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* Responsible for encoding/decoding Tweet records to/from Manhattan keys
* K/V Scheme:
* -----------
* [TweetId]
* /metadata
* /delete_state (a.k.a. hard delete)
* /soft_delete_state
* /bounce_delete_state
* /undelete_state
* /force_added_state
* /scrubbed_fields/
* /[ScrubbedFieldId_1]
* ..
* /[ScrubbedFieldId_M]
* /fields
* /internal
* /1
* /9
* ..
* /99
* /external
* /100
* ..
* 1) Field Ids 2 to 8 in Tweet thrift struct are considered "core fields" are 'packed' together
* into a TFieldBlob and stored under field id 1 (i.e [DatasetName]/[TweetId]/fields/internal/1).
* This is why we do not see keys from [DatasetName]/[TweetId]/fields/internal/2 to [DatasetName]/
* [TweetId]/fields/internal/8)
* 2) Also, the tweet id (which is the field id 1 in Tweet thrift structure) is not explicitly stored
* in Manhattan. There is no need to explicitly store it since it is a part of the Pkey
case class TweetKey(tweetId: TweetId, lKey: TweetKey.LKey) {
override def toString: String =
object TweetKey {
// Manhattan uses lexicographical order for keys. To make sure lexicographical order matches the
// numerical order, we should pad both tweet id and field ids with leading zeros.
// Since tweet id is long and field id is a short, the max width of each can be obtained by doing
// Long.MaxValue.toString.length and Short.MaxValue.toString.length respectively
private val TweetIdFormatStr = s"%0${Long.MaxValue.toString.length}d"
private val FieldIdFormatStr = s"%0${Short.MaxValue.toString.length}d"
private[storage] def padTweetIdStr(tweetId: Long): String = TweetIdFormatStr.format(tweetId)
private[storage] def padFieldIdStr(fieldId: Short): String = FieldIdFormatStr.format(fieldId)
def coreFieldsKey(tweetId: TweetId): TweetKey = TweetKey(tweetId, LKey.CoreFieldsKey)
def hardDeletionStateKey(tweetId: TweetId): TweetKey =
TweetKey(tweetId, LKey.HardDeletionStateKey)
def softDeletionStateKey(tweetId: TweetId): TweetKey =
TweetKey(tweetId, LKey.SoftDeletionStateKey)
def bounceDeletionStateKey(tweetId: TweetId): TweetKey =
TweetKey(tweetId, LKey.BounceDeletionStateKey)
def unDeletionStateKey(tweetId: TweetId): TweetKey = TweetKey(tweetId, LKey.UnDeletionStateKey)
def forceAddedStateKey(tweetId: TweetId): TweetKey = TweetKey(tweetId, LKey.ForceAddedStateKey)
def scrubbedGeoFieldKey(tweetId: TweetId): TweetKey = TweetKey(tweetId, LKey.ScrubbedGeoFieldKey)
def fieldKey(tweetId: TweetId, fieldId: FieldId): TweetKey =
TweetKey(tweetId, LKey.FieldKey(fieldId))
def internalFieldsKey(tweetId: TweetId, fieldId: FieldId): TweetKey =
TweetKey(tweetId, LKey.InternalFieldsKey(fieldId))
def additionalFieldsKey(tweetId: TweetId, fieldId: FieldId): TweetKey =
TweetKey(tweetId, LKey.AdditionalFieldsKey(fieldId))
def scrubbedFieldKey(tweetId: TweetId, fieldId: FieldId): TweetKey =
TweetKey(tweetId, LKey.ScrubbedFieldKey(fieldId))
// AllFieldsKeyPrefix: fields
// CoreFieldsKey: fields/internal/1 (Stores subset of StoredTweet fields which are
// "packed" into a single CoreFields record)
// HardDeletionStateKey: metadata/delete_state
// SoftDeletionStateKey: metadata/soft_delete_state
// BounceDeletionStateKey: metadata/bounce_delete_state
// UnDeletionStateKey: metadata/undelete_state
// ForceAddedStateKey: metadata/force_added_state
// FieldKey: fields/<group_name>/<padded_field_id> (where <group_name>
// is 'internal' for field ids < 100 and 'external' for all other
