Corrected a bug, sampling now uses DMA, to be more reliable.
ArjanteMarvelde 2022-07-10 14:25:36 +02:00
rodzic 2b957e3f85
commit e58adc801b
4 zmienionych plików z 132 dodań i 74 usunięć

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@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ target_link_libraries(uSDR-FFT

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@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
#include "hardware/structs/bus_ctrl.h"
#include "hardware/pwm.h"
#include "hardware/adc.h"
#include "hardware/dma.h"
#include "hardware/irq.h"
#include "hardware/timer.h"
#include "hardware/clocks.h"
@ -49,6 +50,8 @@ volatile uint32_t dsp_overrun; // Overrun counter
volatile uint16_t dac_iq, dac_audio;
/*** External Interfaces, mostly used by hmi.c ***/
* MODE is modulation/demodulation
* This setting steers the signal processing branch chosen
@ -127,6 +130,8 @@ void dsp_setvox(int vox)
/*** Some handy macro's ***/
#define ABS(x) ( (x)<0 ? -(x) : (x) )
@ -146,22 +151,22 @@ inline int16_t mag(int16_t i, int16_t q)
return (MAX(q,((29*q/32) + (61*i/128))));
/* Note:
* A simple IIR single pole low pass filter could be made for anti-aliasing.
* Do this at full speed 16usec sampling,
* then for dsp_tim decimate with 1/8 (128usec)
* and for dsp_fft decimate with 1/4 (64usec)
* to obtain proper spectrum.
* Note: A simple regression IIR single pole low pass filter could be made for anti-aliasing.
* y(n) = (1-a)*y(n-1) + a*x(n) = y(n-1) + a*(x(n) - y(n-1))
* in this a = T / (T + R*C)
* T is sample period (e.g. 16usec)
* Example:
* T is sample period (e.g. 64usec)
* RC the desired RC time: T*(1-a)/a.
* example: a=1/256 : RC = 255*16usec = 4.08msec ( 245Hz)
* example: a=1/256 : RC = 255*64usec = 16msec (65Hz)
volatile int32_t q_sample, i_sample, a_sample; // Latest sample values
/*** DSP engine ***/
volatile int32_t q_sample, i_sample, a_sample; // Latest processed sample values
/*** Include the desired DSP engine ***/
#if DSP_FFT == 1
#define AGC_TOP 16383L
#include "dsp_fft.c"
@ -173,35 +178,65 @@ volatile int32_t q_sample, i_sample, a_sample; // Latest sample values
/** CORE1: ADC IRQ handler **/
#define LSH 8 // Shift for higher level accuracy
#define ADC_INT 8 // Nr of samples for integration (max 10)
volatile int32_t adc_sample[3] = {0,0,0}; // Buffer for ADC samples
volatile int32_t adc_result[3] = {0,0,0}; // Buffer for ADC results
* The IRQ handling is redirected to a DMA channel
* This will transfer ADC_INT samples per channel, ADC_INT maximum is 10 (would take 60usec)
#define LSH 8 // Shift for higher accuracy of level
#define BSH 8 // Shift for higher accuracy of bias
#define ADC_BIASS ADC_BIAS<<BSH // Shifted initial ADC bias
#define ADC_INT 8 // Nr of samples for integration (max 8)
volatile int16_t adc_sample[ADC_INT][3]; // ADC samples collection
volatile int32_t adc_bias[3] = {ADC_BIASS, ADC_BIASS, ADC_BIASS}; // ADC dynamic bias level
volatile int32_t adc_result[3]; // ADC filtered result for further processing
volatile uint32_t adc_level[3] = {10<<LSH,10<<LSH,10<<LSH}; // Levels for ADC channels
volatile int adccnt = 0;
void __not_in_flash_func(adcfifo_handler)(void)
volatile int adccnt = 0; // Sampling overflow indicator
/** CORE1: DMA IRQ handler **/
// From RP2040 datasheet, DMA Status/Control register layout
// 0x80000000 [31] : AHB_ERROR (0): Logical OR of the READ_ERROR and WRITE_ERROR flags
// 0x40000000 [30] : READ_ERROR (0): If 1, the channel received a read bus error
// 0x20000000 [29] : WRITE_ERROR (0): If 1, the channel received a write bus error
// 0x01000000 [24] : BUSY (0): This flag goes high when the channel starts a new transfer sequence, and low when the...
