import Layer from './Layer'; import extend from 'lodash.assign'; import reqwest from 'reqwest'; import GeoJSON from '../util/GeoJSON'; import Worker from '../util/Worker'; import Buffer from '../util/Buffer'; import Stringify from '../util/Stringify'; import PolygonLayer from './geometry/PolygonLayer'; import PolylineLayer from './geometry/PolylineLayer'; import PointLayer from './geometry/PointLayer'; import {latLon as LatLon} from '../geo/LatLon'; import {point as Point} from '../geo/Point'; import Geo from '../geo/Geo'; import PickingMaterial from '../engine/PickingMaterial'; // TODO: Allow filter method to be run inside a worker to improve performance // TODO: Allow onEachFeature method to be run inside a worker to improve performance class GeoJSONWorkerLayer extends Layer { constructor(geojson, options) { var defaults = { topojson: false, style: GeoJSON.defaultStyle, onEachFeature: null, onEachFeatureWorker: null, onAddAttributes: null, interactive: false, pointGeometry: null, onClick: null, headers: {} }; var _options = extend({}, defaults, options); if (typeof === 'object') { = extend({},,; } super(_options); this._aborted = false; this._geojson = geojson; } _onAdd(world) { if (this._options.interactive) { // Worker layer always controls output to add a picking mesh this._pickingMesh = new THREE.Object3D(); } // Process GeoJSON return this._process(this._geojson).catch((err) => { console.error(err); }); } // Use workers to request and process GeoJSON, returning data structure // containing geometry and any supplementary data for output _process(_geojson) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var style =; // TODO: Convert to buffer and use transferrable objects if (typeof === 'function') { style = Stringify.functionToString(; } var pointGeometry = this._options.pointGeometry; // TODO: Convert to buffer and use transferrable objects if (typeof this._options.pointGeometry === 'function') { pointGeometry = Stringify.functionToString(this._options.pointGeometry); } var geojson = _geojson; var transferrables = []; if (typeof geojson !== 'string') { this._geojson = geojson = Buffer.stringToUint8Array(JSON.stringify(geojson)); transferrables.push(geojson.buffer); this._execWorker(geojson, this._options.topojson, this._world._originPoint, style, this._options.interactive, pointGeometry, transferrables).then(() => { resolve(); }).catch(reject); } else if (typeof this._options.filter === 'function' || typeof this._options.onEachFeature === 'function') { GeoJSONWorkerLayer.RequestGeoJSON(geojson).then((res) => { // if (this._aborted) { // resolve(); // return; // } var fc = GeoJSON.collectFeatures(res, this._options.topojson); var features = fc.features; // Run filter, if provided if (this._options.filter) { fc.features = features.filter(this._options.filter); } if (this._options.onEachFeature) { var feature; for (var i = 0; i < features.length; i++) { feature = features[i]; this._options.onEachFeature(feature); }; } this._geojson = geojson = Buffer.stringToUint8Array(JSON.stringify(fc)); transferrables.push(geojson.buffer); this._execWorker(geojson, false, this._options.headers, this._world._originPoint, style, this._options.interactive, pointGeometry, transferrables).then(() => { resolve(); }).catch(reject); }); } else { this._execWorker(geojson, this._options.topojson, this._options.headers, this._world._originPoint, style, this._options.interactive, pointGeometry, transferrables).then(() => { resolve(); }).catch(reject); } }); } _execWorker(geojson, topojson, headers, originPoint, style, interactive, pointGeometry, transferrables) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // console.time('Worker round trip'); Worker.exec('GeoJSONWorkerLayer.Process', [geojson, topojson, headers, originPoint, style, interactive, pointGeometry], transferrables).then((results) => { // console.timeEnd('Worker round trip'); // if (this._aborted) { // resolve(); // return; // } var processPromises = []; if (results.polygons) { processPromises.push(this._processPolygonResults(results.polygons)); } if (results.polylines) { processPromises.push(this._processPolylineResults(results.polylines)); } if (results.points) { processPromises.push(this._processPointResults(results.points)); } if (processPromises.length > 0) { Promise.all(processPromises).then(() => { resolve(); }).catch(reject); } else { resolve(); } }).catch(reject); }); } // TODO: Dedupe with polyline method _processPolygonResults(results) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var splitPositions = Buffer.splitFloat32Array(results.attributes.positions); var splitNormals = Buffer.splitFloat32Array(results.attributes.normals); var splitColors = Buffer.splitFloat32Array(results.attributes.colors); var splitTops = Buffer.splitFloat32Array(results.attributes.tops); var splitOutlinePositions; var splitOutlineColors; if (results.outlineAttributes) { splitOutlinePositions = Buffer.splitFloat32Array(results.outlineAttributes.positions); splitOutlineColors = Buffer.splitFloat32Array(results.outlineAttributes.colors); } var splitProperties; if ( { splitProperties = Buffer.splitUint8Array(; } var flats = results.flats; var objects = []; var outlineObjects = []; var obj; var pickingId; var pickingIds; var properties; var polygonAttributeLengths = { positions: 3, normals: 3, colors: 3, tops: 1 }; var polygonOutlineAttributeLengths = { positions: 3, colors: 3 }; for (var i = 0; i < splitPositions.length; i++) { if (splitProperties && splitProperties[i]) { properties = JSON.parse(Buffer.uint8ArrayToString(splitProperties[i])); } else { properties = {}; } // WORKERS: obj.attributes should actually an array of polygons for // the feature, though the current logic isn't aware of that obj = { attributes: [{ positions: splitPositions[i], normals: splitNormals[i], colors: splitColors[i], tops: splitTops[i] }], properties: properties, flat: flats[i] }; // WORKERS: If interactive, generate unique ID for each feature, create // the buffer attributes and set up event listeners if (this._options.interactive) { pickingId = this.getPickingId(); pickingIds = new Float32Array(splitPositions[i].length / 3); pickingIds.fill(pickingId); obj.attributes[0].pickingIds = pickingIds; polygonAttributeLengths.pickingIds = 1; this._addPicking(pickingId, properties); } // TODO: Make this specific to polygon attributes if (typeof this._options.onAddAttributes === 'function') { var customAttributes = this._options.onAddAttributes(obj.attributes[0], properties); var customAttribute; for (var key in customAttributes) { customAttribute = customAttributes[key]; obj.attributes[0][key] = customAttribute.value; polygonAttributeLengths[key] = customAttribute.length; } } objects.push(obj); } for (var i = 0; i < splitOutlinePositions.length; i++) { obj = { attributes: [{ positions: splitOutlinePositions[i], colors: splitOutlineColors[i] }], flat: true }; outlineObjects.push(obj); } var polygonAttributes = []; var polygonOutlineAttributes = []; var polygonFlat = true; for (var i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) { obj = objects[i]; // TODO: Work out why obj.flat is rarely set to something other than // true or false. Potentially undefined. if (polygonFlat && obj.flat === false) { polygonFlat = false; } var bufferAttributes = Buffer.mergeAttributes(obj.attributes); polygonAttributes.push(bufferAttributes); }; for (var i = 0; i < outlineObjects.length; i++) { obj = outlineObjects[i]; var bufferAttributes = Buffer.mergeAttributes(obj.attributes); polygonOutlineAttributes.push(bufferAttributes); }; var outputPromises = []; var style; if (polygonAttributes.length > 0) { var mergedPolygonAttributes = Buffer.mergeAttributes(polygonAttributes); // TODO: Make this work when style is a function per feature style = (typeof === 'function') ?[0]) :; style = extend({}, GeoJSON.defaultStyle, style); outputPromises.push(this._setPolygonMesh(mergedPolygonAttributes, polygonAttributeLengths, style, polygonFlat)); } if (polygonOutlineAttributes.length > 0) { var mergedPolygonOutlineAttributes = Buffer.mergeAttributes(polygonOutlineAttributes); style = (typeof === 'function') ?