// fields ids)
// InternalFieldsKeyPrefix: fields/internal
// PKey: <empty string>
// ScrubbedFieldKey: metadata/scrubbed_fields/<padded_field_id>
// ScrubbedFieldKeyPrefix: metadata/scrubbed_fields
sealed abstract class LKey(override val toString: String)
object LKey {
private val HardDeletionRecordLiteral = "delete_state"
private val SoftDeletionRecordLiteral = "soft_delete_state"
private val BounceDeletionRecordLiteral = "bounce_delete_state"
private val UnDeletionRecordLiteral = "undelete_state"
private val ForceAddRecordLiteral = "force_added_state"
private val ScrubbedFieldsGroup = "scrubbed_fields"
private val InternalFieldsGroup = "internal"
private val ExternalFieldsGroup = "external"
private val MetadataCategory = "metadata"
private val FieldsCategory = "fields"
private val InternalFieldsKeyPrefix = s"$FieldsCategory/$InternalFieldsGroup/"
private val ExternalFieldsKeyPrefix = s"$FieldsCategory/$ExternalFieldsGroup/"
private val ScrubbedFieldsKeyPrefix = s"$MetadataCategory/$ScrubbedFieldsGroup/"
sealed abstract class MetadataKey(metadataType: String)
extends LKey(s"$MetadataCategory/$metadataType")
sealed abstract class StateKey(stateType: String) extends MetadataKey(stateType)
case object HardDeletionStateKey extends StateKey(s"$HardDeletionRecordLiteral")
case object SoftDeletionStateKey extends StateKey(s"$SoftDeletionRecordLiteral")
case object BounceDeletionStateKey extends StateKey(s"$BounceDeletionRecordLiteral")
case object UnDeletionStateKey extends StateKey(s"$UnDeletionRecordLiteral")
case object ForceAddedStateKey extends StateKey(s"$ForceAddRecordLiteral")
case class ScrubbedFieldKey(fieldId: FieldId)
extends MetadataKey(s"$ScrubbedFieldsGroup/${padFieldIdStr(fieldId)}")
val ScrubbedGeoFieldKey: LKey.ScrubbedFieldKey = ScrubbedFieldKey(TweetFields.geoFieldId)
* LKey that has one of many possible fields id. This generalize over
* internal and additional fields key.
sealed abstract class FieldKey(prefix: String) extends LKey(toString) {
def fieldId: FieldId
override val toString: String = prefix + padFieldIdStr(fieldId)
object FieldKey {
def apply(fieldId: FieldId): FieldKey =
fieldId match {
case id if id < TweetFields.firstAdditionalFieldId => InternalFieldsKey(fieldId)
case _ => AdditionalFieldsKey(fieldId)
case class InternalFieldsKey(fieldId: FieldId) extends FieldKey(InternalFieldsKeyPrefix) {
assert(fieldId < TweetFields.firstAdditionalFieldId)
case class AdditionalFieldsKey(fieldId: FieldId) extends FieldKey(ExternalFieldsKeyPrefix) {
assert(fieldId >= TweetFields.firstAdditionalFieldId)
val CoreFieldsKey: LKey.InternalFieldsKey = InternalFieldsKey(TweetFields.rootCoreFieldId)
case class Unknown private (str: String) extends LKey(str)
def fromString(str: String): LKey = {
def extractFieldId(prefix: String): FieldId =
str.slice(prefix.length, str.length).toShort
str match {
case CoreFieldsKey.toString => CoreFieldsKey
case HardDeletionStateKey.toString => HardDeletionStateKey
case SoftDeletionStateKey.toString => SoftDeletionStateKey
case BounceDeletionStateKey.toString => BounceDeletionStateKey
case UnDeletionStateKey.toString => UnDeletionStateKey
case ForceAddedStateKey.toString => ForceAddedStateKey
case ScrubbedGeoFieldKey.toString => ScrubbedGeoFieldKey
case _ if str.startsWith(InternalFieldsKeyPrefix) =>
case _ if str.startsWith(ExternalFieldsKeyPrefix) =>
case _ if str.startsWith(ScrubbedFieldsKeyPrefix) =>
case _ => Unknown(str)