// 0x00800000 [23] : SNIFF_EN (0): If 1, this channel's data transfers are visible to the sniff hardware, and each...
// 0x00400000 [22] : BSWAP (0): Apply byte-swap transformation to DMA data
// 0x00200000 [21] : IRQ_QUIET (0): In QUIET mode, the channel does not generate IRQs at the end of every transfer block
// 0x001f8000 [20:15] : TREQ_SEL (0): Select a Transfer Request signal
// 0x00007800 [14:11] : CHAIN_TO (0): When this channel completes, it will trigger the channel indicated by CHAIN_TO
// 0x00000400 [10] : RING_SEL (0): Select whether RING_SIZE applies to read or write addresses
// 0x000003c0 [9:6] : RING_SIZE (0): Size of address wrap region
// 0x00000020 [5] : INCR_WRITE (0): If 1, the write address increments with each transfer
// 0x00000010 [4] : INCR_READ (0): If 1, the read address increments with each transfer
// 0x0000000c [3:2] : DATA_SIZE (0): Set the size of each bus transfer (byte/halfword/word)
// 0x00000002 [1] : HIGH_PRIORITY (0): HIGH_PRIORITY gives a channel preferential treatment in issue scheduling: in...
// 0x00000001 [0] : EN (0): DMA Channel Enable
* The DMA handler only stops conversions and resets interrupt flag, data is processed in timer callback.
#define CH0 0
#define DMA_CTRL0 0x00120027
void __not_in_flash_func(dma_handler)(void)
if (++adccnt >= ADC_INT) // Nr of integration samples reached?
adc_irq_set_enabled(false); // Disable interrupts
adc_run(false); // Stop freerunning
adc_sample[0] = adc_sample[0] + adc_fifo_get() - ADC_BIAS; // Read first three samples from FIFO
adc_sample[1] = adc_sample[1] + adc_fifo_get() - ADC_BIAS;
adc_sample[2] = adc_sample[2] + adc_fifo_get() - ADC_BIAS;
adc_run(false); // Stop freerunning ADC
dma_hw->ints0 = 1u << CH0; // Clear the interrupt request.
//while (!adc_fifo_is_empty()) adc_fifo_get(); // Empty leftovers from fifo
adccnt++; // ADC overrun indicator increment
/** CORE1: Timer callback routine **/
* This runs every TIM_US , i.e. 16usec
* First the decimation filter is applied on latest ADC results
* This runs every TIM_US, i.e. 64usec, and hence determines the actual sample rate
* The filtered samples are set aside, so a new ADC cycle can be started.
* The ADC cycle takes 8usec to complete (3x ADC0..2 + 1x stray ADC0 conversion).
* One ADC cycle takes 6usec to complete (3x ADC0..2) + 1x 2usec stray ADC0 conversion.
* The timing is critical, it assumes that the ADC is finished.
* Once every 4 TIM_US intervals signal preprocessing is done, and DSP may be invoked.
* Do not put any other stuff in this callback routine.
