// TODO: Move duplicated logic between geometry layrs into GeometryLayer // TODO: Look at ways to drop unneeded references to array buffers, etc to // reduce memory footprint // TODO: Support dynamic updating / hiding / animation of geometry // // This could be pretty hard as it's all packed away within BufferGeometry and // may even be merged by another layer (eg. GeoJSONLayer) // // How much control should this layer support? Perhaps a different or custom // layer would be better suited for animation, for example. // TODO: Allow _setBufferAttributes to use a custom function passed in to // generate a custom mesh import Layer from '../Layer'; import extend from 'lodash.assign'; import THREE from 'three'; import Geo from '../../geo/Geo'; import {latLon as LatLon} from '../../geo/LatLon'; import {point as Point} from '../../geo/Point'; import earcut from 'earcut'; import extrudePolygon from '../../util/extrudePolygon'; import PickingMaterial from '../../engine/PickingMaterial'; import Buffer from '../../util/Buffer'; class PolygonLayer extends Layer { constructor(coordinates, options) { var defaults = { output: true, interactive: false, // Custom material override // // TODO: Should this be in the style object? polygonMaterial: null, onPolygonMesh: null, onBufferAttributes: null, // This default style is separate to Util.GeoJSON.defaultStyle style: { color: '#ffffff', transparent: false, opacity: 1, blending: THREE.NormalBlending, height: 0 } }; var _options = extend({}, defaults, options); super(_options); // Return coordinates as array of polygons so it's easy to support // MultiPolygon features (a single polygon would be a MultiPolygon with a // single polygon in the array) this._coordinates = (PolygonLayer.isSingle(coordinates)) ? [coordinates] : coordinates; } _onAdd(world) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._setCoordinates(); if (this._options.interactive) { // Only add to picking mesh if this layer is controlling output // // Otherwise, assume another component will eventually add a mesh to // the picking scene if (this.isOutput()) { this._pickingMesh = new THREE.Object3D(); this.addToPicking(this._pickingMesh); } this._setPickingId(); this._addPickingEvents(); } PolygonLayer.SetBufferAttributes(this._projectedCoordinates, this._options).then((result) => { this._bufferAttributes = Buffer.mergeAttributes(result.attributes); if (result.outlineAttributes.length > 0) { this._outlineBufferAttributes = Buffer.mergeAttributes(result.outlineAttributes); } this._flat = result.flat; if (this.isOutput()) { var attributeLengths = { positions: 3, normals: 3, colors: 3, tops: 1 }; if (this._options.interactive) { attributeLengths.pickingIds = 1; } var style = this._options.style; // Set mesh if not merging elsewhere PolygonLayer.SetMesh(this._bufferAttributes, attributeLengths, this._flat, style, this._options, this._world._environment._skybox).then((result) => { // Output mesh this.add(result.mesh); if (result.pickingMesh) { this._pickingMesh.add(result.pickingMesh); } }); } result.attributes = null; result.outlineAttributes = null; result = null; resolve(this); }).catch(reject); }); } // Return center of polygon as a LatLon // // This is used for things like placing popups / UI elements on the layer // // TODO: Find proper center position instead of returning first coordinate // SEE: https://github.com/Leaflet/Leaflet/blob/master/src/layer/vector/Polygon.js#L15 getCenter() { return this._center; } // Return polygon bounds in geographic coordinates // // TODO: Implement getBounds() getBounds() {} // Get unique ID for picking interaction _setPickingId() { this._pickingId = this._options.pickingId = this.getPickingId(); } // Set up and re-emit interaction events _addPickingEvents() { // TODO: Find a way to properly remove this listener on destroy this._world.on('pick-click-' + this._pickingId, (point2d, point3d, intersects) => { // Re-emit click event from the layer this.emit('click', this, point2d, point3d, intersects); }); this._world.on('pick-hover-' + this._pickingId, (point2d, point3d, intersects) => { // Re-emit click event from the layer this.emit('hover', this, point2d, point3d, intersects); }); } // Create and store reference to THREE.BufferAttribute data for this layer static SetBufferAttributes(coordinates, options) { return new Promise((resolve) => { var height = 0; // Convert height into world units if (options.style.height && options.style.height !