[0]) :; style = extend({}, GeoJSON.defaultStyle, style); if (style.outlineRenderOrder !== undefined) { style.lineRenderOrder = style.outlineRenderOrder; } else { style.lineRenderOrder = (style.renderOrder) ? style.renderOrder + 1 : 4; } if (style.outlineWidth) { style.lineWidth = style.outlineWidth; } outputPromises.push(this._setPolylineMesh(mergedPolygonOutlineAttributes, polygonOutlineAttributeLengths, style, true)); } Promise.all(outputPromises).then((results) => { var [polygonResult, outlineResult] = results; if (polygonResult) { this._polygonMesh = polygonResult.mesh; this.add(this._polygonMesh); if (polygonResult.pickingMesh) { this._pickingMesh.add(polygonResult.pickingMesh); } } if (outlineResult) { this.add(outlineResult.mesh); } resolve(); }).catch(reject); }); } // TODO: Dedupe with polygon method _processPolylineResults(results) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var splitPositions = Buffer.splitFloat32Array(results.attributes.positions); var splitColors = Buffer.splitFloat32Array(results.attributes.colors); var splitProperties; if ( { splitProperties = Buffer.splitUint8Array(; } var flats = results.flats; var objects = []; var obj; var pickingId; var pickingIds; var properties; var polylineAttributeLengths = { positions: 3, colors: 3 }; for (var i = 0; i < splitPositions.length; i++) { if (splitProperties && splitProperties[i]) { properties = JSON.parse(Buffer.uint8ArrayToString(splitProperties[i])); } else { properties = {}; } // WORKERS: obj.attributes should actually an array of polygons for // the feature, though the current logic isn't aware of that obj = { attributes: [{ positions: splitPositions[i], colors: splitColors[i] }], properties: properties, flat: flats[i] }; // WORKERS: If interactive, generate unique ID for each feature, create // the buffer attributes and set up event listeners if (this._options.interactive) { pickingId = this.getPickingId(); pickingIds = new Float32Array(splitPositions[i].length / 3); pickingIds.fill(pickingId); obj.attributes[0].pickingIds = pickingIds; polylineAttributeLengths.pickingIds = 1; this._addPicking(pickingId, properties); } // TODO: Make this specific to polyline attributes if (typeof this._options.onAddAttributes === 'function') { var customAttributes = this._options.onAddAttributes(obj.attributes[0], properties); var customAttribute; for (var key in customAttributes) { customAttribute = customAttributes[key]; obj.attributes[0][key] = customAttribute.value; polylineAttributeLengths[key] = customAttribute.length; } } objects.push(obj); } var polylineAttributes = []; var polylineFlat = true; for (var i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) { obj = objects[i]; if (polylineFlat && !obj.flat) { polylineFlat = false; } var bufferAttributes = Buffer.mergeAttributes(obj.attributes); polylineAttributes.push(bufferAttributes); }; if (polylineAttributes.length > 0) { var mergedPolylineAttributes = Buffer.mergeAttributes(polylineAttributes); // TODO: Make this work when style is a function per feature var style = (typeof === 'function') ?[0]) :; style = extend({}, GeoJSON.defaultStyle, style); this._setPolylineMesh(mergedPolylineAttributes, polylineAttributeLengths, style, polylineFlat).then((result) => { this._polylineMesh = result.mesh; this.add(this._polylineMesh); if (result.pickingMesh) { this._pickingMesh.add(result.pickingMesh); } resolve(); }).catch(reject); } else { resolve(); } }); } _processPointResults(results) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var splitPositions = Buffer.splitFloat32Array(results.attributes.positions); var splitNormals = Buffer.splitFloat32Array(results.attributes.normals); var splitColors = Buffer.splitFloat32Array(results.attributes.colors); var splitProperties; if ( { splitProperties = Buffer.splitUint8Array(; } var flats = results.flats; var objects = []; var obj; var pickingId; var pickingIds; var properties; var