import {point as Point} from '../../geo/Point'; import {latLon as LatLon} from '../../geo/LatLon'; import * as THREE from 'three'; // TODO: Make sure nothing is left behind in the heap after calling destroy() // Manages a single tile and its layers var r2d = 180 / Math.PI; var tileURLRegex = /\{([szxy])\}/g; class Tile { constructor(quadcode, path, layer) { this._layer = layer; this._world = layer._world; this._quadcode = quadcode; this._path = path; this._ready = false; this._aborted = false; this._tile = this._quadcodeToTile(quadcode); // Bottom-left and top-right bounds in WGS84 coordinates this._boundsLatLon = this._tileBoundsWGS84(this._tile); // Bottom-left and top-right bounds in world coordinates this._boundsWorld = this._tileBoundsFromWGS84(this._boundsLatLon); // Tile center in world coordinates this._center = this._boundsToCenter(this._boundsWorld); // Tile center in projected coordinates this._centerLatlon = this._world.pointToLatLon(Point(this._center[0], this._center[1])); // Length of a tile side in world coorindates this._side = this._getSide(this._boundsWorld); // Point scale for tile (for unit conversion) this._pointScale = this._world.pointScale(this._centerLatlon); } // Returns true if the tile mesh and texture are ready to be used // Otherwise, returns false isReady() { return this._ready; } isAborted() { return this._aborted; } // Request data for the tile requestTileAsync() {} getQuadcode() { return this._quadcode; } getBounds() { return this._boundsWorld; } getCenter() { return this._center; } getSide() { return this._side; } getMesh() { return this._mesh; } getPickingMesh() { return this._pickingMesh; } // Destroys the tile and removes it from the layer and memory // // Ensure that this leaves no trace of the tile – no textures, no meshes, // nothing in memory or the GPU destroy() { // console.log('Destroying tile', this._quadcode); // Delete reference to layer and world this._layer = null; this._world = null; // Delete location references this._boundsLatLon = null; this._boundsWorld = null; this._center = null; // Done if no mesh if (!this._mesh && !this._pickingMesh) { return; } this.destroyMesh(this._mesh); this.destroyMesh(this._pickingMesh); this._mesh = null; this._pickingMesh = null; } destroyMesh(mesh, dispose = true) { if (mesh) { if (mesh.children) { mesh.children.forEach((child) => { mesh.remove(child); this.destroyMesh(child); }); } if (dispose) { if (mesh.geometry) { mesh.geometry.dispose(); mesh.geometry = null; } if (mesh.material) { if ( {; = null; } mesh.material.dispose(); mesh.material = null; } } } } _createMesh() {} _createDebugMesh() {} _getTileURL(urlParams) { if (!urlParams.s) { // Default to a random choice of a, b or c urlParams.s = String.fromCharCode(97 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 3)); } tileURLRegex.lastIndex = 0; return this._path.replace(tileURLRegex, function(value, key) { // Replace with paramter, otherwise keep existing value return urlParams[key]; }); } // Convert from quadcode to TMS tile coordinates _quadcodeToTile(quadcode) { var x = 0; var y = 0; var z = quadcode.length; for (var i = z; i > 0; i--) { var mask = 1 << (i - 1); var q = +quadcode[z - i]; if (q === 1) { x |= mask; } if (q === 2) { y |= mask; } if (q === 3) { x |= mask; y |= mask; } } return [x, y, z]; } // Convert WGS84 tile bounds to world coordinates _tileBoundsFromWGS84(boundsWGS84) { var sw = this._layer._world.latLonToPoint(LatLon(boundsWGS84[1], boundsWGS84[0])); var ne = this._layer._world.latLonToPoint(LatLon(boundsWGS84[3], boundsWGS84[2])); return [sw.x, sw.y, ne.x, ne.y]; } // Get tile bounds in WGS84 coordinates _tileBoundsWGS84(tile) { var e = this._tile2lon(tile[0] + 1, tile[2]); var w = this._tile2lon(tile[0], tile[2]); var s = this._tile2lat(tile[1] + 1, tile[2]); var n = this._tile2lat(tile[1], tile[2]); return [w, s, e, n]; } _tile2lon(x, z) { return x / Math.pow(2, z) * 360 - 180; } _tile2lat(y, z) { var n = Math.PI - 2 * Math.PI * y / Math.pow(2, z); return r2d * Math.atan(0.5 * (Math.exp(n) - Math.exp(-n))); } _boundsToCenter(bounds) { var x = bounds[0] + (bounds[2] - bounds[0]) / 2; var y = bounds[1] + (bounds[3] - bounds[1]) / 2; return [x, y]; } _getSide(bounds) { return (new THREE.Vector3(bounds[0], 0, bounds[3])).sub(new THREE.Vector3(bounds[0], 0, bounds[1])).length(); } } export default Tile;