import EventEmitter from 'eventemitter3'; import THREE from 'three'; import Scene from './Scene'; import DOMScene3D from './DOMScene3D'; import DOMScene2D from './DOMScene2D'; import Renderer from './Renderer'; import DOMRenderer3D from './DOMRenderer3D'; import DOMRenderer2D from './DOMRenderer2D'; import Camera from './Camera'; import Picking from './Picking'; import EffectComposer from './EffectComposer'; import RenderPass from '../vendor/RenderPass'; import ShaderPass from '../vendor/ShaderPass'; import CopyShader from '../vendor/CopyShader'; import HorizontalTiltShiftShader from '../vendor/HorizontalTiltShiftShader'; import VerticalTiltShiftShader from '../vendor/VerticalTiltShiftShader'; import FXAAShader from '../vendor/FXAAShader'; class Engine extends EventEmitter { constructor(container, world) { console.log('Init Engine'); super(); this._world = world; this._scene = Scene; this._domScene3D = DOMScene3D; this._domScene2D = DOMScene2D; var antialias = (this._world.options.postProcessing) ? false : true; this._renderer = Renderer(container, antialias); this._domRenderer3D = DOMRenderer3D(container); this._domRenderer2D = DOMRenderer2D(container); this._camera = Camera(container); this._container = container; // TODO: Make this optional this._picking = Picking(this._world, this._renderer, this._camera); this.clock = new THREE.Clock(); this._frustum = new THREE.Frustum(); if (this._world.options.postProcessing) { this._initPostProcessing(); } } // TODO: Set up composer to automatically resize on viewport change // TODO: Update passes that rely on width / height on resize // TODO: Merge default passes into a single shader / pass for performance _initPostProcessing() { var renderPass = new RenderPass(this._scene, this._camera); // TODO: Look at using @mattdesl's optimised FXAA shader // var fxaaPass = new ShaderPass(FXAAShader); var hblurPass = new ShaderPass(HorizontalTiltShiftShader); var vblurPass = new ShaderPass(VerticalTiltShiftShader); var bluriness = 5; hblurPass.uniforms.r.value = vblurPass.uniforms.r.value = 0.6; var copyPass = new ShaderPass(CopyShader); copyPass.renderToScreen = true; this._composer = EffectComposer(this._renderer, this._container); this._composer.addPass(renderPass); this._composer.addPass(fxaaPass); this._composer.addPass(hblurPass); this._composer.addPass(vblurPass); this._composer.addPass(copyPass); var self = this; var updatePostProcessingSize = function() { var width = self._container.clientWidth; var height = self._container.clientHeight; // TODO: Re-enable this when perf issues can be solved // // Rendering double the resolution of the screen can be really slow // var pixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio; var pixelRatio = 1; fxaaPass.uniforms.resolution.value.set(1 / (width * pixelRatio), 1 / (height * pixelRatio)); hblurPass.uniforms.h.value = bluriness / (width * pixelRatio); vblurPass.uniforms.v.value = bluriness / (height * pixelRatio); }; updatePostProcessingSize(); window.addEventListener('resize', updatePostProcessingSize, false); } update(delta) { this.emit('preRender'); if (this._world.options.postProcessing) { this._composer.render(delta); } else { this._renderer.render(this._scene, this._camera); } // Render picking scene // this._renderer.render(this._picking._pickingScene, this._camera); // Render DOM scenes this._domRenderer3D.render(this._domScene3D, this._camera); this._domRenderer2D.render(this._domScene2D, this._camera); this.emit('postRender'); } destroy() { // Remove any remaining objects from scene var child; for (var i = this._scene.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { child = this._scene.children[i]; if (!child) { continue; } this._scene.remove(child); if (child.geometry) { // Dispose of mesh and materials child.geometry.dispose(); child.geometry = null; } if (child.material) { if ( {; = null; } child.material.dispose(); child.material = null; } }; for (var i = this._domScene3D.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { child = this._domScene3D.children[i]; if (!child) { continue; } this._domScene3D.remove(child); }; for (var i = this._domScene2D.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { child = this._domScene2D.children[i]; if (!child) { continue; } this._domScene2D.remove(child); }; this._picking.destroy(); this._picking = null; this._world = null; this._scene = null; this._domScene3D = null; this._domScene2D = null; this._composer = null; this._renderer = null; this._domRenderer3D = null; this._domRenderer2D = null; this._camera = null; this._clock = null; this._frustum = null; } } export default Engine; // // Initialise without requiring new keyword // export default function(container, world) { // return new Engine(container, world); // };