
258 wiersze
9.1 KiB

import os
import sys
import logging
import base64
import json
import requests
from .threaded_aio_dlder import AioDownloader
def ensure_dir(directory):
directory = os.path.abspath(directory)
if not os.path.exists(directory):
os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True)
return directory
class Downloader:
def __init__(self, api_key, api_secret, bearer_token=None, thread_number=2, coro_number=5):
self.log = logging.getLogger("downloader")
if bearer_token:
self.bearer_token = bearer_token
self.bearer_token = self.bearer(api_key, api_secret)"Bearer token is " + self.bearer_token)
self.d = AioDownloader()
self.d.start(thread_number, coro_number)
def bearer(self, key, secret):
"""Receive the bearer token and return it.
key: API key.
secret: API string.
# setup
credential = base64.b64encode(
bytes("{}:{}".format(key, secret), "utf-8")
url = ""
headers = {
"Authorization": "Basic {}".format(credential),
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8",
payload = {"grant_type": "client_credentials"}
# post the request
r =, headers=headers, params=payload)
# check the response
if r.status_code == 200:
return r.json()["access_token"]
raise RuntimeError("Bearer TokenNot Fetched")
def download_media_of_tweet(self, tid, save_dest, size="large", include_video=False,
include_photo=True, is_extended=False, goto_quoted=False):
''' '''
save_dest = ensure_dir(save_dest)
tweet = self.get_tweet(tid, is_extended)
self.process_tweet(tweet, save_dest, size, include_video, include_photo, goto_quoted)
def download_media_of_user(self, user, save_dest, size="large", limit=3200, rts=False,
include_video=False, include_photo=True, since_id=0):
"""Download and save images that user uploaded.
user: User ID.
save_dest: The directory where images will be saved.
size: Which size of images to download.
rts: Whether to include retweets or not.
save_dest = ensure_dir(save_dest)
alltweets = self.get_user_tweets(user, None, limit, rts, since_id)"{user} Got {len(alltweets)} tweets")
for tweet in alltweets:
self.process_tweet(tweet, save_dest, include_video=include_video, include_photo=include_photo)
def download_media_of_list(self, user, listname, save_dest, size="large", limit=3200,
rts=False, include_video=False, include_photo=True, since_id=0):
"""Download and save images of a list.
user: list owner name.
listname: list slug
save_dest: The directory where images will be saved.
size: Which size of images to download.
rts: Whether to include retweets or not.
save_dest = ensure_dir(save_dest)
alltweets = self.get_list_tweets(user, listname, None, limit, rts, since_id)"{user}:{listname} Got {len(alltweets)} tweets")
for tweet in alltweets:
self.process_tweet(tweet, save_dest, include_video=include_video, include_photo=include_photo)
def api_fetch_tweets(self, url, payload, start, count, rts, since_id):
# setup
bearer_token = self.bearer_token
headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(bearer_token)}
payload["count"]= count
payload["include_rts"] = rts
if start:
payload["max_id"] = start - 1 #max_id is inclusive
if since_id:
payload["since_id"] = since_id #since_id is exclusive
alltweets = []
while True:
# get the request
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=payload)
# check the response
tweets = []
if r.status_code == 200:
tweets = r.json()
self.log.error(f"{url} error, code: {r.status_code}")
if not tweets:
payload["max_id"] = tweets[-1]['id'] - 1
payload['count'] = count - len(alltweets)
if len(alltweets) >= count:" the number of tweets {len(alltweets)} checked reach the limit {count}")
if len(tweets) < 200: # No more tweets left:200 is the twitter-api limit
break"Got {len(alltweets)} tweets")
return alltweets
def get_user_tweets(self, user, start=None, count=200, rts=False, since_id=0):
"""Download user's tweets and return them as a list.
user: User ID.
start: Tweet ID.
rts: Whether to include retweets or not.
apiurl = ""
payload = {"screen_name": user}
return self.api_fetch_tweets(apiurl, payload, start, count, rts, since_id)
def get_list_tweets(self, username, listname, start=None, count=200, rts=False, since_id=0):
"""Download user's tweets and return them as a list.
user: User ID.
start: Tweet ID.
rts: Whether to include retweets or not.
apiurl = ""
payload = {"owner_screen_name": username, "slug":listname}
return self.api_fetch_tweets(apiurl, payload, start, count, rts, since_id)
def get_tweet(self, tid, is_extended=False):
"""Download single tweet
tid: Tweet ID.
is_extended: extended tweet mode
bearer_token = self.bearer_token
url = ""
headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {bearer_token}"}
payload = {"id": tid, "include_entities": "true"}
if is_extended:"Extended mode")
payload["tweet_mode"] = "extended"
# get the request
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=payload)
# check the response
if r.status_code == 200:
tweet = r.json()"Got tweet with id {tid} of user @{tweet['user']['name']}")
return tweet
self.log.error(f"{url} error, code was {r.status_code}")
return None
def process_tweet(self, tweet, save_dest, size="large", include_video=False, include_photo=True, goto_quoted=False):
if 'retweeted_status' in tweet:
tweet = tweet['retweeted_status']
self.log.debug('this is a retweet, turn to orignal tweet')
elif ("quoted_status" in tweet) and goto_quoted:
tweet = tweet['quoted_status']
self.log.debug('this is a quoted tweet, turn to orignal tweet')
id_str = tweet["id_str"]
# save the image
images = self.extract_media_list(tweet, include_video, include_photo)
for i, image in enumerate(images, 1):
self.save_media(image, save_dest, f"{id_str}-{i}", size)
return len(images)
def extract_media_list(self, tweet, include_video, include_photo):
"""Return the url of the image embedded in tweet.
tweet: A dict object representing a tweet.
extended = tweet.get("extended_entities")
if not extended:
return []
rv = []
if "media" in extended:
for x in extended["media"]:
if x["type"] == "photo" and include_photo:
url = x["media_url"]
elif x["type"] in ["video", "animated_gif"] and include_video:
variants = x["video_info"]["variants"]
variants.sort(key=lambda x: x.get("bitrate", 0))
url = variants[-1]["url"].rsplit("?tag")[0]
return rv
def save_media(self, image, path, name, size="large"):
"""Download and save an image to path.
image: The url of the image.
path: The directory where the image will be saved.
name: It is used for naming the image.
size: Which size of images to download.
if image:
# image's path with a new name
ext = os.path.splitext(image)[1]
save_file = os.path.join(path, name + ext)
if ext not in [".mp4"]:
real_url = image + ":" + size
real_url = image
# save the image in the specified directory (or don't)
if not (os.path.exists(save_file)):
self.d.add_url(real_url, save_file)
else:"Skipping downloaded {image}")