield):
field_value = getattr(self, streamfield)
self.assertEqual(len(field_value), 1)
self.assertIsInstance(field_value[0].value, RichText)
self.assertEqual(field_value[0].value.source, "<h2>hello world</h2>")
# The value is still an instance of the custom value class
self.assertIsInstance(field_value, CustomStreamValue)
# So, we can do this...
self.assertEqual(field_value.level_of_customness(), "medium")
def test_can_append(self):
self.json_body.body.append(("text", "bar"))