semaphore_t dsp_sem;
@ -216,21 +251,31 @@ bool __not_in_flash_func(dsp_callback)(repeating_timer_t *t)
* Here the rate is 15625Hz
// Get DC bias corrected samples
adc_result[0] = adc_sample[0];
adc_result[1] = adc_sample[1];
adc_result[2] = adc_sample[2];
// Re-start ADCs
while (!adc_fifo_is_empty()) adc_fifo_get(); // Empty leftovers from fifo
adc_sample[0] = 0;
adc_sample[1] = 0;
adc_sample[2] = 0;
adc_set_round_robin(0x01+0x02+0x04); // Sequence ADC 0-1-2 (GP 26, 27, 28) free running
// Get samples and correct for DC bias
adc_result[0] = 0;
adc_result[1] = 0;
adc_result[2] = 0;
for (temp = 0; temp<ADC_INT; temp++)
adc_bias[0] += (int32_t)(adc_sample[temp][0]) - (adc_bias[0]>>BSH);
adc_result[0] += (int32_t)(adc_sample[temp][0]) - (adc_bias[0]>>BSH);
adc_bias[1] += (int32_t)(adc_sample[temp][1]) - (adc_bias[1]>>BSH);
adc_result[1] += (int32_t)(adc_sample[temp][1]) - (adc_bias[1]>>BSH);
adc_bias[2] += (int32_t)(adc_sample[temp][2]) - (adc_bias[2]>>BSH);
adc_result[2] += (int32_t)(adc_sample[temp][2]) - (adc_bias[2]>>BSH);
// Resstart ADCs and DMA
adccnt--; // ADC overrun indicator decrement
adc_select_input(0); // Start with ADC0
adccnt=0; // Check for ADC FIFO interrupt overruns
adc_run(true); // Start ADC
adc_irq_set_enabled(true); // Enable ADC interrupts
while (!adc_fifo_is_empty()) adc_fifo_get(); // Empty leftovers from fifo, if any
dma_hw->ch[CH0].read_addr = (io_rw_32)&adc_hw->fifo; // Read from ADC FIFO
dma_hw->ch[CH0].write_addr = (io_rw_32)&adc_sample[0][0]; // Write to sample buffer
dma_hw->ch[CH0].transfer_count = ADC_INT * 3; // Nr of 16 bit words to transfer
dma_hw->ch[CH0].ctrl_trig = DMA_CTRL0; // Write ctrl word without starting the DMA
adc_run(true); // Start ADC again
// Calculate and save level, left shifted by LSH
// a=1/1024 : RC = 1023*64usec = 65msec (15Hz)
@ -238,7 +283,7 @@ bool __not_in_flash_func(dsp_callback)(repeating_timer_t *t)
adc_level[1] = (1023*adc_level[1] + (ABS(adc_result[1])<<LSH))/1024;
adc_level[2] = (1023*adc_level[2] + (ABS(adc_result[2])<<LSH))/1024;
// Crude AGC mechanism
// Crude AGC mechanism ** TO BE IMPROVED **
if (!tx_enabled)
temp = (MAX(adc_level[1], adc_level[0]))>>LSH; // Max I or Q
@ -327,35 +372,44 @@ void __not_in_flash_func(dsp_loop)()
* samples are stored in array through IRQ callback
adc_init(); // Initialize ADC to known state
adc_set_clkdiv(0.0); // Fastest clock (500 kSps)
adc_gpio_init(26); // GP26 is ADC 0 for Q channel
adc_gpio_init(27); // GP27 is ADC 1 for I channel
adc_gpio_init(28); // GP28 is ADC 2 for Audio channel
adc_set_round_robin(0x01+0x02+0x04); // Sequence ADC 0-1-2 (GP 26, 27, 28) free running
adc_select_input(0); // Start with ADC0
adc_fifo_setup(true,false,3,false,false); // IRQ result, fifo threshold = 1, so IRQ after each ADC0..2
irq_set_exclusive_handler(ADC_IRQ_FIFO, adcfifo_handler); // Install ISR at ADC_IRQ_FIFO vector (22)
irq_set_priority (ADC_IRQ_FIFO, PICO_HIGHEST_IRQ_PRIORITY); // Prevent race condition with timer
irq_set_enabled(ADC_IRQ_FIFO, true); // Enable interrupt vector in NVIC
adc_irq_set_enabled(true); // Enable the ADC FIFO interrupt
adc_level[0] = ADC_BIAS/2;
adc_level[1] = ADC_BIAS/2;
adc_level[2] = ADC_BIAS/2;
// Use alarm_pool_add_repeating_timer_us() for a core1 associated timer
// First create an alarm pool on core1:
// alarm_pool_t *alarm_pool_create( uint hardware_alarm_num,
// uint max_timers);
// For the core1 alarm pool don't use the default alarm_num (usually 3) but e.g. 1
// Timer callback signals semaphore, while loop blocks on getting it.