pointAttributeLengths = { positions: 3, normals: 3, colors: 3 }; for (var i = 0; i < splitPositions.length; i++) { if (splitProperties && splitProperties[i]) { properties = JSON.parse(Buffer.uint8ArrayToString(splitProperties[i])); } else { properties = {}; } // WORKERS: obj.attributes should actually an array of polygons for // the feature, though the current logic isn't aware of that obj = { attributes: [{ positions: splitPositions[i], normals: splitNormals[i], colors: splitColors[i] }], properties: properties, flat: flats[i] }; // WORKERS: If interactive, generate unique ID for each feature, create // the buffer attributes and set up event listeners if (this._options.interactive) { pickingId = this.getPickingId(); pickingIds = new Float32Array(splitPositions[i].length / 3); pickingIds.fill(pickingId); obj.attributes[0].pickingIds = pickingIds; pointAttributeLengths.pickingIds = 1; this._addPicking(pickingId, properties); } // TODO: Make this specific to polygon attributes if (typeof this._options.onAddAttributes === 'function') { var customAttributes = this._options.onAddAttributes(obj.attributes[0], properties); var customAttribute; for (var key in customAttributes) { customAttribute = customAttributes[key]; obj.attributes[0][key] = customAttribute.value; pointAttributeLengths[key] = customAttribute.length; } } objects.push(obj); } var pointAttributes = []; var pointFlat = true; for (var i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) { obj = objects[i]; if (pointFlat && !obj.flat) { pointFlat = false; } var bufferAttributes = Buffer.mergeAttributes(obj.attributes); pointAttributes.push(bufferAttributes); }; if (pointAttributes.length > 0) { var mergedPointAttributes = Buffer.mergeAttributes(pointAttributes); // TODO: Make this work when style is a function per feature var style = (typeof === 'function') ?[0]) :; style = extend({}, GeoJSON.defaultStyle, style); this._setPointMesh(mergedPointAttributes, pointAttributeLengths, style, pointFlat).then((result) => { this._pointMesh = result.mesh; this.add(this._pointMesh); if (result.pickingMesh) { this._pickingMesh.add(result.pickingMesh); } resolve(); }).catch(reject); } else { resolve(); } }); } // TODO: At some point this needs to return all the features to the main thread // so it can generate meshes and output to the scene, as well as perhaps creating // individual layers / components for each feature to track things like picking // and properties // // TODO: Find a way so the origin point isn't needed to be passed in as it // feels a bit messy and against the idea of a static Geo class // // TODO: Support passing custom geometry for point layers static Process(geojson, topojson, headers, originPoint, _style, _properties, _pointGeometry) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { GeoJSONWorkerLayer.ProcessGeoJSON(geojson, headers).then((res) => { // Collects features into a single FeatureCollection // // Also converts TopoJSON to GeoJSON if instructed var geojson = GeoJSON.collectFeatures(res, topojson); // TODO: Check that GeoJSON is valid / usable var features = geojson.features; // TODO: Run filter, if provided (must be static) var pointScale; var polygons = []; var polylines = []; var points = []; // Deserialise style function if provided if (typeof _style === 'string') { _style = Stringify.stringToFunction(_style); } // Assume that a style won't be set per feature var style = _style; var pointGeometry; // Deserialise pointGeometry function if provided if (typeof _pointGeometry === 'string') { pointGeometry = Stringify.stringToFunction(_pointGeometry); } var feature; for (var i = 0; i < features.length; i++) { feature = features[i]; var geometry = feature.geometry; var coordinates = (geometry.coordinates) ? geometry.coordinates : null; if (!coordinates || !geometry) { return; } // Get per-feature style object, if provided if (typeof _style === 'function') { style = extend({}, GeoJSON.defaultStyle, _style(feature)); // console.log(feature, style); } if (geometry.type === 'Polygon' || geometry.type === 'MultiPolygon') { coordinates = (PolygonLayer.isSingle(coordinates)) ? [coordinates] : coordinates; var converted = => { return => { return => { return LatLon(coordinate[1], coordinate[0]); }); }); }); var point; var projected = => { return => { return => { point = Geo.latLonToPoint(latlon)._subtract(originPoint); if (!pointScale) { pointScale = Geo.pointScale(latlon); } return point; }); }); }); var polygon = { projected: projected, options: { pointScale: pointScale, style: style } }; if (_properties) { =; } polygons.push(polygon); } if (geometry.type === 'LineString' || geometry.type === 'MultiLineString') { coordinates = (PolylineLayer.isSingle(coordinates)) ? [coordinates] : coordinates; var converted = => { return => { return LatLon(coordinate[1], coordinate[0]); }); }); var point; var projected = => { return => { point = Geo.latLonToPoint(latlon)._subtract(originPoint); if (!pointScale) { pointScale = Geo.pointScale(latlon); } return point; }); }); var polyline = { projected: projected, options: { pointScale: pointScale, style: style } }; if (_properties) { =; } polylines.push(polyline); } if (geometry.type === 'Point' || geometry.type === 'MultiPoint') { coordinates = (PointLayer.isSingle(coordinates)) ? [coordinates] : coordinates; var converted = => { return LatLon(coordinate[1], coordinate[0]); }); var point; var projected = => { point = Geo.latLonToPoint(latlon)._subtract(originPoint); if (!pointScale) { pointScale = Geo.pointScale(latlon); } return point; }); var point = { projected: projected, options: { pointGeometry: pointGeometry(feature), pointScale: pointScale, style: style } }; if (_properties) { =; } points.push(point); } }; var polygonBufferPromises = []; var polylineBufferPromises = []; var pointBufferPromises = []; var polygon; for (var i = 0; i < polygons.length; i++) { polygon = polygons[i]; polygonBufferPromises.push(PolygonLayer.SetBufferAttributes(polygon.projected, polygon.options)); }; var polyline; for (var i = 0; i < polylines.length; i++) { polyline = polylines[i]; polylineBufferPromises.push(PolylineLayer.SetBufferAttributes(polyline.projected, polyline.options)); }; var point; for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i++) { point = points[i]; pointBufferPromises.push(PointLayer.SetBufferAttributes(point.projected, point.options)); }; var data = {}; var transferrables = []; // TODO: Make this work with polylines too // TODO: Make this so it's not a nest of promises GeoJSONWorkerLayer.ProcessPolygons(polygonBufferPromises, polygons, _properties).then((result) => { data.polygons =; transferrables = transferrables.concat(result.transferrables); GeoJSONWorkerLayer.ProcessPolylines(polylineBufferPromises, polylines, _properties).then((result) => { data.polylines =; transferrables = transferrables.concat(result.transferrables); GeoJSONWorkerLayer.ProcessPoints(pointBufferPromises, points, _properties).then((result) => { data.points =; transferrables = transferrables.concat(result.transferrables); resolve({ data: data, transferrables: transferrables }); }); }); }); }).catch(reject); }); } static ProcessPolygons(polygonPromises, polygons, _properties) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { Promise.all(polygonPromises).then((results) => { var transferrables = []; var positions = []; var normals = []; var colors = []; var tops = []; var outlinePositions = []; var outlineColors = []; var properties = []; var flats = []; var polygon; var result; for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { result = results[i]; polygon = polygons[i]; // WORKERS: Making this a typed array will speed up transfer time // As things stand this adds on a few milliseconds flats.push(result.flat); // WORKERS: result.attributes is actually an array of polygons for each // feature, though the current logic isn't keeping these all together var attributes; for (var j = 0; j < result.attributes.length; j++) { attributes = result.attributes[j]; positions.push(attributes.positions); normals.push(attributes.normals); colors.push(attributes.colors); tops.push(attributes.tops); if (_properties) { properties.push(Buffer.stringToUint8Array(JSON.stringify(; } }; var outlineAttributes; for (var j = 0; j < result.outlineAttributes.length; j++) { outlineAttributes = result.outlineAttributes[j]; outlinePositions.push(outlineAttributes.positions); outlineColors.push(outlineAttributes.colors); }; }; var mergedAttributes = { positions: Buffer.mergeFloat32Arrays(positions), normals: Buffer.mergeFloat32Arrays(normals), colors: Buffer.mergeFloat32Arrays(colors), tops: Buffer.mergeFloat32Arrays(tops) }; var mergedOutlineAttributes = { positions: Buffer.mergeFloat32Arrays(outlinePositions), colors: Buffer.mergeFloat32Arrays(outlineColors) }; transferrables.push(mergedAttributes.positions[0].buffer); transferrables.push(mergedAttributes.positions[1].buffer); transferrables.push(mergedAttributes.normals[0].buffer); transferrables.push(mergedAttributes.normals[1].buffer); transferrables.push(mergedAttributes.colors[0].buffer); transferrables.push(mergedAttributes.colors[1].buffer); transferrables.push(mergedAttributes.tops[0].buffer); transferrables.push(mergedAttributes.tops[1].buffer); transferrables.push(mergedOutlineAttributes.positions[0].buffer); transferrables.push(mergedOutlineAttributes.positions[1].buffer); transferrables.push(mergedOutlineAttributes.colors[0].buffer); transferrables.push(mergedOutlineAttributes.colors[1].buffer); var mergedProperties; if (_properties) { mergedProperties = Buffer.mergeUint8Arrays(properties); transferrables.push(mergedProperties[0].buffer); transferrables.push(mergedProperties[1].buffer); } var output = { attributes: mergedAttributes, outlineAttributes: mergedOutlineAttributes, flats: flats }; if (_properties) { = mergedProperties; } // TODO: Also return GeoJSON features that can be mapped to objects on // the main thread. Allow user to provide filter / toggles to only return // properties from the GeoJSON that they need (eg. don't return geometry, // or don't return properties.height) resolve({ data: output, transferrables: transferrables }); }).catch(reject); }); } static ProcessPolylines(polylinePromises, polylines, _properties) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { Promise.all(polylinePromises).then((results) => { var transferrables = []; var positions = []; var colors = []; var properties = []; var flats = []; var polyline; var result; for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { result = results[i]; polyline = polylines[i]; // WORKERS: Making this a typed array will speed up transfer time // As things stand this adds on a few milliseconds flats.push(result.flat); // WORKERS: result.attributes is actually an array of polygons for each // feature, though the current logic isn't keeping these all together var attributes; for (var j = 0; j < result.attributes.length; j++) { attributes = result.attributes[j]; positions.push(attributes.positions); colors.push(attributes.colors); if (_properties) { properties.push(Buffer.stringToUint8Array(JSON.stringify(; } }; }; var mergedAttributes = { positions: Buffer.mergeFloat32Arrays(positions), colors: Buffer.mergeFloat32Arrays(colors) }; transferrables.push(mergedAttributes.positions[0].buffer); transferrables.push(mergedAttributes.positions[1].buffer); transferrables.push(mergedAttributes.colors[0].buffer); transferrables.push(mergedAttributes.colors[1].buffer); var mergedProperties; if (_properties) { mergedProperties = Buffer.mergeUint8Arrays(properties); transferrables.push(mergedProperties[0].buffer); transferrables.push(mergedProperties[1].buffer); } var output = { attributes: mergedAttributes, flats: flats }; if (_properties) { = mergedProperties; } // TODO: Also return GeoJSON features that can be mapped to objects on // the main thread. Allow user to provide filter / toggles to only return // properties from the GeoJSON that they need (eg. don't return geometry, // or don't return properties.height) resolve({ data: output, transferrables: transferrables }); }).catch(reject); }); } // TODO: Dedupe with ProcessPolygons as they are identical static ProcessPoints(pointPromises, points, _properties) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { Promise.all(pointPromises).then((results) => { var transferrables = []; var positions = []; var normals = []; var colors = []; var properties = []; var flats = []; var point; var result; for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { result = results[i]; point = points[i]; // WORKERS: Making this a typed array will speed up transfer time // As things stand this adds on a few milliseconds flats.push(result.flat); // WORKERS: result.attributes is actually an array of polygons for each // feature, though the current logic isn't keeping these all together var attributes; for (var j = 0; j < result.attributes.length; j++) { attributes = result.attributes[j]; positions.push(attributes.positions); normals.push(attributes.normals); colors.push(attributes.colors); if (_properties) { properties.push(Buffer.stringToUint8Array(JSON.stringify(; } }; }; var mergedAttributes = { positions: Buffer.mergeFloat32Arrays(positions), normals: Buffer.mergeFloat32Arrays(normals), colors: Buffer.mergeFloat32Arrays(colors) }; transferrables.push(mergedAttributes.positions[0].buffer); transferrables.push(mergedAttributes.positions[1].buffer); transferrables.push(mergedAttributes.normals[0].buffer); transferrables.push(mergedAttributes.normals[1].buffer); transferrables.push(mergedAttributes.colors[0].buffer); transferrables.push(mergedAttributes.colors[1].buffer); var mergedProperties; if (_properties) { mergedProperties = Buffer.mergeUint8Arrays(properties); transferrables.push(mergedProperties[0].buffer); transferrables.push(mergedProperties[1].buffer); } var output = { attributes: mergedAttributes, flats: flats }; if (_properties) { = mergedProperties; } // TODO: Also return GeoJSON features that can be mapped to objects on // the main thread. Allow user to provide filter / toggles to only return // properties from the GeoJSON that they need (eg. don't return geometry, // or don't return properties.height) resolve({ data: output, transferrables: transferrables }); }).catch(reject); }); } static ProcessGeoJSON(geojson, headers) { if (typeof geojson === 'string') { return GeoJSONWorkerLayer.RequestGeoJSON(geojson, headers); } else { return Promise.resolve(JSON.parse(Buffer.uint8ArrayToString(geojson))); } } static RequestGeoJSON(path, headers) { return reqwest({ url: path, type: 'json', crossOrigin: true, headers: headers }); } // Create and store mesh from buffer attributes // // Could make this an abstract method for each geometry layer _setPolygonMesh(attributes, attributeLengths, style, flat) { if (!this._world) { return Promise.reject(); } return PolygonLayer.SetMesh(attributes, attributeLengths, flat, style, this._options, this._world._environment._skybox); } _setPolylineMesh(attributes, attributeLengths, style, flat) { if (!this._world) { return Promise.reject(); } return PolylineLayer.SetMesh(attributes, attributeLengths, flat, style, this._options); } _setPointMesh(attributes, attributeLengths, style, flat) { if (!this._world) { return Promise.reject(); } return PointLayer.SetMesh(attributes, attributeLengths, flat, style, this._options, this._world._environment._skybox); } // Set up and re-emit interaction events _addPicking(pickingId, properties) { this._world.on('pick-click-' + pickingId, (pickingId, point2d, point3d, intersects) => { this._world.emit('click', this, properties, point2d, point3d); }); this._world.on('pick-hover-' + pickingId, (pickingId, point2d, point3d, intersects) => { this._world.emit('hover', this, properties, point2d, point3d); }); } // TODO: Finish cleanup destroy() { // Run common destruction logic from parent super.destroy(); } } export default GeoJSONWorkerLayer; var noNew = function(geojson, options) { return new GeoJSONWorkerLayer(geojson, options); }; export {noNew as geoJSONWorkerLayer};