package com.twitter.timelines.data_processing.ml_util.aggregation_framework import import import import com.twitter.timelines.data_processing.ml_util.aggregation_framework.metrics.AggregateFeature import com.twitter.timelines.data_processing.ml_util.aggregation_framework.metrics.AggregationMetric import com.twitter.timelines.data_processing.ml_util.aggregation_framework.metrics.AggregationMetricCommon import com.twitter.timelines.data_processing.ml_util.aggregation_framework.metrics.AggregationMetricCommon._ import com.twitter.timelines.data_processing.ml_util.transforms.OneToSomeTransform import com.twitter.util.Duration import com.twitter.util.Try import java.lang.{Boolean => JBoolean} import java.lang.{Double => JDouble} import java.lang.{Long => JLong} import java.util.{Set => JSet} import scala.annotation.tailrec import scala.language.existentials import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.util.matching.Regex /** * A case class contained precomputed data useful to quickly * process operations over an aggregate. * * @param query The underlying feature being aggregated * @param metric The aggregation metric * @param outputFeatures The output features that aggregation will produce * @param outputFeatureIds The precomputed hashes of the above outputFeatures */ case class PrecomputedAggregateDescriptor[T]( query: AggregateFeature[T], metric: AggregationMetric[T, _], outputFeatures: List[Feature[_]], outputFeatureIds: List[JLong]) object TypedAggregateGroup { /** * Recursive function that generates all combinations of value * assignments for a collection of sparse binary features. * * @param sparseBinaryIdValues list of sparse binary feature ids and possible values they can take * @return A set of maps, where each map represents one possible assignment of values to ids */ def sparseBinaryPermutations( sparseBinaryIdValues: List[(Long, Set[String])] ): Set[Map[Long, String]] = sparseBinaryIdValues match { case (id, values) +: rest => tailRecSparseBinaryPermutations( existingPermutations = => Map(id -> value)), remainingIdValues = rest ) case Nil => Set.empty } @tailrec private[this] def tailRecSparseBinaryPermutations( existingPermutations: Set[Map[Long, String]], remainingIdValues: List[(Long, Set[String])] ): Set[Map[Long, String]] = remainingIdValues match { case Nil => existingPermutations case (id, values) +: rest => tailRecSparseBinaryPermutations( existingPermutations.flatMap { existingIdValueMap => => existingIdValueMap ++ Map(id -> value)) }, rest ) } val SparseFeatureSuffix = ".member" def sparseFeature(sparseBinaryFeature: Feature[_]): Feature[String] = new Feature.Text( sparseBinaryFeature.getDenseFeatureName + SparseFeatureSuffix, AggregationMetricCommon.derivePersonalDataTypes(Some(sparseBinaryFeature))) /* Throws exception if obj not an instance of U */ private[this] def validate[U](obj: Any): U = { require(obj.isInstanceOf[U]) obj.asInstanceOf[U] } private[this] def getFeatureOpt[U](dataRecord: DataRecord, feature: Feature[U]): Option[U] = Option(SRichDataRecord(dataRecord).getFeatureValue(feature)).map(validate[U](_)) /** * Get a mapping from feature ids * (including individual sparse elements of a sparse feature) to values * from the given data record, for a given feature type. * * @param dataRecord Data record to get features from * @param keysToAggregate key features to get id-value mappings for * @param featureType Feature type to get id-value maps for */ def getKeyFeatureIdValues[U]( dataRecord: DataRecord, keysToAggregate: Set[Feature[_]], featureType: FeatureType ): Set[(Long, Option[U])] = { val featuresOfThisType: Set[Feature[U]] = keysToAggregate .filter(_.getFeatureType == featureType) .map(validate[Feature[U]]) featuresOfThisType .map { feature: Feature[U] => val featureId: Long = getDenseFeatureId(feature) val featureOpt: Option[U] = getFeatureOpt(dataRecord, feature) (featureId, featureOpt) } } // TypedAggregateGroup may transform the aggregate keys for internal use. This method generates // denseFeatureIds for the transformed feature. def getDenseFeatureId(feature: Feature[_]): Long = if (feature.getFeatureType != FeatureType.SPARSE_BINARY) { feature.getDenseFeatureId } else { sparseFeature(feature).getDenseFeatureId } /** * Return denseFeatureIds