// Initialize repeating timer on core1:
// bool alarm_pool_add_repeating_timer_us( alarm_pool_t *pool,
// int64_t delay_us,
// repeating_timer_callback_t callback,
// void *user_data,
// repeating_timer_t *out);
adc_fifo_setup(true,true,3,false,false); // IRQ result, DMA req, fifo thr=3: xfer per 3 x 16 bits
adc_set_clkdiv(0); // Fastest clock (500 kSps)
* Setup and start DMA channel CH0
dma_channel_set_irq0_enabled(CH0, true); // Raise IRQ line 0 when the channel finishes a block
irq_set_exclusive_handler(DMA_IRQ_0, dma_handler); // Install IRQ handler
irq_set_enabled(DMA_IRQ_0, true); // Enable it
irq_set_priority(DMA_IRQ_0, PICO_HIGHEST_IRQ_PRIORITY); // Prevent race condition with timer
dma_hw->ch[CH0].read_addr = (io_rw_32)&adc_hw->fifo; // Read from ADC FIFO
dma_hw->ch[CH0].write_addr = (io_rw_32)&adc_sample[0][0]; // Write to sample buffer
dma_hw->ch[CH0].transfer_count = ADC_INT * 3; // Nr of 16 bit words to transfer
dma_hw->ch[CH0].ctrl_trig = DMA_CTRL0; // Write ctrl word and start the DMA
adc_run(true); // Also start the ADC
* Use alarm_pool_add_repeating_timer_us() for a core1 associated timer
* First create an alarm pool on core1:
* alarm_pool_t *alarm_pool_create( uint hardware_alarm_num,
* uint max_timers);
* For the core1 alarm pool don't use the default alarm_num (usually 3) but e.g. 1
* Timer callback signals semaphore, while loop blocks on getting it.
* Initialize repeating timer on core1:
* bool alarm_pool_add_repeating_timer_us( alarm_pool_t *pool,
* int64_t delay_us,
* repeating_timer_callback_t callback,
* void *user_data,
* repeating_timer_t *out);
sem_init(&dsp_sem, 0, 1);
ap = alarm_pool_create(1, 4);
alarm_pool_add_repeating_timer_us( ap, -TIM_US, dsp_callback, NULL, &dsp_timer);
@ -368,8 +422,9 @@ void __not_in_flash_func(dsp_loop)()
dsp_overrun--; // Decrement overrun counter
// Use adc_level[2] for VOX
vox_active = false; // Normally false
if (vox_level != 0) // Only when VOX is enabled
if (vox_level == 0) // Only when VOX is enabled
vox_active = false; // Normally false
if ((adc_level[2]>>LSH) > vox_level) // AND level > limit
@ -378,9 +433,9 @@ void __not_in_flash_func(dsp_loop)()
else if (--vox_count>0) // else decrement linger counter
vox_active = true; // and keep TX active until 0
if (tx_enabled) // Use previous setting
gpio_put(GP_PTT, false); // Drive PTT low (active)
@ -392,6 +447,7 @@ void __not_in_flash_func(dsp_loop)()
rx(); // Do RX signal processing
/////// This is a trap, ptt remains active after once asserted
tx_enabled = vox_active || ptt_active; // Check RX or TX
#if DSP_FFT == 1

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@ -9,7 +9,8 @@
* See dsp.c for more information
#define DSP_FFT 1 // 1 for FFT, 0 for time domain processing
// 1 for FFT, 0 for time domain processing
#define DSP_FFT 0
@ -21,7 +22,7 @@
#define TIM_US 64
#define S_RATE 15625 // 1e6/TIM_US
#define FC_OFFSET 3906 // in bin FFT_SIZE/4 ==> S_RATE/4
#define FC_OFFSET 3906 // RX carrier in bin FFT_SIZE/4 ==> S_RATE/4

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@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ bool __not_in_flash_func(rx)(void)
/*** Scale down into DAC_RANGE! ***/
peak = 128;
peak = 64;
for (i=0; i<BUFSIZE; i++)
A_buf[b][i] /= peak;