== 0) { height = Geo.metresToWorld(options.style.height, options.pointScale); } var colour = new THREE.Color(); colour.set(options.style.color); // Light and dark colours used for poor-mans AO gradient on object sides var light = new THREE.Color(0xffffff); var shadow = new THREE.Color(0x666666); var flat = true; var outlineAttributes = []; // For each polygon var attributes = coordinates.map(_coordinates => { // Convert coordinates to earcut format var _earcut = PolygonLayer.ToEarcut(_coordinates); // Triangulate faces using earcut var faces = PolygonLayer.Triangulate(_earcut.vertices, _earcut.holes, _earcut.dimensions); var groupedVertices = []; for (i = 0, il = _earcut.vertices.length; i < il; i += _earcut.dimensions) { groupedVertices.push(_earcut.vertices.slice(i, i + _earcut.dimensions)); } var extruded = extrudePolygon(groupedVertices, faces, { bottom: 0, top: height }); var topColor = colour.clone().multiply(light); var bottomColor = colour.clone().multiply(shadow); var _vertices = extruded.positions; var _faces = []; var _colours = []; var _tops = []; var _colour; extruded.top.forEach((face, fi) => { _colour = []; _colour.push([colour.r, colour.g, colour.b]); _colour.push([colour.r, colour.g, colour.b]); _colour.push([colour.r, colour.g, colour.b]); _tops.push([true, true, true]); _faces.push(face); _colours.push(_colour); }); if (extruded.sides) { flat = false; // Set up colours for every vertex with poor-mans AO on the sides extruded.sides.forEach((face, fi) => { _colour = []; // First face is always bottom-bottom-top if (fi % 2 === 0) { _colour.push([bottomColor.r, bottomColor.g, bottomColor.b]); _colour.push([bottomColor.r, bottomColor.g, bottomColor.b]); _colour.push([topColor.r, topColor.g, topColor.b]); _tops.push([false, false, true]); // Reverse winding for the second face // top-top-bottom } else { _colour.push([topColor.r, topColor.g, topColor.b]); _colour.push([topColor.r, topColor.g, topColor.b]); _colour.push([bottomColor.r, bottomColor.g, bottomColor.b]); _tops.push([true, true, false]); } _faces.push(face); _colours.push(_colour); }); } // Skip bottom as there's no point rendering it // allFaces.push(extruded.faces); var polygon = { vertices: _vertices, faces: _faces, colours: _colours, tops: _tops, facesCount: _faces.length }; if (options.style.outline) { var outlineColour = new THREE.Color(); outlineColour.set(options.style.outlineColor || 0x000000); outlineAttributes.push(PolygonLayer.Set2DOutline(_coordinates, outlineColour)); } if (options.interactive && options.pickingId) { // Inject picking ID polygon.pickingId = options.pickingId; } // Convert polygon representation to proper attribute arrays return PolygonLayer.ToAttributes(polygon); }); resolve({ attributes: attributes, outlineAttributes: outlineAttributes, flat: flat }); }); } getBufferAttributes() { return this._bufferAttributes; } getOutlineBufferAttributes() { return this._outlineBufferAttributes; } // Used by external components to clear some memory when the attributes // are no longer required to be stored in this layer // // For example, you would want to clear the attributes here after merging them // using something like the GeoJSONLayer clearBufferAttributes() { this._bufferAttributes = null; this._outlineBufferAttributes = null; } // Threshold angle is currently in rads static Set2DOutline(coordinates, colour) { var _vertices = []; coordinates.forEach((ring) => { var _ring = ring.map((coordinate) => { return [coordinate.x, 0, coordinate.y]; }); // Add in duplicate vertices for line segments to work var verticeCount = _ring.length; var first = true; while (--verticeCount) { if (first || verticeCount === 0) { first = false; continue; } _ring.splice(verticeCount + 1, 0, _ring[verticeCount]); } _vertices = _vertices.concat(_ring); }); _colour = [colour.r, colour.g, colour.b]; var vertices = new Float32Array(_vertices.length * 3); var colours = new Float32Array(_vertices.length * 3); var lastIndex = 0; for (var i = 0; i < _vertices.length; i++) { var ax = _vertices[i][0]; var