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"""Measures of disproportionality."""
from math import sqrt
from voting.util import normalize
def adjusted_loosemore_hanby(votes, seats, parties="votes"):
r"""Calculate the adjusted Loosemore-Hanby index of disproportionality.
.. math::
N \sum_{i=1}^n |v_i - s_i|
where N is :math:`\sum_{i=1}^n v_i` if ``parties == 'votes'`` or
:math:`\sum_{i=1}^n s_i` if ``parties == 'seats'``.
:param list votes: a list of vote counts
:param list seats: a list of seat counts
:param str parties: ``votes`` or ``seats`` to use to calculate the
effective number of parties
votes = normalize(votes)
seats = normalize(seats)
return grofman(votes, seats, parties)
def dhondt(votes, seats):
r"""Calculate the D'Hondt index of disproportionality.
.. math::
\max \frac{s_i}{v_i}
:param list votes: a list of vote counts
:param list seats: a list of seat counts
votes = normalize(votes)
seats = normalize(seats)
return max([1.0 * s / v for v, s in zip(votes, seats)])
def gallagher(votes, seats):
r"""Calculate the Gallagher index of disproportionality.
.. math::
\sqrt{\frac{1}{2} \sum_{i=1}^n (v_i - s_i)^2}
:param list votes: a list of vote counts
:param list seats: a list of seat counts
votes = normalize(votes)
seats = normalize(seats)
return sqrt(1.0 / 2) * least_square(votes, seats)
def grofman(votes, seats, parties="votes"):
r"""Calculate the Grofman index of disproportionality.
.. math::
N \sum_{i=1}^n |v_i - s_i|
where N is :math:`\sum_{i=1}^n v_i^2` if ``parties == 'votes'`` or
:math:`\sum_{i=1}^n s_i^2` if ``parties == 'seats'``.
:param list votes: a list of vote counts
:param list seats: a list of seat counts
:param str parties: ``votes`` or ``seats`` to use to calculate the
effective number of parties
votes = normalize(votes)
seats = normalize(seats)
if parties == "votes":
n = sum([v ** 2 for v in votes])
elif parties == "seats":
n = sum([s ** 2 for s in seats])
raise ValueError("Parties argument must be either votes or seats.")
return n * sum([abs(v - s) for v, s in zip(votes, seats)])
def least_square(votes, seats):
r"""Calculate the least squares index of disproportionality.
.. math::
\sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^n (v_i - s_i)^2}
:param list votes: a list of vote counts
:param list seats: a list of seat counts
votes = normalize(votes)
seats = normalize(seats)
return sqrt(sum([(v - s) ** 2 for v, s in zip(votes, seats)]))
def lijphart(votes, seats):
r"""Calculate the Lijphart index of disproportionality.
.. math::
\max | v_i - s_i |
:param list votes: a list of vote counts
:param list seats: a list of seat counts
votes = normalize(votes)
seats = normalize(seats)
return max([abs(v - s) for v, s in zip(votes, seats)])
def loosemore_hanby(votes, seats):
r"""Calculate Loosemore-Hanby index of disproportionality.
.. math::
\frac{1}{2} \sum_{i=1}^n |v_i - s_i|
:param list votes: a list of vote counts
:param list seats: a list of seat counts
votes = normalize(votes)
seats = normalize(seats)
return 1.0 / 2 * sum([abs(v - s) for v, s in zip(votes, seats)])
def rae(votes, seats):
r"""Calculate Rae's index of disproportionality.
.. math::
\frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n |v_i - s_i|
:param list votes: a list of vote counts
:param list seats: a list of seat counts
votes = normalize(votes)
seats = normalize(seats)
return 1.0 / len(votes) * sum([abs(v - s) for v, s in zip(votes, seats)])
def regression(votes, seats):
r"""Calculate the regression index of disproportionality.
.. math::
\frac{\sum_{i=1}^n v_i s_i}{\sum_{i=1}^n v_i^2}
:param list votes: a list of vote counts
:param list seats: a list of seat counts
votes = normalize(votes)
seats = normalize(seats)
num = sum([v * s for v, s in zip(votes, seats)])
denom = sum([v ** 2 for v in votes])
return 1.0 * num / denom
def rose(votes, seats):
r"""Calculate the Rose index of proportionality.
.. math::
100 - \frac{1}{2} \sum_{i=1}^n |v_i - s_i|
:param list votes: a list of vote counts
:param list seats: a list of seat counts
votes = normalize(votes)
seats = normalize(seats)
return 100 - loosemore_hanby(votes, seats)
def sainte_lague(votes, seats):
r"""Calculate the Sainte-Lague index of disproportionality.
.. math::
\sum_{i=1}^n \frac{(v_i - s_i)^2}{v_i}
:param list votes: a list of vote counts
:param list seats: a list of seat counts
votes = normalize(votes)
seats = normalize(seats)
return sum(1.0 / v * (v - s) ** 2 for v, s in zip(votes, seats))