for the input features after applying the custom transformation that * TypedAggregateGroup applies to its keysToAggregate. * * @param keysToAggregate key features to get id for */ def getKeyFeatureIds(keysToAggregate: Set[Feature[_]]): Set[Long] = def checkIfAllKeysExist[U](featureIdValueMap: Map[Long, Option[U]]): Boolean = featureIdValueMap.forall { case (_, valueOpt) => valueOpt.isDefined } def liftOptions[U](featureIdValueMap: Map[Long, Option[U]]): Map[Long, U] = featureIdValueMap .flatMap { case (id, valueOpt) => { value => (id, value) } } val timestampFeature: Feature[JLong] = SharedFeatures.TIMESTAMP /** * Builds all valid aggregation keys (for the output store) from * a datarecord and a spec listing the keys to aggregate. There * can be multiple aggregation keys generated from a single data * record when grouping by sparse binary features, for which multiple * values can be set within the data record. * * @param dataRecord Data record to read values for key features from * @return A set of AggregationKeys encoding the values of all keys */ def buildAggregationKeys( dataRecord: DataRecord, keysToAggregate: Set[Feature[_]] ): Set[AggregationKey] = { val discreteAggregationKeys = getKeyFeatureIdValues[Long]( dataRecord, keysToAggregate, FeatureType.DISCRETE ).toMap val textAggregationKeys = getKeyFeatureIdValues[String]( dataRecord, keysToAggregate, FeatureType.STRING ).toMap val sparseBinaryIdValues = getKeyFeatureIdValues[JSet[String]]( dataRecord, keysToAggregate, FeatureType.SPARSE_BINARY ).map { case (id, values) => ( id, values .map(_.asScala.toSet) .getOrElse(Set.empty[String]) ) }.toList if (checkIfAllKeysExist(discreteAggregationKeys) && checkIfAllKeysExist(textAggregationKeys)) { if (sparseBinaryIdValues.nonEmpty) { sparseBinaryPermutations(sparseBinaryIdValues).map { sparseBinaryTextKeys => AggregationKey( discreteFeaturesById = liftOptions(discreteAggregationKeys), textFeaturesById = liftOptions(textAggregationKeys) ++ sparseBinaryTextKeys ) } } else { Set( AggregationKey( discreteFeaturesById = liftOptions(discreteAggregationKeys), textFeaturesById = liftOptions(textAggregationKeys) ) ) } } else Set.empty[AggregationKey] } } /** * Specifies one or more related aggregate(s) to compute in the summingbird job. * * @param inputSource Source to compute this aggregate over * @param preTransforms Sequence of [[]] that transform * data records pre-aggregation (e.g. discretization, renaming) * @param samplingTransformOpt Optional [[OneToSomeTransform]] that transform data * record to optional data record (e.g. for sampling) before aggregation * @param aggregatePrefix Prefix to use for naming resultant aggregate features * @param keysToAggregate Features to group by when computing the aggregates * (e.g. USER_ID, AUTHOR_ID) * @param featuresToAggregate Features to aggregate (e.g. blender_score or is_photo) * @param labels Labels to cross the features with to make pair features, if any. * use Label.All if you don't want to cross with a label. * @param metrics Aggregation metrics to compute (e.g. count, mean) * @param halfLives Half lives to use for the aggregations, to be crossed with the above. * use Duration.Top for "forever" aggregations over an infinite time window (no decay). * @param outputStore Store to output this aggregate to * @param includeAnyFeature Aggregate label counts for any feature value * @param includeAnyLabel Aggregate feature counts for any label value (e.g. all impressions) * * The overall config for the summingbird job consists of a list of "AggregateGroup" * case class objects, which get translated into strongly typed "TypedAggregateGroup" * case class objects. A single TypedAggregateGroup always groups input data records from * ''inputSource'' by a single set of aggregation keys (''featuresToAggregate''). * Within these groups, we perform a comprehensive cross of: * * ''featuresToAggregate'' x ''labels'' x ''metrics'' x ''halfLives'' * * All the resultant aggregate features are assigned a human-readable feature name * beginning with ''aggregatePrefix'', and are written to DataRecords that get * aggregated and written to the store specified by ''outputStore''. * * Illustrative example. Suppose we define our spec as follows: * * TypedAggregateGroup( * inputSource = "timelines_recap_daily", * aggregatePrefix = "user_author_aggregate", * keysToAggregate = Set(USER_ID, AUTHOR_ID), * featuresToAggregate = Set(RecapFeatures.TEXT_SCORE, RecapFeatures.BLENDER_SCORE), * labels = Set(RecapFeatures.IS_FAVORITED, RecapFeatures.IS_REPLIED), * metrics = Set(CountMetric, MeanMetric), * halfLives = Set(7.Days, 30.Days), * outputStore = "user_author_aggregate_store" * ) * * This will process data records from the source named "timelines_recap_daily" * (see AggregateSource.scala for more details on how to add your own source) * It will produce a total of 2x2x2x2 = 16 aggregation features, named like: * * user_author_aggregate.pair.recap.engagement.is_favorited.recap.searchfeature.blender_score.count.7days * user_author_aggregate.pair.recap.engagement.is_favorited.recap.searchfeature.blender_score.count.30days * user_author_aggregate.pair.recap.engagement.is_favorited.recap.searchfeature.blender_score.mean.7days * * ... (and so on) * * and all the result features will be stored in DataRecords, summed up, and written * to the output store defined by the name "user_author_aggregate_store". * (see AggregateStore.scala for details on how to add your own store). * * If you do not want a full cross, split up your config into multiple TypedAggregateGroup * objects. Splitting is strongly advised to avoid blowing up and creating invalid * or unnecessary combinations of aggregate features (note that some combinations * are useless or invalid e.g. computing the mean of a binary feature). Splitting * also does not cost anything in terms of real-time performance, because all * Aggregate objects in the master spec that share the same ''keysToAggregate'', the * same ''inputSource'' and the same ''outputStore'' are grouped by the summingbird * job logic and stored into a single DataRecord in the output store. Overlapping * aggregates will also automatically be deduplicated so don't worry about overlaps. */ case class TypedAggregateGroup[T]( inputSource: AggregateSource, aggregatePrefix: String, keysToAggregate: Set[Feature[_]], featuresToAggregate: Set[Feature[T]], labels: Set[_ <: Feature[JBoolean]], metrics: Set[AggregationMetric[T, _]], halfLives: Set[Duration], outputStore: AggregateStore, preTransforms: Seq[OneToSomeTransform] = Seq.empty, includeAnyFeature: Boolean = true, includeAnyLabel: Boolean = true, aggExclusionRegex: Seq[String] = Seq.empty) { import TypedAggregateGroup._ val compiledRegexes = Regex(_)) // true if should drop, false if should keep def filterOutAggregateFeature( feature: PrecomputedAggregateDescriptor[_], regexes: Seq[Regex] ): Boolean = { if (regexes.nonEmpty) feature.outputFeatures.exists { feature => regexes.exists { re => re.findFirstMatchIn(feature.getDenseFeatureName).nonEmpty } } else false } def buildAggregationKeys( dataRecord: DataRecord ): Set[AggregationKey] = { TypedAggregateGroup.buildAggregationKeys(dataRecord, keysToAggregate) } /** * This val precomputes descriptors for all individual aggregates in this group * (of type ''AggregateFeature''). Also precompute hashes of all aggregation * "output" features generated by these operators for faster * run-time performance (this turns out to be a primary CPU bottleneck). * Ex: for the mean operator, "sum" and "count" are output features */ val individualAggregateDescriptors: Set[PrecomputedAggregateDescriptor[T]] = { /* * By default, in additional to all feature-label crosses, also * compute in aggregates over each feature and label without crossing */ val labelOptions = ++ (if (includeAnyLabel) Set(None) else Set.empty) val featureOptions = ++ (if (includeAnyFeature) Set(None) else Set.empty) for { feature <- featureOptions label <- labelOptions metric <- metrics halfLife <- halfLives } yield { val query = AggregateFeature[T](aggregatePrefix, feature, label, halfLife) val aggregateOutputFeatures = metric.getOutputFeatures(query) val aggregateOutputFeatureIds = metric.getOutputFeatureIds(query) PrecomputedAggregateDescriptor( query, metric, aggregateOutputFeatures, aggregateOutputFeatureIds ) } }.filterNot(filterOutAggregateFeature(_, compiledRegexes)) /* Precomputes a map from all generated aggregate feature ids to their half lives. */ val continuousFeatureIdsToHalfLives: Map[Long, Duration] = individualAggregateDescriptors.flatMap { descriptor => descriptor.outputFeatures .flatMap { feature => if (feature.getFeatureType() == FeatureType.CONTINUOUS) { Try(feature.asInstanceOf[Feature[JDouble]]).toOption .map(feature => (feature.getFeatureId(), descriptor.query.halfLife)) } else None } }.toMap /* * Sparse binary keys become individual string keys in the output. * e.g. group by "", output key: "" */ val allOutputKeys: Set[Feature[_]] = { key => if (key.getFeatureType == FeatureType.SPARSE_BINARY) sparseFeature(key) else key } val allOutputFeatures: Set[Feature[_]] = individualAggregateDescriptors.flatMap { case PrecomputedAggregateDescriptor( query, metric, outputFeatures, outputFeatureIds ) => outputFeatures } val aggregateContext: FeatureContext = new FeatureContext(allOutputFeatures.toList.asJava) /** * Adds all aggregates in this group found in the two input data records * into a result, mutating the result. Uses a while loop for an * approximately 10% gain in speed over a for comprehension. * * WARNING: mutates ''result'' * * @param result The output data record to mutate * @param left The left data record to add * @param right The right data record to add */ def mutatePlus(result: DataRecord, left: DataRecord, right: DataRecord): Unit = { val featureIterator = individualAggregateDescriptors.iterator while (featureIterator.hasNext) { val descriptor = descriptor.metric.mutatePlus( result, left, right, descriptor.query, Some(descriptor.outputFeatureIds) ) } } /** * Apply preTransforms sequentially. If any transform results in a dropped (None) * DataRecord, then entire tranform sequence will result in a dropped DataRecord. * Note that preTransforms are order-dependent. */ private[this] def sequentiallyTransform(dataRecord: DataRecord): Option[DataRecord] = { val recordOpt = Option(new DataRecord(dataRecord)) preTransforms.foldLeft(recordOpt) { case (Some(previousRecord), preTransform) => preTransform(previousRecord) case _ => Option.empty[DataRecord] } } /** * Given a data record, apply transforms and fetch the incremental contributions to * each configured aggregate from this data record, and store these in an output data record. * * @param dataRecord Input data record to aggregate. * @return A set of tuples (AggregationKey, DataRecord) whose first entry is an * AggregationKey indicating what keys we're grouping by, and whose second entry * is an output data record with incremental contributions to the aggregate value(s) */ def computeAggregateKVPairs(dataRecord: DataRecord): Set[(AggregationKey, DataRecord)] = { sequentiallyTransform(dataRecord) .flatMap { dataRecord => val aggregationKeys = buildAggregationKeys(dataRecord) val increment = new DataRecord val isNonEmptyIncrement = individualAggregateDescriptors .map { descriptor => descriptor.metric.setIncrement( output = increment, input = dataRecord, query = descriptor.query, timestampFeature = inputSource.timestampFeature, aggregateOutputs = Some(descriptor.outputFeatureIds) ) } .exists(identity) if (isNonEmptyIncrement) { SRichDataRecord(increment).setFeatureValue( timestampFeature, getTimestamp(dataRecord, inputSource.timestampFeature) ) Some( => (key, increment))) } else { None } } .getOrElse(Set.empty[(AggregationKey, DataRecord)]) } def outputFeaturesToRenamedOutputFeatures(prefix: String): Map[Feature[_], Feature[_]] = { require(prefix.nonEmpty) { feature => if (feature.isSetFeatureName) { val renamedFeatureName = prefix + feature.getDenseFeatureName val personalDataTypes = if (feature.getPersonalDataTypes.isPresent) feature.getPersonalDataTypes.get() else null val renamedFeature = feature.getFeatureType match { case FeatureType.BINARY => new Feature.Binary(renamedFeatureName, personalDataTypes) case FeatureType.DISCRETE => new Feature.Discrete(renamedFeatureName, personalDataTypes) case FeatureType.STRING => new Feature.Text(renamedFeatureName, personalDataTypes) case FeatureType.CONTINUOUS => new Feature.Continuous(renamedFeatureName, personalDataTypes) case FeatureType.SPARSE_BINARY => new Feature.SparseBinary(renamedFeatureName, personalDataTypes) case FeatureType.SPARSE_CONTINUOUS => new Feature.SparseContinuous(renamedFeatureName, personalDataTypes) } feature -> renamedFeature } else { feature -> feature } }.toMap } }