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package com.twitter.tweetypie.repository
import com.twitter.servo.cache.{CachedValueStatus => Status, LockingCache => KVLockingCache, _}
import com.twitter.servo.repository.{CachedResult => Result}
import com.twitter.stitch.MapGroup
import com.twitter.stitch.Group
import com.twitter.stitch.Stitch
import com.twitter.util.Future
import com.twitter.util.Return
import com.twitter.util.Throw
import com.twitter.util.Time
import com.twitter.util.Try
* Adapts a key-value locking cache to Arrow and
* normalizes the results to `CachedResult`.
trait StitchLockingCache[K, V] {
val get: K => Stitch[Result[K, V]]
val lockAndSet: (K, StitchLockingCache.Val[V]) => Stitch[Unit]
val delete: K => Stitch[Boolean]
object StitchLockingCache {
* Value intended to be written back to cache using lockAndSet.
* Note that only a subset of CachedValueStatus values are eligible for writing:
* Found, NotFound, and Deleted
sealed trait Val[+V]
object Val {
case class Found[V](value: V) extends Val[V]
case object NotFound extends Val[Nothing]
case object Deleted extends Val[Nothing]
* A Group for batching get requests to a [[KVLockingCache]].
private case class GetGroup[K, V](cache: KVLockingCache[K, Cached[V]], override val maxSize: Int)
extends MapGroup[K, Result[K, V]] {
private[this] def cachedToResult(key: K, cached: Cached[V]): Try[Result[K, V]] =
cached.status match {
case Status.NotFound => Return(Result.CachedNotFound(key, cached.cachedAt))
case Status.Deleted => Return(Result.CachedDeleted(key, cached.cachedAt))
case Status.SerializationFailed => Return(Result.SerializationFailed(key))
case Status.DeserializationFailed => Return(Result.DeserializationFailed(key))
case Status.Evicted => Return(Result.NotFound(key))
case Status.DoNotCache => Return(Result.DoNotCache(key, cached.doNotCacheUntil))
case Status.Found =>
cached.value match {
case None => Return(Result.NotFound(key))
case Some(value) => Return(Result.CachedFound(key, value, cached.cachedAt))
case _ => Throw(new UnsupportedOperationException)
override protected def run(keys: Seq[K]): Future[K => Try[Result[K, V]]] =
cache.get(keys).map { (result: KeyValueResult[K, Cached[V]]) => key =>
result.found.get(key) match {
case Some(cached) => cachedToResult(key, cached)
case None =>
result.failed.get(key) match {
case Some(t) => Return(Result.Failed(key, t))
case None => Return(Result.NotFound(key))
* Used in the implementation of LockAndSetGroup. This is just a
* glorified tuple with special equality semantics where calls with
* the same key will compare equal. MapGroup will use this as a key
* in a Map, which will prevent duplicate lockAndSet calls with the
* same key. We don't care which one we use
private class LockAndSetCall[K, V](val key: K, val value: V) {
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean =
other match {
case call: LockAndSetCall[_, _] => call.key == key
case _ => false
override def hashCode(): Int = key.hashCode
* A Group for `lockAndSet` calls to a [[KVLockingCache]]. This is
* necessary to avoid writing back a key multiple times if it is
* appears more than once in a batch. LockAndSetCall considers two
* calls equal even if the values differ because multiple lockAndSet
* calls for the same key will eventually result in only one being
* chosen by the cache anyway, and this avoids conflicting
* lockAndSet calls.
* For example, consider a tweet that mentions @jack twice
* when @jack is not in cache. That will result in two queries to
* load @jack, which will be deduped by the Group when the repo is
* called. Despite the fact that it is loaded only once, each of the
* two loads is oblivious to the other, so each of them attempts to
* write the value back to cache, resulting in two `lockAndSet`
* calls for @jack, so we have to dedupe them again.
private case class LockAndSetGroup[K, V](
cache: KVLockingCache[K, V],
picker: KVLockingCache.Picker[V])
extends MapGroup[LockAndSetCall[K, V], Option[V]] {
override def run(
calls: Seq[LockAndSetCall[K, V]]
): Future[LockAndSetCall[K, V] => Try[Option[V]]] =
.collect { { call =>
// This is masked to prevent interrupts to the overall
// request from interrupting writes back to cache.
.lockAndSet(call.key, KVLockingCache.PickingHandler(call.value, picker))
.map(responses =>
def apply[K, V](
underlying: KVLockingCache[K, Cached[V]],
picker: KVLockingCache.Picker[Cached[V]],
maxRequestSize: Int = Int.MaxValue
): StitchLockingCache[K, V] =
new StitchLockingCache[K, V] {
override val get: K => Stitch[Result[K, V]] = {
val group: Group[K, Result[K, V]] = GetGroup(underlying, maxRequestSize)
(key: K) =>, group)
override val lockAndSet: (K, Val[V]) => Stitch[Unit] = {
val group = LockAndSetGroup(underlying, picker)
(key: K, value: Val[V]) => {
val now =
val cached: Cached[V] =
value match {
case Val.Found(v) => Cached[V](Some(v), Status.Found, now, Some(now))
case Val.NotFound => Cached[V](None, Status.NotFound, now, Some(now))
case Val.Deleted => Cached[V](None, Status.Deleted, now, Some(now))
} LockAndSetCall(key, cached), group).unit
override val delete: K => Stitch[Boolean] =
(key: K) => Stitch.callFuture(underlying.delete(key))