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* GeoJSON helpers for handling data and generating objects
import THREE from 'three';
2016-10-03 15:05:31 +00:00
import * as topojson from 'topojson';
import geojsonMerge from 'geojson-merge';
2016-03-11 12:43:50 +00:00
import earcut from 'earcut';
import extrudePolygon from './extrudePolygon';
2016-02-29 09:22:20 +00:00
// TODO: Make it so height can be per-coordinate / point but connected together
// as a linestring (eg. GPS points with an elevation at each point)
2016-02-29 09:24:04 +00:00
// This isn't really valid GeoJSON so perhaps something best left to an external
// component for now, until a better approach can be considered
// See:
// Light and dark colours used for poor-mans AO gradient on object sides
var light = new THREE.Color(0xffffff);
var shadow = new THREE.Color(0x666666);
var GeoJSON = (function() {
var defaultStyle = {
color: '#ffffff',
transparent: false,
opacity: 1,
blending: THREE.NormalBlending,
height: 0,
lineOpacity: 1,
lineTransparent: false,
lineColor: '#ffffff',
lineWidth: 1,
lineBlending: THREE.NormalBlending
// Attempts to merge together multiple GeoJSON Features or FeatureCollections
// into a single FeatureCollection
var collectFeatures = function(data, _topojson) {
var collections = [];
if (_topojson) {
// TODO: Allow TopoJSON objects to be overridden as an option
// If not overridden, merge all features from all objects
for (var tk in data.objects) {
collections.push(topojson.feature(data, data.objects[tk]));
return geojsonMerge(collections);
} else {
// If root doesn't have a type then let's see if there are features in the
// next step down
if (!data.type) {
// TODO: Allow GeoJSON objects to be overridden as an option
// If not overridden, merge all features from all objects
for (var gk in data) {
if (!data[gk].type) {
return geojsonMerge(collections);
} else if (Array.isArray(data)) {
return geojsonMerge(data);
} else {
return data;
2016-03-11 12:05:35 +00:00
// TODO: This is only used by GeoJSONTile so either roll it into that or
// update GeoJSONTile to use the new GeoJSONLayer or geometry layers
var lineStringAttributes = function(coordinates, colour, height) {
var _coords = [];
var _colours = [];
var nextCoord;
// Connect coordinate with the next to make a pair
// LineSegments requires pairs of vertices so repeat the last point if
// there's an odd number of vertices
coordinates.forEach((coordinate, index) => {
_colours.push([colour.r, colour.g, colour.b]);
_coords.push([coordinate[0], height, coordinate[1]]);
nextCoord = (coordinates[index + 1]) ? coordinates[index + 1] : coordinate;
_colours.push([colour.r, colour.g, colour.b]);
_coords.push([nextCoord[0], height, nextCoord[1]]);
return {
vertices: _coords,
colours: _colours
// TODO: This is only used by GeoJSONTile so either roll it into that or
// update GeoJSONTile to use the new GeoJSONLayer or geometry layers
var multiLineStringAttributes = function(coordinates, colour, height) {
var _coords = [];
var _colours = [];
var result;
coordinates.forEach(coordinate => {
result = lineStringAttributes(coordinate, colour, height);
result.vertices.forEach(coord => {
result.colours.forEach(colour => {
return {
vertices: _coords,
colours: _colours
// TODO: This is only used by GeoJSONTile so either roll it into that or
// update GeoJSONTile to use the new GeoJSONLayer or geometry layers
var polygonAttributes = function(coordinates, colour, height) {
var earcutData = _toEarcut(coordinates);
var faces = _triangulate(earcutData.vertices, earcutData.holes, earcutData.dimensions);
var groupedVertices = [];
for (i = 0, il = earcutData.vertices.length; i < il; i += earcutData.dimensions) {
groupedVertices.push(earcutData.vertices.slice(i, i + earcutData.dimensions));
var extruded = extrudePolygon(groupedVertices, faces, {
bottom: 0,
top: height
var topColor = colour.clone().multiply(light);
var bottomColor = colour.clone().multiply(shadow);
var _vertices = extruded.positions;
var _faces = [];
var _colours = [];
var _colour;, fi) => {
_colour = [];
_colour.push([colour.r, colour.g, colour.b]);
_colour.push([colour.r, colour.g, colour.b]);
_colour.push([colour.r, colour.g, colour.b]);
var allFlat = true;
if (extruded.sides) {
if (allFlat) {
allFlat = false;
// Set up colours for every vertex with poor-mans AO on the sides
extruded.sides.forEach((face, fi) => {
_colour = [];
// First face is always bottom-bottom-top
if (fi % 2 === 0) {
_colour.push([bottomColor.r, bottomColor.g, bottomColor.b]);
_colour.push([bottomColor.r, bottomColor.g, bottomColor.b]);
_colour.push([topColor.r, topColor.g, topColor.b]);
// Reverse winding for the second face
// top-top-bottom
} else {
_colour.push([topColor.r, topColor.g, topColor.b]);
_colour.push([topColor.r, topColor.g, topColor.b]);
_colour.push([bottomColor.r, bottomColor.g, bottomColor.b]);
// Skip bottom as there's no point rendering it
// allFaces.push(extruded.faces);
return {
vertices: _vertices,
faces: _faces,
colours: _colours,
flat: allFlat
2016-03-11 12:43:50 +00:00
// TODO: This is only used by GeoJSONTile so either roll it into that or
// update GeoJSONTile to use the new GeoJSONLayer or geometry layers
var _toEarcut = function(data) {
var dim = data[0][0].length;
var result = {vertices: [], holes: [], dimensions: dim};
var holeIndex = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < data[i].length; j++) {
for (var d = 0; d < dim; d++) {
if (i > 0) {
holeIndex += data[i - 1].length;
return result;
// TODO: This is only used by GeoJSONTile so either roll it into that or
// update GeoJSONTile to use the new GeoJSONLayer or geometry layers
var _triangulate = function(contour, holes, dim) {
// console.time('earcut');
var faces = earcut(contour, holes, dim);
var result = [];
for (i = 0, il = faces.length; i < il; i += 3) {
result.push(faces.slice(i, i + 3));
// console.timeEnd('earcut');
return result;
return {
defaultStyle: defaultStyle,
2016-03-11 12:05:35 +00:00
collectFeatures: collectFeatures,
lineStringAttributes: lineStringAttributes,
multiLineStringAttributes: multiLineStringAttributes,
polygonAttributes: polygonAttributes
export default GeoJSON;