ay = _vertices[i][1]; var az = _vertices[i][2]; var c1 = _colour; vertices[lastIndex * 3 + 0] = ax; vertices[lastIndex * 3 + 1] = ay; vertices[lastIndex * 3 + 2] = az; colours[lastIndex * 3 + 0] = c1[0]; colours[lastIndex * 3 + 1] = c1[1]; colours[lastIndex * 3 + 2] = c1[2]; lastIndex++; } var attributes = { positions: vertices, colors: colours }; return attributes; } // Used by external components to clear some memory when the coordinates // are no longer required to be stored in this layer // // For example, you would want to clear the coordinates here after this // layer is merged in something like the GeoJSONLayer clearCoordinates() { this._coordinates = null; this._projectedCoordinates = null; } static SetMesh(attributes, attributeLengths, flat, style, options, skybox) { var geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry(); for (var key in attributes) { geometry.addAttribute(key.slice(0, -1), new THREE.BufferAttribute(attributes[key], attributeLengths[key])); } geometry.computeBoundingBox(); var material; if (options.polygonMaterial && options.polygonMaterial instanceof THREE.Material) { material = options.polygonMaterial; } else if (!skybox) { material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({ vertexColors: THREE.VertexColors, side: THREE.BackSide, transparent: style.transparent, opacity: style.opacity, blending: style.blending }); } else { material = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({ vertexColors: THREE.VertexColors, side: THREE.BackSide, transparent: style.transparent, opacity: style.opacity, blending: style.blending }); material.roughness = 1; material.metalness = 0.1; material.envMapIntensity = 3; material.envMap = skybox.getRenderTarget(); } var mesh; // Pass mesh through callback, if defined if (typeof options.onPolygonMesh === 'function') { mesh = options.onPolygonMesh(geometry, material); } else { mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material); mesh.castShadow = true; mesh.receiveShadow = true; } if (flat || style.renderOrder !== undefined) { if (!style.ignoreDepth) { material.depthWrite = false; } var renderOrder = (style.renderOrder !== undefined) ? style.renderOrder : 3; mesh.renderOrder = renderOrder; } if (options.interactive) { material = new PickingMaterial(); material.side = THREE.BackSide; var pickingMesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material); } return Promise.resolve({ mesh: mesh, pickingMesh: pickingMesh }); } // Convert and project coordinates // // TODO: Calculate bounds _setCoordinates() { this._bounds = []; this._coordinates = this._convertCoordinates(this._coordinates); this._projectedBounds = []; this._projectedCoordinates = this._projectCoordinates(); this._center = this._coordinates[0][0][0]; } // Recursively convert input coordinates into LatLon objects // // Calculate geographic bounds at the same time // // TODO: Calculate geographic bounds _convertCoordinates(coordinates) { return coordinates.map(_coordinates => { return _coordinates.map(ring => { return ring.map(coordinate => { return LatLon(coordinate[1], coordinate[0]); }); }); }); } // Recursively project coordinates into world positions // // Calculate world bounds, offset and pointScale at the same time // // TODO: Calculate world bounds _projectCoordinates() { var point; return this._coordinates.map(_coordinates => { return _coordinates.map(ring => { return ring.map(latlon => { point = this._world.latLonToPoint(latlon); // TODO: Is offset ever being used or needed? if (!this._offset) { this._offset = Point(0, 0); this._offset.x = -1 * point.x; this._offset.y = -1 * point.y; this._options.pointScale = this._world.pointScale(latlon); } return point; }); }); }); } // Convert coordinates array to something earcut can understand static ToEarcut(coordinates) { var dim = 2; var result = {vertices: [], holes: [], dimensions: dim}; var holeIndex = 0; for (var i = 0; i < coordinates.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < coordinates[i].length; j++) { // for (var d = 0; d < dim; d++) { result.vertices.push(coordinates[i][j].x); result.vertices.push(coordinates[i][j].y); // } } if (i > 0) { holeIndex += coordinates[i - 1].length; result.holes.push(holeIndex); } } return result; } // Triangulate earcut-based input using earcut static Triangulate(contour, holes, dim) { // console.time('earcut'); var faces = earcut(contour, holes, dim); var result = []; for (i = 0, il = faces.length; i < il; i += 3) { result.push(faces.slice(i, i + 3)); } // console.timeEnd('earcut'); return result; } // Transform polygon representation into attribute arrays that can be used by // THREE.BufferGeometry // // TODO: Can this be simplified? It's messy and huge static ToAttributes(polygon) { // Three components per vertex per face (3 x 3 = 9) var positions = new Float32Array(polygon.facesCount * 9); var normals = new Float32Array(polygon.facesCount * 9); var colours = new Float32Array(polygon.facesCount * 9); // One component per vertex per face (1 x 3 = 3) var tops = new Float32Array(polygon.facesCount * 3); var pickingIds; if (polygon.pickingId) { // One component per vertex per face (1 x 3 = 3) pickingIds = new Float32Array(polygon.facesCount * 3); } var pA = new THREE.Vector3(); var pB = new THREE.Vector3(); var pC = new THREE.Vector3(); var cb = new THREE.Vector3(); var ab = new THREE.Vector3(); var index; var _faces = polygon.faces; var _vertices = polygon.vertices; var _colour = polygon.colours; var _tops = polygon.tops; var _pickingId; if (pickingIds) { _pickingId = polygon.pickingId; } var lastIndex = 0; for (var i = 0; i < _faces.length; i++) { // Array of vertex indexes for the face index = _faces[i][0]; var ax = _vertices[index][0]; var ay = _vertices[index][1]; var az = _vertices[index][2]; var c1 = _colour[i][0]; var t1 = _tops[i][0]; index = _faces[i][1]; var bx = _vertices[index][0]; var by = _vertices[index][1]; var bz = _vertices[index][2]; var c2 = _colour[i][1]; var t2 = _tops[i][1]; index = _faces[i][2]; var cx = _vertices[index][0]; var cy = _vertices[index][1]; var cz = _vertices[index][2]; var c3 = _colour[i][2]; var t3 = _tops[i][2]; // Flat face normals // From: http://threejs.org/examples/webgl_buffergeometry.html pA.set(ax, ay, az); pB.set(bx, by, bz); pC.set(cx, cy, cz); cb.subVectors(pC, pB); ab.subVectors(pA, pB); cb.cross(ab); cb.normalize(); var nx = cb.x; var ny = cb.y; var nz = cb.z; positions[lastIndex * 9 + 0] = ax; positions[lastIndex * 9 + 1] = ay; positions[lastIndex * 9 + 2] = az; normals[lastIndex * 9 + 0] = nx; normals[lastIndex * 9 + 1] = ny; normals[lastIndex * 9 + 2] = nz; colours[lastIndex * 9 + 0] = c1[0]; colours[lastIndex * 9 + 1] = c1[1]; colours[lastIndex * 9 + 2] = c1[2]; positions[lastIndex * 9 + 3] = bx; positions[lastIndex * 9 + 4] = by; positions[lastIndex * 9 + 5] = bz; normals[lastIndex * 9 + 3] = nx; normals[lastIndex * 9 + 4] = ny; normals[lastIndex * 9 + 5] = nz; colours[lastIndex * 9 + 3] = c2[0]; colours[lastIndex * 9 + 4] = c2[1]; colours[lastIndex * 9 + 5] = c2[2]; positions[lastIndex * 9 + 6] = cx; positions[lastIndex * 9 + 7] = cy; positions[lastIndex * 9 + 8] = cz; normals[lastIndex * 9 + 6] = nx; normals[lastIndex * 9 + 7] = ny; normals[lastIndex * 9 + 8] = nz; colours[lastIndex * 9 + 6] = c3[0]; colours[lastIndex * 9 + 7] = c3[1]; colours[lastIndex * 9 + 8] = c3[2]; tops[lastIndex * 3 + 0] = t1; tops[lastIndex * 3 + 1] = t2; tops[lastIndex * 3 + 2] = t3; if (pickingIds) { pickingIds[lastIndex * 3 + 0] = _pickingId; pickingIds[lastIndex * 3 + 1] = _pickingId; pickingIds[lastIndex * 3 + 2] = _pickingId; } lastIndex++; } var attributes = { positions: positions, normals: normals, colors: colours, tops: tops }; if (pickingIds) { attributes.pickingIds = pickingIds; } return attributes; } // Returns true if the polygon is flat (has no height) isFlat() { return this._flat; } // Returns true if coordinates refer to a single geometry // // For example, not coordinates for a MultiPolygon GeoJSON feature static isSingle(coordinates) { return !Array.isArray(coordinates[0][0][0]); } // TODO: Make sure this is cleaning everything destroy() { if (this._pickingMesh) { // TODO: Properly dispose of picking mesh this._pickingMesh = null; } this.clearCoordinates(); this.clearBufferAttributes(); // Run common destruction logic from parent super.destroy(); } } export default PolygonLayer; var noNew = function(coordinates, options) { return new PolygonLayer(coordinates, options); }; export {noNew as polygonLayer};